

Étienne Ader

French art dealer and auctionneer (1912-

  • Étienne Jean Ader
  • Ader, Etienne
  • Maître Étienne Ade


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15 November 1903Gregorian
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Gurlitt's chief job on the Confiscation Committee was to work in Paris during the war, where he lived from 1941 to 1945 in the Hotel de Jersey.He had two ways of collecting for Hitler's Fuehrermuseum. One was to visit abandoned Jewish homes and remove their artworks; his licence was a Nazi law declaring that French nationals who had fled had lost French citizenship.The other was to spend Reichsmarks at the Drouot auction house in Paris, where distress sales were big business.Gurlitt was no small buyer. He paid more than one million French francs for the four most expensive paintings in the highest-value Paris sale of the war - the Georges Viau Impressionists auctioned by Etienne Ader between 11 and 14 December 1942, which fetched £922,000 in wartime values. (English)
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Le dessin appartient en 1932 à Albert Meyer, ainsi que le mentionne le catalogue de l'exposition à la "Royal Academy of Arts" de Londres en janvier-mars 1932 (2). Enfin, l'oeuvre est présentée à la vente à la galerie Charpentier le 15 juin 1938, comme "provenant de la collection A. M., vente à Paris en vue de cessation d'indivision ... commissaire-priseur Me Etienne Ader, experts MM. Jules Féral et Catroux et M. Francis Max-Kann ..." sous le numéro de lot 1. Le dessin est acquis pour "M. Sperling de New-York par M. Gilbert Lévy agissant pour le compte de l'indivision", pour 38000 francs (3). (French)
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Ader, Etienne. Paris, 16 rue Favert. Dealer who worked for the Germans during the occupation. Sold to Haberstock. Documentary evidence in Unit files. (English)
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La légende de la famille Ader commence en 1931 avec la nomination de Maurice Ader, puis de son frère Etienne en 1933. « En 1950, l’étude française de Maître Étienne Ader réalisait un chiffre d’affaires en matière de ventes d’œuvres d’art équivalent aux ventes cumulées de Christie’s et Sotheby’s à la même date », rappelait un récent rapport du Sénat.L’une des plus remarquables ventes organisées par Etienne Ader restera celle de la collection André Lefèvre, au palais Galliera en 1965, qui réunissait 1 000 tableaux des artistes les plus prestigieux de son temps (Picasso, Braque, Miró, Léger, Gris, Modigliani…). Une trentaine de ces œuvres sera léguée aux musées nationaux. (French)
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Gurlitt's chief job on the Confiscation Committee was to work in Paris during the war, where he lived from 1941 to 1945 in the Hotel de Jersey.He had two ways of collecting for Hitler's Fuehrermuseum. One was to visit abandoned Jewish homes and remove their artworks; his licence was a Nazi law declaring that French nationals who had fled had lost French citizenship.The other was to spend Reichsmarks at the Drouot auction house in Paris, where distress sales were big business.Gurlitt was no small buyer. He paid more than one million French francs for the four most expensive paintings in the highest-value Paris sale of the war - the Georges Viau Impressionists auctioned by Etienne Ader between 11 and 14 December 1942, which fetched £922,000 in wartime values. (English)
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Ader, Etienne. Paris, 16 rue Favert. Dealer who worked for the Germans during the occupation. Sold to Haberstock. Documentary evidence in Unit files. (English)


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