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en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
mi-0 This user has no knowledge of Māori (or understands it with considerable difficulty).
Users by language
This user loves Wikidata.
QuickStatements logoThis user uses QuickStatements.
This user uses Mix'n'match.
This user loves OpenRefine.



I am Victoria Leachman and I live in Wellington, New Zealand. I am a GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums) professional having worked in museums for my entire career, initially as a museum collection manager, then as a manager of copyright processes within a museum, and now as an executive and people manager making collections more accessible and reuseable for the public. I manage teams responsible for a research library, corporate archives and records, copyright clearances and processes, collections information management and data and digital preservation workflows, imaging, publishing, and lending collection items.

I contribute to the Wikiverse through my contribution as President of Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand incorporated society - the New Zealand affiliate to Wikimedia Foundation. With Ambrosia10 I co-organise and facilitate two regular user meetups - the Aotearoa New Zealand Online monthly meetup and the Wellington monthly meetup.

At the moment my key area of interest is working in Wikidata on establishing high quality linked data on commercial photographers and art photographers practicing from the start of photography to the 1950s. My main focus is on New Zealand photographers but I'm also starting to branch out to other countries as well. The reason I picked this as my area of interest is because when I was researching photographers at work I found it difficult to trace individual photographers' dates of death. As a consequence it was difficult to establish when their work emerged from copyright and into the public domain. Particularly in the United Kingdom the information on Victorian photographers is behind a paywall so this is my attempt to free information to have a solid base from which to judge copyright duration.


Conflict of Interest


I work for the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. My full conflict of interest statement is available on my Wikipedia User page.

My Wikidata Manual including Open Refine



My Wikidata Training notes

Wikidata in Brief

User:Einebillion/Teaching notes

My Wikidata Information Set for Bulk Processes for GLAM collections


User:Einebillion/GLAM notes

Work currently being undertaken


Work Done

  • COMPLETED Working through dataset of New Zealand photographers from Te Papa and reconciling with wikidata Q numbers.
  • COMPLETED Working through the biographical data from manuscript The Pioneer Land Surveyors of New Zealand.
  • COMPLETED Adding Tuhinga articles metadata to wikidata


  • Working with the data from the business records of William O. Oldman to identify vendors. This may assist provenance research.
  • Looking at the people who were "Soldiers of the Empire" and perhaps reproducing dataset in Wikidata. For the different British Army units see:
  • Taxonomy work. See video for taxonomic names and concepts and differences in protocols across botany and zoology.

Wikidata Queries


NOTE FOR SELF Control space whilst hovering in the wdt: or wd: area gives you a search function!!!

New Zealand Photographers sorted by family name

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?familyname ?familynameLabel WHERE {

 ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q33231 . # Occupation is photographer
 {?item wdt:P27 wd:Q664 } # Country of citizenship is New Zealand
 UNION {?item wdt:P27 wd:Q2594990 } # or Country of citizenship is Dominion of New Zealand
 UNION {?item wdt:P27 wd:Q5148518 } # or Country of citizenship is Colony of New Zealand
 ?item wdt:P734 ?familyname . # item also includes the value family name so it can be picked up in the dataset and for ordering purposes       

SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } ORDER BY ASC(?familynameLabel) #order alphabetically by family name label

New Zealand Photographic Studios

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q672070 . # instance of photographic studio
 {?item wdt:P17 wd:Q664 } # Country is New Zealand
 UNION {?item wdt:P17 wd:Q2594990 } # or Country is Dominion of New Zealand
 UNION {?item wdt:P17 wd:Q5148518 } # or Country is Colony of New Zealand

SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } ORDER BY ASC(?itemLabel) #order alphabetically by item name

Photographers with Te Papa ID SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?TePapaID WHERE {

?item wdt:P106 wd:Q33231 . # Occupation is photographer
?item wdt:P3544 ?TePapaID . # item also includes the value Te Papa Artist ID so it can be picked up in the dataset and for ordering purposes       

SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } ORDER BY DESC (?TePapaIDLabel) #order numerically

Photographic Studios with Te Papa ID

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?TePapaID WHERE {

?item wdt:P31 wd:Q672070 . # instance of photographic studio
?item wdt:P3544 ?TePapaID . # item also includes the value Te Papa Artist ID so it can be picked up in the dataset and for ordering purposes       

SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } ORDER BY DESC (?TePapaIDLabel) #order numerically

All Wikidata Q numbers with a Te Papa Agent ID

This query can be actioned by going to the Te Papa Agent ID property P3544 and clicking on the Talk/Discussion tab. In the Documentation section and along the Te Papa agent ID row there are a number of links to Wikidata Query Service which include common queries. Current Uses returns Q item number, itemLabel and Te Papa agent ID value. Remember to remove the item limit before running the report otherwise it will be limited to 1000 items.

