Topic on User talk:Oravrattas

Reosarevok (talkcontribs)


I've been looking into User:Reosarevok/Estonian_politics, a shameless copy of User:Sjoerddebruin/Dutch_politics, and I just was pointed towards your work on Riigikogu level politics. This is still kind of a mess (see my example on that page) and I was hoping we could do something about it :) Did all the long talks I've seen at EveryPolitician and beyond actually help us choose what *is* the right way to do this?

Oravrattas (talkcontribs)

Oh, excellent! The plan for Riigikogu members is to migrate everyone to the "member of the Nth Riigikogu" approach, rather than the current mess (which is actually worse than your list, as there's still a bunch of people using P463 as well). That has stalled a little at the moment whilst we investigate the new Parliament API to see if that's suitable for getting well structured data for this, rather than the quite painstaking work required to construct that information for previous periods, but I'm hoping we can get at least some more of that done in the next week or two. There has been discussion of an event quite soon to do a lot more work on this (though probably in Tallinn) — I'll let you know when anything more is decided on that.

You might also find Wikidata:WikiProject every politician/Estonia useful/interesting, and also Wikidata:WikiProject every politician/Estonia/Q2421589/positions and the list pages linked from the final column of that. I've been slowly trying to tidy some of this data up, but again that's quite a painstaking process, and it might be better getting confirmation that the information at can be treated as open data suitable for bulk import.

The only sub-national work I've done previously is a little bit of tidying of some of the mayors.

Definitely very happy to help out tidying things up more.

Reosarevok (talkcontribs)

I was told about the plans for some sort of event, which is partially why I thought of organizing what we *do* have a bit and be as clear as possible about what the rest should look like. If you can take a look at my page and see if the regional things at least sound reasonable, that'd be great!

I'm still not too sure what to do with regards to et:Eesti omavalitsuste haldusreform. I see some of the merged vallad are now listed as former administrative territorial entity (Q19953632) which seems reasonable, but there's no information about what vallad they merged into. I see "merged into" is an alias for has part (P527) - yet it seems a bit weird to claim "part of" on this - the old things aren't part of something, they just stopped existing. Also should the claim that, say, Hiiu Parish (Q15092901) is a parish have an "end date" of the date the merge took place, and the new parish a "start date"?

Oravrattas (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Estonian politics"