
This is the documentation page for Module:Taxobox

Southern Darter
SpeciesS. meridionale
Scientific name of species[3]
Sympetrum meridionale
Selys, 1841
IUCN conservation status[8]
Least Concern
Python Royal
EspèceP. regius
Nom scientifique de espèce[11][10]
Python regius
(Shaw, 1802)
Range map
statut de conservation UICN[8]
espèce quasi menacée

This module is still unstable. Use with your own caution and report bugs and feature requests at Module talk:Taxobox or Wikidata talk:WikiProject_Taxonomy.

Taxobox.lua is a lua module which can automatically generate taxonomy infobox and is overwritable by classic taxobox parameters like species, unranked_ordo etc.

This module infobox is designed to be a replacement of Wikipedia's Taxobox. It provides configuration options which can control hypernym paths, show or hide certain ranks, specify content language and its configs, and make a callback and pass parameters to "classic" taxobox.

The following code

  | qid=Q464424

creates the taxobox on the right hand side. The item to show is given with qid.

If you want to have this taxobox show up on each Wikidata taxon item: [1]



Method taxobox


The taxobox method provides function runs the above example. The method itself can be invoked with

{{#invoke: Taxobox
| taxobox
| qid=Q464424
| config[count]=10

The number of parent taxons to show is given by config[count].

Method callback


The callback method provides function to retrieve all internal parameters and pass them to an external template. The method can be invoked with like this

{{#invoke: Taxobox
| callback
| qid=Q464424
| template=OtherTaxobox
| config[count]=10

callback accepts all arguments that taxobox accepted. It also accepts an extra argument template to specify name of the template to be expanded.



Change the i18n messages in Module:I18n/taxobox. I18n also specifys some format strings which can be use to customize the infobox output of certain language.

message description example(s)
rank-format Format of instances of taxonomic rank (Q427626), or clade (Q713623). Will be passed into 2 named arguments when rendering ranks:
Wiki link to the rank
Display title of the rank
  • "[[{link}|{label}]]": display name and give a hyperlink to the rank, or
  • "{label}" only display name of the rank
rank-format-<latinrank> This argument is similar to rank-format but can be use to specify the format of certain rank. The "<latinrank>" is a latin name, can be a instance of taxonomic rank (Q427626), or clade (Q713623). For example "rank-format-cladus" for clade (Q713623). It accepts same 2 named arguments like rank-format
  • "": don't display anything at this rank. Can be used to hide the rank name when the taxon is a clade
  • "<i>(clade)</i>": use italic style
  • "[[{link}|<span style=\"color:gray\">{label}</span>]]": use link and change color
item-format-current-with-vernacular-name Format of instances of taxon (Q16521) or monotypic taxon (Q310890). current means either the item is the main taxon (specified by module argument qid), or the item and all taxa between the item and main taxon (if any) are all monotypic taxon (Q310890). with-vernacular-name means the item's taxon common name (P1843) or label exists and is different from taxon name (P225).

4 named arguments will be passed on redering:

Wiki link to the taxon item
The "common name" (the value of taxon common name (P1843) or item label) of taxon item in current language
Full scientific name
Short scientific name, for example "P. leo" of lion (Q140)

Note: Don't use italic style here on scientific names. This style can be set by scientific-name-pattern, scientific-name-repl and other related messages.

  • "<b>{scientificshort}</b>": only display the short scientific name in bold weight
  • "<b>{vernacular} {scientificshort}</b>": display both vernacular and short scientific name in bold weight
  • "[[{link}|{vernacular}]]": display a hyperlink to target taxon with its vernacular name as label
item-format-current-with-vernacular-name Format of instances of taxon (Q16521) or monotypic taxon (Q310890). without-vernacular-name means either both taxon common name (P1843) and label (in specified language) are empty, or the vernacular name is the same as taxon name (P225).

4 named arguments will be passed on rendering, and they are same to item-format-current-with-vernacular-name.