All botanists with Te Papa ID

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?TePapaID WHERE {

?item wdt:P106 wd:Q2374149 . # occupation of Botanist
?item wdt:P3544 ?TePapaID . # item also includes the value Te Papa Artist ID so it can be picked up in the dataset and for ordering purposes       

SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } ORDER BY DESC (?TePapaIDLabel) #order numerically

Tuhinga Scholarly Articles

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 ?item wdt:P1433 wd:Q15757882 . # published in Tuhinga

SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } ORDER BY ASC(?itemLabel) #order alphabetically by item name

Nineteenth century New Zealand artists: a guide and handbook listing

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?familyname ?familynameLabel WHERE {

 ?item wdt:P1343 wd:Q80587764 . # described by source is Nineteenth century New Zealand artists: a guide and handbook
 ?item wdt:P734 ?familyname . # item also includes the value family name so it can be picked up in the dataset and for ordering purposes       

SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } ORDER BY ASC(?familynameLabel) #order alphabetically by family name label

New Zealand Wars participant

Properties to use in Tabernacle or OpenRefine


OpenRefine howtos User:Einebillion/Manual

New Zealand Photographers

Property Property title Value Q number Q title
P31 Instance of Q5 Human
P18 Image Example Example
P21 Sex Example Example
P27 Country of citizenship Q664 New Zealand
P735 Given name Example Example
P734 Family name Example Example
P1317 active ( value needs to be year) Example Example
P569 date of birth Example Example
P19 place of birth Example Example
P570 date of death Example Example
P20 place of death Example Example
P119 place of burial Example Example
P106 Occupation Q33231 Photographer
P937 work location Example Example
P1830 Owner of Example Example
P6379 has works in the collection(s) Example Example
P31184 sibling Example Example
P463 member of Example Example
P1066 student of Example Example

New Zealand Photographic Studios

Property Property title Value Q number Q title
P31 Instance of Q672070 Photographic studio
P31 Instance of Q43229 Organization
P17 Country Q664 New Zealand
P18 Image Example Example
P159 Headquarters Location (City) Example Example
P669 Located on street Example Example
P276 Location (City) Example Example
P571 Inception Example Example
P576 Dissolved, abolished or demolished Example Example
P127 Owned by Example Example
P1037 Director / manager of Example Example
P155 Follows Example Example
P156 Followed by Example Example
P6379 Has works in the collection(s) Example Example
P463 member of Example Example

Spreadsheet tips for me


User:Einebillion/Google Sheets Tips How to find duplicate values in excel spreadsheet columns

  • Column A = list of IRNs for people extracted from GLAM collection API
  • Column B = List of organisation names
  • Column C - List of people names
  • Column D - blank column
  • Column E - Qnumber extracted using Wikidata query service script
  • Column F - Name extracted from wikidata Q entry using Wikidata query service script
  • Column G - GLAM collection IRN extracted from wikidata Q entry using Wikidata query service script

To compare these two columns to extract out from the API set those that already have Q numbers use the following excel formula in cell A2 and then drag it down to repeat as many rows as required.


The formula in cell F3 looks like this: =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D3,B$3:B$8,0)),"No","Yes (" & MATCH(D3,B$3:B$8,0) & ")"). It's a little longer and more complicated but if we break it down you'll see what is happening. The IF function has 3 parts: (1) What you want to check (2) What to do if it's True (3) What to do if it's False. In this case we're checking if ISERROR(MATCH(A2,$G$2:$G$771,0)) is True or False. We already know what the MATCH function does, and the ISERROR function just checks to see if the MATCH function returns an error (i.e. no match) or a number. If MATCH returns a #N/A then ISERROR will be True, otherwise it will be False.

Now, if ISERROR is True (i.e. we didn't find a match) then the IF function will return a blank value. If ISERROR is False (i.e. we found a match) then the IF function will return the value of whatever is in A2.

Notes to self


Draft property proposal


Property Proposal location for person

  • Description has natural environment specimens in collection(s)
  • Represents the institution holding the natural environment specimens collected by the subject
  • Data type Item
  • Domain qualifier for ?
  • Allowed values human (Q5)

Example 1 Joseph Dalton Hooker (Q157501) -> Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (Q915603)
Example 2 Joseph Dalton Hooker (Q157501) -> National Museum of Natural History (Q148554)
Example 3 James Hector (Q675726) -> Natural History Museum (Q309388)
Example 4
Motivation: Adds the identity of organisations that hold the specimens collected by the subject. I anticipate that the majority of organisations would be universities or GLAM organisations. Demonstrates reach and impact of work of scientist / collector. May assist with providing provenance information for specimens.
Discussion: There are wikidata properties for Archives at (P485): the institution holding the subject's archives, and has works in the collection(s) (P6379): the institution or collection holding the artworks created by the subject. This additional property enables another GLAM data element to be included into Wikidata.