User:LBelo (WMB)/statistics2

Mato Grosso

Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
Cuiabá (Q170762) 633 100.0% (633) 🔍 99.68% (631) 🔍 9.48% (60) 🔍 99.05% (627) 🔍 3.63% (23) 🔍 3.95% (25) 🔍 9.32% (59) 🔍 0.32% (2) 🔍 3.32% (21) 🔍
Poconé (Q166445) 30 100.0% (30) 🔍 100.0% (30) 🔍 100.0% (30) 🔍 6.67% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 93.33% (28) 🔍
Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Mato Grosso (Q2107985) 22 100.0% (22) 🔍 81.82% (18) 🔍 36.36% (8) 🔍 68.18% (15) 🔍 4.55% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 27.27% (6) 🔍
Totals (all items) 915 100.0% (915) 🔍 95.85% (877) 🔍 20.66% (189) 🔍 89.84% (822) 🔍 5.25% (48) 🔍 3.83% (35) 🔍 6.89% (63) 🔍 0.44% (4) 🔍 9.51% (87) 🔍

Mato Grosso do Sul

Top groupings (Minimum 6 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
Campo Grande (Q168929) 22 100.0% (22) 🔍 81.82% (18) 🔍 77.27% (17) 🔍 40.91% (9) 🔍 27.27% (6) 🔍 9.09% (2) 🔍 4.55% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 9.09% (2) 🔍
Dourados (Q651874) 12 100.0% (12) 🔍 100.0% (12) 🔍 100.0% (12) 🔍 83.33% (10) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 8.33% (1) 🔍
Corumbá (Q271215) 8 100.0% (8) 🔍 100.0% (8) 🔍 62.5% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 12.5% (1) 🔍 12.5% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 37.5% (3) 🔍
Totals (all items) 68 100.0% (68) 🔍 94.12% (64) 🔍 76.47% (52) 🔍 27.94% (19) 🔍 17.65% (12) 🔍 10.29% (7) 🔍 1.47% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 29.41% (20) 🔍

Minas Gerais

Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
Belo Horizonte (Q42800) 799 100.0% (799) 🔍 97.75% (781) 🔍 96.75% (773) 🔍 95.74% (765) 🔍 9.14% (73) 🔍 3.63% (29) 🔍 0.63% (5) 🔍 0.5% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Poços de Caldas (Q817216) 266 100.0% (266) 🔍 99.62% (265) 🔍 99.25% (264) 🔍 98.87% (263) 🔍 7.14% (19) 🔍 1.88% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Juiz de Fora (Q193019) 151 100.0% (151) 🔍 92.72% (140) 🔍 96.69% (146) 🔍 43.05% (65) 🔍 3.31% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Barbacena (Q807311) 55 100.0% (55) 🔍 94.55% (52) 🔍 94.55% (52) 🔍 89.09% (49) 🔍 3.64% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 1.82% (1) 🔍
Ponte Nova (Q999139) 52 100.0% (52) 🔍 98.08% (51) 🔍 100.0% (52) 🔍 94.23% (49) 🔍 3.85% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 1.92% (1) 🔍
Ouro Preto (Q188905) 48 100.0% (48) 🔍 87.5% (42) 🔍 4.17% (2) 🔍 8.33% (4) 🔍 68.75% (33) 🔍 10.42% (5) 🔍 6.25% (3) 🔍 33.33% (16) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Ibituruna (Q375692) 47 100.0% (47) 🔍 23.4% (11) 🔍 100.0% (47) 🔍 29.79% (14) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Itamarandiba (Q1756622) 47 100.0% (47) 🔍 80.85% (38) 🔍 100.0% (47) 🔍 91.49% (43) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 2.13% (1) 🔍
Muzambinho (Q1790124) 44 100.0% (44) 🔍 72.73% (32) 🔍 100.0% (44) 🔍 84.09% (37) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 2.27% (1) 🔍
Grão Mogol (Q1754641) 33 100.0% (33) 🔍 78.79% (26) 🔍 96.97% (32) 🔍 78.79% (26) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Pedra Azul (Q1650924) 33 100.0% (33) 🔍 33.33% (11) 🔍 100.0% (33) 🔍 6.06% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Mariana, Minas Gerais (Q984567) 30 100.0% (30) 🔍 83.33% (25) 🔍 83.33% (25) 🔍 83.33% (25) 🔍 70.0% (21) 🔍 3.33% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 20.0% (6) 🔍 3.33% (1) 🔍
Cataguases (Q1749746) 26 100.0% (26) 🔍 100.0% (26) 🔍 80.77% (21) 🔍 61.54% (16) 🔍 23.08% (6) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 15.38% (4) 🔍 7.69% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Coronel Xavier Chaves (Q1756842) 25 100.0% (25) 🔍 76.0% (19) 🔍 96.0% (24) 🔍 80.0% (20) 🔍 4.0% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Januária (Q22062457) 24 100.0% (24) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍
São João del Rei (Q740965) 22 100.0% (22) 🔍 72.73% (16) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 4.55% (1) 🔍 36.36% (8) 🔍 9.09% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 18.18% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Diamantina (Q34028) 21 100.0% (21) 🔍 100.0% (21) 🔍 19.05% (4) 🔍 19.05% (4) 🔍 61.9% (13) 🔍 19.05% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 28.57% (6) 🔍 14.29% (3) 🔍
Santos Dumont, Minas Gerais (Q1754760) 21 100.0% (21) 🔍 76.19% (16) 🔍 100.0% (21) 🔍 52.38% (11) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 4.76% (1) 🔍
Itajubá (Q985585) 20 100.0% (20) 🔍 80.0% (16) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 75.0% (15) 🔍 5.0% (1) 🔍 55.0% (11) 🔍 15.0% (3) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Totals (all items) 2449 100.0% (2449) 🔍 92.36% (2262) 🔍 79.79% (1954) 🔍 61.54% (1507) 🔍 19.6% (480) 🔍 4.57% (112) 🔍 0.86% (21) 🔍 4.86% (119) 🔍 10.41% (255) 🔍


Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
Belém (Q12829733) 378 100.0% (378) 🔍 97.62% (369) 🔍 15.87% (60) 🔍 93.92% (355) 🔍 20.11% (76) 🔍 13.76% (52) 🔍 47.09% (178) 🔍 4.23% (16) 🔍 19.31% (73) 🔍
Bragança (Q320487) 30 100.0% (30) 🔍 100.0% (30) 🔍 93.33% (28) 🔍 73.33% (22) 🔍 76.67% (23) 🔍 13.33% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 50.0% (15) 🔍
Santarém (Q659450) 30 100.0% (30) 🔍 96.67% (29) 🔍 96.67% (29) 🔍 50.0% (15) 🔍 6.67% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 40.0% (12) 🔍
Cametá (Q1805206) 26 100.0% (26) 🔍 96.15% (25) 🔍 100.0% (26) 🔍 84.62% (22) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 11.54% (3) 🔍
Óbidos (Q577167) 24 100.0% (24) 🔍 91.67% (22) 🔍 87.5% (21) 🔍 12.5% (3) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 33.33% (8) 🔍
Barcarena (Q2009595) 23 100.0% (23) 🔍 91.3% (21) 🔍 95.65% (22) 🔍 69.57% (16) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 17.39% (4) 🔍
Moju (Q2008213) 22 100.0% (22) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 77.27% (17) 🔍
Salvaterra (Q1921992) 21 100.0% (21) 🔍 85.71% (18) 🔍 100.0% (21) 🔍 19.05% (4) 🔍 4.76% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 71.43% (15) 🔍
Oriximiná (Q2011919) 21 100.0% (21) 🔍 80.95% (17) 🔍 90.48% (19) 🔍 4.76% (1) 🔍 9.52% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 4.76% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 61.9% (13) 🔍
Totals (all items) 950 100.0% (950) 🔍 87.37% (830) 🔍 61.58% (585) 🔍 68.53% (651) 🔍 16.32% (155) 🔍 8.95% (85) 🔍 21.58% (205) 🔍 3.26% (31) 🔍 30.53% (290) 🔍


Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
João Pessoa (Q167436) 89 100.0% (89) 🔍 91.01% (81) 🔍 50.56% (45) 🔍 82.02% (73) 🔍 61.8% (55) 🔍 8.99% (8) 🔍 1.12% (1) 🔍 3.37% (3) 🔍 1.12% (1) 🔍
Totals (all items) 270 100.0% (270) 🔍 92.96% (251) 🔍 38.89% (105) 🔍 57.04% (154) 🔍 39.63% (107) 🔍 5.19% (14) 🔍 0.37% (1) 🔍 3.33% (9) 🔍 11.48% (31) 🔍


Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
Ponta Grossa (Q242906) 86 100.0% (86) 🔍 97.67% (84) 🔍 96.51% (83) 🔍 82.56% (71) 🔍 19.77% (17) 🔍 3.49% (3) 🔍 1.16% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 2.33% (2) 🔍
Curitiba (Q4361) 82 100.0% (82) 🔍 93.9% (77) 🔍 45.12% (37) 🔍 36.59% (30) 🔍 40.24% (33) 🔍 8.54% (7) 🔍 3.66% (3) 🔍 1.22% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Paranaguá (Q503852) 26 100.0% (26) 🔍 92.31% (24) 🔍 100.0% (26) 🔍 3.85% (1) 🔍 19.23% (5) 🔍 7.69% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 15.38% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Totals (all items) 454 100.0% (454) 🔍 88.11% (400) 🔍 65.2% (296) 🔍 34.58% (157) 🔍 29.74% (135) 🔍 6.17% (28) 🔍 1.54% (7) 🔍 4.41% (20) 🔍 7.93% (36) 🔍


Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
Triunfo (Q679786) 174 100.0% (174) 🔍 68.97% (120) 🔍 99.43% (173) 🔍 98.85% (172) 🔍 1.15% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 1.15% (2) 🔍
Recife (Q48344) 93 100.0% (93) 🔍 94.62% (88) 🔍 9.68% (9) 🔍 36.56% (34) 🔍 43.01% (40) 🔍 6.45% (6) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 18.28% (17) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Olinda (Q28301) 26 100.0% (26) 🔍 100.0% (26) 🔍 15.38% (4) 🔍 7.69% (2) 🔍 88.46% (23) 🔍 3.85% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 30.77% (8) 🔍 34.62% (9) 🔍
Totals (all items) 619 100.0% (619) 🔍 88.21% (546) 🔍 54.77% (339) 🔍 40.87% (253) 🔍 20.19% (125) 🔍 3.72% (23) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 10.18% (63) 🔍 28.59% (177) 🔍


Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
Teresina (Q165341) 30 100.0% (30) 🔍 83.33% (25) 🔍 53.33% (16) 🔍 40.0% (12) 🔍 66.67% (20) 🔍 16.67% (5) 🔍 3.33% (1) 🔍 16.67% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Parnaíba (Q1643864) 28 100.0% (28) 🔍 71.43% (20) 🔍 14.29% (4) 🔍 7.14% (2) 🔍 25.0% (7) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 3.57% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Totals (all items) 206 100.0% (206) 🔍 79.13% (163) 🔍 60.68% (125) 🔍 12.14% (25) 🔍 27.18% (56) 🔍 4.85% (10) 🔍 0.49% (1) 🔍 8.25% (17) 🔍 38.83% (80) 🔍