  • "[[{link}|{scientificshort}]]": display a hyperlink to target taxon with its short scientific name as label
  • "[[{link}|{vernacular}]] ({scientficshort})": display both vernacular and short scientific name, also link to target taxon on from vernacular name
scientific-name-pattern, scientific-name-repl Pattern replacement to generate full scientific name. Can be override per rank by scientific-name-pattern-<latinrank> and scientific-name-repl-<latinrank>.

Not the format of scientific-name-pattern and other *pattern* messages are Lua's patterns, which are similar to Perl Compatible Regular Expressions 2 (Q98056596) but not identical. Read the manual to know how to write ones.

  • (pattern) "^.+$": match all non-empty strings
    • (repl) "%0": do nothing for replacement, or
    • (repl) "<i>%0</i>": put the scientific name in <i> tag so it can be rendered as italic
short-scientific-name-pattern, short-scientific-name-repl Pattern replacement to generate short scientific name. Can be override per rank by short-scientific-name-pattern-<latinrank> and short-scientific-name-repl-<latinrank>.
scientific-name-pattern-<latinrank>, scientific-name-repl-<latinrank> Pattern replcacement to generate full scientific name per rank. The "<latinrank>" is a latin name, can be a instance of taxonomic rank (Q427626), or clade (Q713623). For example "scientific-name-pattern-species" for species (Q7432).
  • (scientific-name-pattern-genus) nil: fallback to scientific-name-pattern's "^.+$"
    • (scientific-name-repl-genus) "<i>%0</i>": italicize full scientific name if its rank is genus (Q34740)
short-scientific-name-pattern-<latinrank>, short-scientific-name-repl-<latinrank> Pattern replcacement to generate short scientific name per rank. The "<latinrank>" is a latin name, can be a instance of taxonomic rank (Q427626), or clade (Q713623). For example "short-scientific-name-pattern-species" for species (Q7432).
  • (short-scientific-name-pattern-species) "^(%w)%w+ (%w+)$": pattern to fetch the first letter of genus name (as %1) and the whole epithet (as %2) from the binomial of a species.
    • (short-scientific-name-repl-species) "<i>%1. %2</i>": for example, the result for lion (Q140) is "P. leo"
scientific-name-replaces or short-scientific-name-replaces Pattern replacements to apply for all full (or short) scientific names, after the name has been processed by pattern-repl pair described above.

The value for each of two messages is not a string but a table. The table contains multiple pattern-repl pairs which will be applied to scientific names.

Note: Lua's table object doesn't sort, so the replacement sequence CAN NOT be guaranteed. DON'T DEPEND ON THE SEQUENCE YOU SAW!

Input Parameters


The "<latinrank>" below is a latin name, can be an instance of taxonomic rank (Q427626), or clade (Q713623). For example "display[cladus]".

Config Options

  • config[lang]: content language (default: en).
  • config[count]: maximum count of taxon to be recursively iterated (default: 10).
  • config[references]: a space-separated list of item ids. The references to favor in case of alternative claims. Optional.
  • config[usetaxa]: a space-separated list of item ids. The taxa to favor in case of alternative claims. Optional.
  • config[link]: if the value is "sitelink" it will use local wiki site links instead of wikidata item links.
  • config[dryun]: used for callback method. Displaying a <pre> block contains wikitext instead of expanding and rendering the template. Dryrun can be used to find parameters to be overrided.
SpeciesP. leo
Scientific name of species[13]
Panthera leo
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Range map
IUCN conservation status[8]
{{#invoke: taxobox
| taxobox
| qid = Q140
| config[usetaxa] = Q27379
|config[count] = 7

Display Options


display[<latinrank>]: if the value is "n", "no", "false" or "hide", the specified rank (in latin name or QID) will be hide. Otherwise the rank will display.

For example, to hide all clades:

SpeciesP. leo
Scientific name of species[13]
Panthera leo
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Range map
IUCN conservation status[8]

Classic Parameters

  • <latinrank>: The classic taxon parameters used by most Template:Taxobox (Q52496). All of them can be overrided manually.
  • <latinrank>_authority: The classic taxon authority parameters used by most Template:Taxobox (Q52496). All of them can be overrided manually.
  • unranked_<latinrank>: The classic unranked parameters used by most Template:Taxobox (Q52496). All of them can be overrided manually.

