drama school
specializes in the pre-professional training in drama and theatre arts
- theatre school
- theater school
- school of drama
- school of theatre
- school of theater
- theatre academy
- theater academy
- academy of dramatic arts
- acting school
Wikipedia(12 entries)
- arzwiki مدرسة دراما
- dewiki Schauspielschule
- enwiki Drama school
- eswiki Escuela de arte dramático
- etwiki Teatrikool
- frwiki École d'art dramatique
- guwiki નાટ્યશાળા
- hewiki בית ספר למשחק
- itwiki Accademia d'arte drammatica
- mrwiki नाट्यशाळा
- nlwiki Toneelschool
- svwiki Scenskola
Wikibooks(1 entry)
- itwikibooks Accademie teatrali nel mondo
Wikinews(0 entries)
Wikiquote(1 entry)
- hewikiquote בית ספר למשחק