Topic on User talk:Jonathan Groß

Q26214208 - Menge von Figuren der griechischen Mythologie

Jahl de Vautban (talkcontribs)

Hi Jonathan, I'm seeing that you are creating some items with this P31. As far as I know those items exists solely to accomodate some Wikipedia pages, especially on the English Wikipedia, that are basically disambiguation page with a single topic in scope. I'm thus not really convince that we should bother to have one for each case in the absence of a Wikipedia page.

Jonathan Groß (talkcontribs)

Hi Jahl,

I think these set indices are very useful for gathering and distinguishing homonyms. I know of at least two examples where these set indices are used outside of Wikidata, even without sitelinks.

I believe if two or more characters (deities, heroes and heroines, horses, monsters...) share the same name, a set index can (and should) be created.

Jahl de Vautban (talkcontribs)

Do you have those examples at hand? I'm interested in seeing them.

Jonathan Groß (talkcontribs)
Jahl de Vautban (talkcontribs)

Sorry, I meant the use outside of Wikidata.

Jonathan Groß (talkcontribs)

I am currently going through the corresponding enwiki category from A to Z to clean up our items on Wikidata. Turn out there are some set indices incorrectly labelled as disambiguation pages or individuals. A recent example for the latter is Alce (Q4727676) which is for an individual deity but its sitelink to enwiki was the link to a set index.

Jonathan Groß (talkcontribs)

For use outside of Wikidata: MANTO and Mythoskop are two projects that incorporate links to Wikidata and try to find corresponding items. This process is much easier thanks to our set indices.

Jahl de Vautban (talkcontribs)

I'm more surprised by the fact that you have the motivation to go through the category than the items being mismodelled. :D Thanks !

Jonathan Groß (talkcontribs)

You're welcome :) Working alongside fine chaps like you is a pleasure.

Jonathan Groß (talkcontribs)

BTW The hope that this database might become more useful through this is my main motivation. Next comes my love for mythology. Then my gatherer gene. And somewhere below all that, my ego.

Jahl de Vautban (talkcontribs)

We might be sharing some traits then, though my love is more on history and bibliography. I dream of modelling the whole Roman imperial administration, but that won't come any time soon.