Wikidata Bot This user account is a bot with a bot flag. The bot is operated by Inductiveload.
  • Block this bot if it is malfunctioning.
  • Check its work.
  • Contact the operator about mistakes.
  • See all Requests for Permissions related to this bot: 1
  • License:





This account does not edit automatically for these jobs, all edits are manual. These edits are usually done using Pywikibot as the PAI interface with Python code on top to present the edits to Inductiveload for verification.

  • Adding taxon name (P225) to items with taxon rank (P105) but not taxon name (P225). These are chosen from the list of labels for the item, and manual intervention is used in cases where no label is the taxon name, or the item needs to be split (e.g. for monotypic genuses).



No automated jobs have been undertaken by this account.