If there are more than one clades between two taxon ranks, you can override them by appending [<number>] index to the unranked_<latinrank> parameter.

For example, there are 3 clades between rank genus and rank species. You can override them like this:

|unranked_species[3] = Cladus closest to genus rank
|unranked_species[2] = The middle clade
|unranked_species[1] = Cladus closest to species rank

Output Parameters


The best way to see all output parameters is to use the config[dryrun] parameter:


The result:

|audio = Lion raring-sound1TamilNadu178.ogg
|code = 13011
|color = #ebebd2
|config[dryrun] = yes
|image = 002 The lion king Snyggve in the Serengeti National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg
|iucn_status[id] = 278113
|iucn_status[image] = Status iucn3.1 VU.svg
|iucn_status[label] = Vulnerable
|iucn_status[references] = Q115962546
|name = Lion
|qid = Q140
|range_map = Lion distribution.png
|rank[1][id] = 713623
|rank[1][is_extinct] = no
|rank[1][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[1][is_subject] = no
|rank[1][latin] = cladus
|rank[1][link] = Q5852697
|rank[1][raw_scientific] = Prozostrodontia
|rank[1][references] = 
|rank[1][scientific] = Prozostrodontia
|rank[1][taxon] = [[Q5852697|Prozostrodontia]]
|rank[2][id] = 713623
|rank[2][is_extinct] = no
|rank[2][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[2][is_subject] = no
|rank[2][latin] = cladus
|rank[2][link] = Q28746016
|rank[2][raw_scientific] = Mammaliamorpha
|rank[2][references] = 
|rank[2][scientific] = Mammaliamorpha
|rank[2][taxon] = [[Q28746016|Mammaliamorpha]]
|rank[3][id] = 713623
|rank[3][is_extinct] = no
|rank[3][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[3][is_subject] = no
|rank[3][latin] = cladus
|rank[3][link] = Q2082668
|rank[3][raw_scientific] = Mammaliaformes
|rank[3][references] = 
|rank[3][scientific] = Mammaliaformes
|rank[3][taxon] = [[Q2082668|Mammaliaformes]]
|rank[4][id] = 37517
|rank[4][is_extinct] = no
|rank[4][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[4][is_subject] = no
|rank[4][latin] = classis
|rank[4][link] = Q7377
|rank[4][raw_scientific] = Mammalia
|rank[4][references] = Q19302303 Q1538807 Q21608408
|rank[4][scientific] = Mammalia
|rank[4][taxon] = [[Q7377|Mammalia]]
|rank[4][vernacular] = Mammal
|rank[5][id] = 36602
|rank[5][is_extinct] = no
|rank[5][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[5][is_subject] = no
|rank[5][latin] = ordo
|rank[5][link] = Q25306
|rank[5][raw_scientific] = Carnivora
|rank[5][references] = Q82575 Q1538807 Q19604469 Q21682704 Q19302303
|rank[5][scientific] = Carnivora
|rank[5][taxon] = [[Q25306|Carnivora]]
|rank[6][id] = 5867959
|rank[6][is_extinct] = no
|rank[6][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[6][is_subject] = no
