

Bignou Gallery

American art gallery owned by Etienne Bignou

  • Etienne Bignou Gallery
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Paul Cassirer [1871-1926], Berlin, Germany; Hugo Simon [1880-1950], Berlin, Germany; sale, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, France, June 9, 1932, no. 12 [2]; Private Collection, Nantes, France; Bignou Gallery, New York, NY, by 1935; C. Suydam Cutting [1889-1972], Gladstone, NJ [3]; Mrs. C. S. Cutting, Gladstone, NJ, by 1937; Brady Foundation, New York, NY; Wildenstein & Company, Inc., New York, NY; purchased by Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, April 1966. (English)
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Harry Graf Kessler [1868-1937], Berlin, Germany and Weimar, Germany, by May 1901, probably 1897 to at least 1929, likely Fall 1931 [3]; Alex Reid and Lefevre Ltd, London, England [4]; Bignou Gallery, New York, NY, in March 1937 [5]; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Field, New York, NY, possibly by October 1937 until November 1956 [6]; Mrs. Marshall Field (Ruth Pruyn Field) [c.1907-1994], New York, NY, until at least Summer 1966 [7]; Galerie Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland, by August 1968; purchased by Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, October 1968.Notes: [1]. Early provenance from Walter Feilchenfeldt, "Vincent van Gogh - The Years in France - Complete Paintings 1886-1890," English edition, published by Philip Wilson Publishers, 2013. (English)
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Vincent van Gogh [1853-1890]; gift to Andries Bonger [1861-1936], Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1888 until January 20, 1936 [1]; bequest to F. W. M. Bonger, Baroness van der Boch van Verwolde, his second wife [1887-1975], Amsterdam, Netherlands [2]; her gift to C. H. Huguenot van der Linden, Amsterdam, Netherlands, after January 1936 [3]. Possibly Bignou Gallery, New York, NY [4]. Georges Bigar, New York, NY, 1955?; Mr. [1914-2011] and Mrs. Raymond Bigar, New York, NY, by March 1955 until at least July 1957 [5]; private collection, England [6]; Wildenstein & Company, Inc., New York, NY, by 1967; purchased by Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, October 1967. (English)