Rio de Janeiro

Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
Rio de Janeiro (Q8678) 2350 100.0% (2350) 🔍 80.04% (1881) 🔍 93.45% (2196) 🔍 96.43% (2266) 🔍 52.17% (1226) 🔍 11.7% (275) 🔍 2.09% (49) 🔍 2.17% (51) 🔍 0.21% (5) 🔍
Centro (Q2946148) 484 100.0% (484) 🔍 81.4% (394) 🔍 88.64% (429) 🔍 97.93% (474) 🔍 66.53% (322) 🔍 16.12% (78) 🔍 4.55% (22) 🔍 4.75% (23) 🔍 0.21% (1) 🔍
Campos dos Goytacazes (Q689868) 218 100.0% (218) 🔍 44.95% (98) 🔍 97.25% (212) 🔍 22.94% (50) 🔍 38.99% (85) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0.92% (2) 🔍 3.21% (7) 🔍
Laranjeiras (Q727335) 179 100.0% (179) 🔍 87.71% (157) 🔍 86.03% (154) 🔍 99.44% (178) 🔍 83.8% (150) 🔍 1.68% (3) 🔍 1.12% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Alto da Boa Vista (Q3613313) 113 100.0% (113) 🔍 97.35% (110) 🔍 98.23% (111) 🔍 99.12% (112) 🔍 13.27% (15) 🔍 5.31% (6) 🔍 0.88% (1) 🔍 2.65% (3) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Botafogo (Q894624) 102 100.0% (102) 🔍 49.02% (50) 🔍 98.04% (100) 🔍 98.04% (100) 🔍 41.18% (42) 🔍 12.75% (13) 🔍 0.98% (1) 🔍 0.98% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Tijuca (Q2107829) 101 100.0% (101) 🔍 79.21% (80) 🔍 100.0% (101) 🔍 100.0% (101) 🔍 73.27% (74) 🔍 3.96% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Niterói (Q178725) 86 100.0% (86) 🔍 80.23% (69) 🔍 74.42% (64) 🔍 59.3% (51) 🔍 36.05% (31) 🔍 5.81% (5) 🔍 3.49% (3) 🔍 4.65% (4) 🔍 1.16% (1) 🔍
Flamengo District (Q995561) 75 100.0% (75) 🔍 84.0% (63) 🔍 96.0% (72) 🔍 98.67% (74) 🔍 65.33% (49) 🔍 8.0% (6) 🔍 2.67% (2) 🔍 1.33% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Paquetá (Q15265363) 72 100.0% (72) 🔍 86.11% (62) 🔍 98.61% (71) 🔍 100.0% (72) 🔍 54.17% (39) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
São Cristóvão (Q2408175) 67 100.0% (67) 🔍 94.03% (63) 🔍 97.01% (65) 🔍 100.0% (67) 🔍 65.67% (44) 🔍 26.87% (18) 🔍 5.97% (4) 🔍 1.49% (1) 🔍 1.49% (1) 🔍
Copacabana (Q202730) 63 100.0% (63) 🔍 77.78% (49) 🔍 95.24% (60) 🔍 93.65% (59) 🔍 63.49% (40) 🔍 22.22% (14) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 1.59% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Santo Cristo (Q3949480) 63 100.0% (63) 🔍 96.83% (61) 🔍 96.83% (61) 🔍 100.0% (63) 🔍 63.49% (40) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Glória (Q1532671) 57 100.0% (57) 🔍 87.72% (50) 🔍 92.98% (53) 🔍 100.0% (57) 🔍 71.93% (41) 🔍 29.82% (17) 🔍 1.75% (1) 🔍 5.26% (3) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Lagoa (Q3049535) 56 100.0% (56) 🔍 91.07% (51) 🔍 100.0% (56) 🔍 100.0% (56) 🔍 85.71% (48) 🔍 16.07% (9) 🔍 1.79% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Campo Grande (Q1762402) 50 100.0% (50) 🔍 96.0% (48) 🔍 98.0% (49) 🔍 100.0% (50) 🔍 6.0% (3) 🔍 4.0% (2) 🔍 2.0% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Cabo Frio (Q735025) 48 100.0% (48) 🔍 75.0% (36) 🔍 91.67% (44) 🔍 72.92% (35) 🔍 16.67% (8) 🔍 4.17% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 4.17% (2) 🔍 14.58% (7) 🔍
Valença (Q1005931) 46 100.0% (46) 🔍 93.48% (43) 🔍 19.57% (9) 🔍 21.74% (10) 🔍 2.17% (1) 🔍 2.17% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 2.17% (1) 🔍
