Help:Zdroje/Položky nevyžadující zdroje

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Sources/Items not needing sources and the translation is 9% complete.

Wikidata jsou souborem zdrojovaných dat, což znamená, že u většiny výroků by mělo být patrné, odkud byla informace získána.

In some cases sources are not typically required. This guideline explains when it is not necessary to add a source to a statement in Wikidata.

Please note that when data about an item is disputed, then a source needs to be added regardless of whether it is included below. Furthermore, sources should not be removed from items that already have sources.

Certain properties usually don't require a source:

  1. many 'instance of (P31) View with SQID' values
  2. occupation (P106)
  3. subclass of (P279) View with SQID

When the item has a statement that refers to an external source

Where the external source of information allows easy verification of the statement:

  1. Wikidata:List of properties/Generic#Authority control
  2. Commons category (P373) View with SQID
    • a statement about the item's Wikimedia Commons category (the category containing files related to the item) does not need a source
  3. topic's main category (P910) View with SQID and category's main topic (P301) View with SQID

Note: If a particular authority control source of information has not yet been added to Wikidata as a property, you can propose it at Wikidata:Property proposal/Authority control.

When the item itself is a source for a statement

  1. a book for its author and other information on the cover
  2. a movie for its actors and other information in the credits
  3. a DVD or LP record for information on the cover, including the playlist
  4. coordinates for anything you can visit or easily identify on a map, including a lunar or Martian map.

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