|rank[6][latin] = subordo
|rank[6][link] = Q27070
|rank[6][raw_scientific] = Feliformia
|rank[6][references] = Q19302303 Q19604469 Q1538807 Q82575
|rank[6][scientific] = Feliformia
|rank[6][taxon] = [[Q27070|Feliformia]]
|rank[7][id] = 35409
|rank[7][is_extinct] = no
|rank[7][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[7][is_subject] = no
|rank[7][latin] = familia
|rank[7][link] = Q25265
|rank[7][raw_scientific] = Felidae
|rank[7][references] = Q82575 Q1538807 Q19604469 Q19771288 Q19302303
|rank[7][scientific] = Felidae
|rank[7][taxon] = [[Q25265|Felidae]]
|rank[8][id] = 164280
|rank[8][is_extinct] = no
|rank[8][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[8][is_subject] = no
|rank[8][latin] = subfamilia
|rank[8][link] = Q230177
|rank[8][raw_scientific] = Pantherinae
|rank[8][references] = Q82575 Q19604469 Q1538807 Q56211181
|rank[8][scientific] = Pantherinae
|rank[8][taxon] = [[Q230177|Pantherinae]]
|rank[9][id] = 34740
|rank[9][is_extinct] = no
|rank[9][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[9][is_subject] = no
|rank[9][latin] = genus
|rank[9][link] = Q127960
|rank[9][raw_scientific] = Panthera
|rank[9][references] = Q82575 Q1538807 Q19604469 Q43385197 Q77980496
|rank[9][scientific] = <i>Panthera</i>
|rank[9][taxon] = [[Q127960|<i>Panthera</i>]]
|rank[9][vernacular] = Big cats
|rank[10][authority] = ([[Q1043|Linnaeus]], 1758)
|rank[10][id] = 7432
|rank[10][is_extinct] = no
|rank[10][is_monotypic] = no
|rank[10][is_subject] = yes
|rank[10][latin] = species
|rank[10][link] = Q140
|rank[10][raw_scientific] = Panthera leo
|rank[10][references] = Q1538807
|rank[10][scientific] = <i>Panthera leo</i>
|rank[10][taxon] = <b><i>P. leo</i></b>
|rank[10][vernacular] = Lion
|rank[references] = Q30135809 Q1538807 Q796451 Q30136284 Q33883775 Q19302303 Q28191107 Q30136117 Q82575
|rank[size] = 10
|synonym[1][author] = [[Q122827574|Meyer]], 1826
|synonym[1][link] = Q122827859
|synonym[1][name] = Felis leo barbaricus
|synonym[2][author] = ([[Q122827574|Meyer]], 1826)
|synonym[2][link] = Q182347
|synonym[2][name] = Panthera leo persica
|synonym[3][author] = [[Q122827574|Meyer]], 1826
|synonym[3][link] = Q122827785
|synonym[3][name] = Felis leo persicus
|synonym[4][author] = [[Q191963|Gray]], 1843
|synonym[4][link] = Q41165615
|synonym[4][name] = Leo gambianus
|synonym[5][author] = ([[Q122827574|Meyer]], 1826)
|synonym[5][link] = Q950590
|synonym[5][name] = Panthera leo senegalensis
|synonym[6][author] = [[Q122827574|Meyer]], 1826
|synonym[6][link] = Q122828086
|synonym[6][name] = Felis leo senegalensis
|synonym[7][author] = ([[Q1043|Linnaeus]], 1758)
|synonym[7][link] = Q56289810
|synonym[7][name] = Panthera leo leo
|synonym[8][author] = [[Q1043|Linnaeus]], 1758
|synonym[8][link] = Q15294488
|synonym[8][name] = Felis leo
|synonym[size] = 8

