Topic on User talk:Olea

Matthias Winkelmann (talkcontribs)
Matthias Winkelmann (talkcontribs)
Olea (talkcontribs)

None yet. I know.

The next database update will have the more precise instance detail I can gather from the database.

It took a lot to gather all the required data.

Olea (talkcontribs)

Hum. I see.

I took this decision because I have a big problem with really very similar and confusing labels with this database. I have the pending task how to compose a proper description, of course.

Thanks for reporting @Matthias Winkelmann.

Just one question: from 0 to 10, in your opinion, what is the severity of the problem?

Matthias Winkelmann (talkcontribs)

I feel very strongly about the labels. I know it's a problem in OpenRefine, but that's because the UI fails to show the description. Most other places, such as the search here and, indeed, even the search in OpenRefine, get this right.

If that information is added to labels all over the place, people will start asking for some property to hold just the actual name of the thing... and everything starts anew.

But, good news: I had suggested to the people writing the reconciliation spec to add descriptions by default. It's now in the spec and should work its way into servers and clients sooner or later:

Olea (talkcontribs)

I recognize I don't feel very confortable with this kind of use of labels, but seeing they are popular I did it too. That's the reason I'm now updating with P1705's. So I understand your point.

I'll think how to fix it in the coming descriptions update.

Thanks for the feedback :-)

Olea (talkcontribs)

Hi again:

How do you do to remove the parentheses in labels? Any script I could reuse? I just checked you were removing them and I would like to fix my others uploads.


Matthias Winkelmann (talkcontribs)

Quickstatements works well for this:, but it might take some getting used to.

Basically, for this task, you create a table with one line per item you want to change, like this:


Q4115189,"""Thesis: Parenthesis must die!""",Descriptions describe

Q4115189,"""This should be a second item, but there's only one sandbox""",Descriptions describe

The header names the properties. These here are all special: qid is the item ID, Len is the ENglish label, Den is the ENglish description.

You can run this, the Item is the sandbox that's supposed to be used to try things.

So you'd need a list of all the Q ids of the items, and the new labels in the second column. I have the description as a third column, above. But you can leave that out if you don't want to change them.

If this is intimidating I'm happy to help or even just do it. It's not much trouble as long as it's just a straight removal of parenthesis and I don't need to edit them individually.

(Edit: After slightly stalking you and finding your github profile, I feel like the above can be read as being slightly (or extremely) condescending. Sorry for that... I didn't know your background and aimed for "too easy" being better than "too hard")

Olea (talkcontribs)


Don't worry! ;-)