Leblon (Q187817) 44 100.0% (44) 🔍 81.82% (36) 🔍 97.73% (43) 🔍 97.73% (43) 🔍 61.36% (27) 🔍 13.64% (6) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Santa Teresa (Q980992) 42 100.0% (42) 🔍 66.67% (28) 🔍 90.48% (38) 🔍 97.62% (41) 🔍 30.95% (13) 🔍 11.9% (5) 🔍 4.76% (2) 🔍 2.38% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Petrópolis (Q189043) 42 100.0% (42) 🔍 88.1% (37) 🔍 71.43% (30) 🔍 64.29% (27) 🔍 23.81% (10) 🔍 11.9% (5) 🔍 2.38% (1) 🔍 4.76% (2) 🔍 2.38% (1) 🔍
Nova Friburgo (Q468563) 41 100.0% (41) 🔍 80.49% (33) 🔍 95.12% (39) 🔍 90.24% (37) 🔍 60.98% (25) 🔍 2.44% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Angra dos Reis (Q542829) 40 100.0% (40) 🔍 95.0% (38) 🔍 77.5% (31) 🔍 70.0% (28) 🔍 32.5% (13) 🔍 5.0% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 10.0% (4) 🔍 5.0% (2) 🔍
Rio de Janeiro (Q41428) 38 100.0% (38) 🔍 78.95% (30) 🔍 71.05% (27) 🔍 18.42% (7) 🔍 50.0% (19) 🔍 18.42% (7) 🔍 5.26% (2) 🔍 5.26% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Gávea District (Q1558720) 37 100.0% (37) 🔍 91.89% (34) 🔍 97.3% (36) 🔍 100.0% (37) 🔍 51.35% (19) 🔍 8.11% (3) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 2.7% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Urca (Q1898482) 29 100.0% (29) 🔍 89.66% (26) 🔍 86.21% (25) 🔍 96.55% (28) 🔍 86.21% (25) 🔍 17.24% (5) 🔍 6.9% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Ilha do Governador (Q1658442) 28 100.0% (28) 🔍 100.0% (28) 🔍 100.0% (28) 🔍 100.0% (28) 🔍 10.71% (3) 🔍 17.86% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Barra da Tijuca (Q808789) 26 100.0% (26) 🔍 80.77% (21) 🔍 96.15% (25) 🔍 96.15% (25) 🔍 53.85% (14) 🔍 26.92% (7) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Jacarepaguá (Q2618570) 25 100.0% (25) 🔍 80.0% (20) 🔍 88.0% (22) 🔍 92.0% (23) 🔍 16.0% (4) 🔍 4.0% (1) 🔍 4.0% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Ipanema District (Q468540) 24 100.0% (24) 🔍 83.33% (20) 🔍 95.83% (23) 🔍 95.83% (23) 🔍 83.33% (20) 🔍 25.0% (6) 🔍 4.17% (1) 🔍 4.17% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Vila Isabel (Q4011694) 24 100.0% (24) 🔍 58.33% (14) 🔍 95.83% (23) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 8.33% (2) 🔍 8.33% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Gamboa (Q3757943) 23 100.0% (23) 🔍 91.3% (21) 🔍 95.65% (22) 🔍 100.0% (23) 🔍 78.26% (18) 🔍 30.43% (7) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Santa Cruz (Q262842) 20 100.0% (20) 🔍 90.0% (18) 🔍 90.0% (18) 🔍 90.0% (18) 🔍 10.0% (2) 🔍 10.0% (2) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 5.0% (1) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Totals (all items) 3301 100.0% (3301) 🔍 79.16% (2613) 🔍 87.09% (2875) 🔍 83.07% (2742) 🔍 49.86% (1646) 🔍 10.57% (349) 🔍 2.21% (73) 🔍 4.18% (138) 🔍 1.33% (44) 🔍

Rio Grande do Norte

Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count instance of (P31) coordinate location (P625) described at URL (P973) street address (P6375) image (P18) inception (P571) location (P276) IPHAN ID (P5500) described by source (P1343)
Natal (Q131620) 247 100.0% (247) 🔍 94.74% (234) 🔍 4.86% (12) 🔍 14.17% (35) 🔍 4.86% (12) 🔍 1.21% (3) 🔍 1.62% (4) 🔍 1.62% (4) 🔍 0.81% (2) 🔍
Totals (all items) 382 100.0% (382) 🔍 94.76% (362) 🔍 14.4% (55) 🔍 16.49% (63) 🔍 9.16% (35) 🔍 1.57% (6) 🔍 1.57% (6) 🔍 1.57% (6) 🔍 8.9% (34) 🔍