All output parameters can be overrided by specifying same name input parameters. For example this will replace genus (Q34740) to "Foo" and subfamily (Q2455704) "Bar":

SpeciesP. leo
Scientific name of species[13]
Panthera leo
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Range map
IUCN conservation status[8]

|subfamilia=<strong style="color: green">Bar</strong>
|rank[9][taxon]=<strong style="color: red">Foo</strong>

Supported properties


The taxobox currently supports:

Wikipedia use


This module is designed to be a replacement for Wikipedia taxoboxes. However, it is still unstable and need plenty extra template works to allow a classic Template:Taxobox (Q52496) to accept the new callback parameters. Suggestion and bug reports are welcome at Module talk:Taxobox or Wikidata talk:WikiProject_Taxonomy.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Integrated Taxonomic Information System
  2. Arnold H. Staniczek, Günter Bechly and Pavel Sroka, "Revision of the giant pterygote insect Bojophlebia prokopi Kukalová-Peck, 1985 (Hydropalaeoptera: Bojophlebiidae) from the Carboniferous of the Czech Republic, with the first cladistic analysis of fossil palaeopterous insects", Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, vol. 13, 11, , doi: 10.1080/14772019.2014.987958
  3. 3.0 3.1 Martin Schorr, Dennis R. Paulson, Klaas-Douwe B. Dijkstra, Cyrille Deliry and Federico Lozano, World Odonata List, University of Alabama
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Fossilworks
  5. Klaas-Douwe B. Dijkstra, Günter Bechly, Seth M. Bybee, Rory A. Dow, Henri J. Dumont, Günther Fleck, Rosser W. Garrison, Matti Hämäläinen, Vincent J. Kalkman, Haruki Karube, Michael L. May, Albert G. Orr, Dennis R. Paulson, Andrew C. Rehn, Günther Theischinger, John W. H. Trueman, Jan van Tol, Natalia von Ellenrieder and Jessica Ware, "The classification and diversity of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata)", Animal Biodiversity: An Outline of Higher-level Classification and Survey of Taxonomic Richness (Addenda 2013), vol. 3703, 1, , doi: 10.11646/ZOOTAXA.3703.1.9
  6. Michael A. Ruggiero, Dennis P. Gordon, Thomas M. Orrell, Nicolas Bailly, Thierry Bourgoin, Richard C. Brusca, Thomas Cavalier-Smith, Michael D. Guiry and Paul Kirk, "A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms", PLOS One, vol. 10, 4, , doi: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0119248, PubMed ID: 25923521 , PubMed Central ID: 4418965 , Creative Commons CC0 License
  7. Günter Bechly, "Coxoplectoptera, a new fossil order of Palaeoptera (Arthropoda: Insecta), with comments on the phylogeny of the stem group of mayflies (Ephemeroptera)", Insect Systematics & Evolution, vol. 42, 2, , doi: 10.1163/187631211X578406
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022.2, Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Q115962546" defined multiple times with different content
  9. Robert Alexander Pyron, Frank T. Burbrink et John J. Wiens, «A phylogeny and revised classification of Squamata, including 4161 species of lizards and snakes», BMC Evolutionary Biology, vol. 13, 1, , doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-13-93, PubMed ID: 23627680 , PubMed Central ID: 3682911 , CC BY 2.0 Générique
  10. 10.0 10.1 Wulf D. Schleip et Mark O'Shea, «Annotated checklist of the recent and extinct pythons (Serpentes, Pythonidae), with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy, and distribution», ZooKeys, vol. 66, 66, , doi: 10.3897/ZOOKEYS.66.683, PubMed ID: 21594030 , PubMed Central ID: 3088416 , Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 non transposé
  11. 11.0 11.1 Peter Uetz (eds.), The Reptile Database,
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 "Origin of Mammalia: the craniodental evidence reexamined", Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 11,
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Don E. Wilson and DeeAnn M. Reeder (ed.), Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, , ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0
  14. National Center for Biotechnology Information (eds.), Taxonomy database of the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information (title not provided in Wikidata)
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Ricardo Betancur-Rodriguez, Gloria Arratia, Nicolas Bailly, Guillaume Lecointre and Guillermo Ortí, "Phylogenetic classification of bony fishes", BMC Evolutionary Biology, vol. 17, 1, , doi: 10.1186/S12862-017-0958-3, PubMed ID: 28683774 , PubMed Central ID: 5501477
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Don E. Wilson and DeeAnn M. Reeder, "Class Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758", Animal Biodiversity: An Outline of Higher-level Classification and Survey of Taxonomic Richness
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 John R. Wible, "An Early Cretaceous tribosphenic mammal and metatherian evolution", Science, vol. 302, 5652, , doi: 10.1126/SCIENCE.1090718, PubMed ID: 14671295
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 "On Chaliminia musteloides (Eucynodontia: Tritheledontidae) from the Late Triassic of Argentina, and a phylogeny of Ictidosauria", Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27,
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 "A probainognathian cynodont from South Africa and the phylogeny of non-mammalian cynodonts", Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 156,