

Corina Boettger

American voice actor and stage actor


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Corinasarus (English)
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unknown value
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Actor Corina Boettger (English)
Corina currently lives in Los Angeles. (English)
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Resume of Corina Boettger (English)
Eye color: Blue (English)
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Resume of Corina Boettger (English)
Hair color: Strawberry Blonde (English)
110 pound
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Resume of Corina Boettger (English)
Weight: 110 (English)
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Actor Corina Boettger (English)
Corina currently lives in Los Angeles. They have Crohn's disease and arthritis, which did put them in a wheel chair for 3 years but after much therapy and medication they are taking Pole Dancing and Aerial Circus training! Corina is also an actor that is on the autism spectrum. (English)
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Actor Corina Boettger (English)
Corina currently lives in Los Angeles. They have Crohn's disease and arthritis, which did put them in a wheel chair for 3 years but after much therapy and medication they are taking Pole Dancing and Aerial Circus training! Corina is also an actor that is on the autism spectrum. (English)
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Actor Corina Boettger (English)
Corina currently lives in Los Angeles. They have Crohn's disease and arthritis, which did put them in a wheel chair for 3 years but after much therapy and medication they are taking Pole Dancing and Aerial Circus training! Corina is also an actor that is on the autism spectrum. (English)
5 foot
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Resume of Corina Boettger (English)
Height: 5' (English)
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Born and raised in Washington state. Started they career singing at church and performing in community theater with their mother. (English)

