Help:Property constraints portal/Citation needed/zh

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Property constraints portal/Citation needed and the translation is 50% complete.

citation needed constraint (Q54554025) specifies that statements for a certain property should have at least one reference. For example, this could be used on properties likely to be challenged.

It doesn’t matter what the references look like, as long as at least one reference exists.

This constraint can only be checked on the main value of a statement; if any other constraint scope (P4680) is specified, an error is reported.



  • The most likely case is that a reference should be added. See Help:Sources for when and how to add references. For properties using this constraint, it's unlikely that the mere addition of imported from Wikimedia project (P143) is considered sufficient.
  • 有可能此声明是一个罕见,但正确的約束例外,无需采取任何行动。

