
If property value matches pattern ^Q70827$ then claim from narrative universe (P1080) = Water Margin universe (Q111395910) will be created automatically.
Testing: TODO list
If property value matches pattern ^Q8265$ then claim from narrative universe (P1080) = Dream of the Red Chamber universe (Q42184554) will be created automatically.
Testing: TODO list
If property value matches pattern ^Q70784$ then claim from narrative universe (P1080) = Journey to the West universe (Q123655154) will be created automatically.
Testing: TODO list
If property value matches pattern ^Q70806$ then claim from narrative universe (P1080) = The Romance of the Three Kingdoms universe (Q123651591) will be created automatically.
Testing: TODO list

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: developer (P178)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
    SELECT ?item ?itemLabel 
      ?item wdt:P178 wd:Q2340010.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

The following query uses these:

SELECT ?cast ?castLabel
  SERVICE wikibase:mwapi
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "" .
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:api "Generator" .
    bd:serviceParam mwapi:generator "categorymembers" .
    bd:serviceParam mwapi:gcmtitle "Category:XXX" .
    bd:serviceParam mwapi:gcmlimit "max" .
    bd:serviceParam mwapi:gcmnamespace "0" .
    ?cast wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:item .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . } 
SELECT ?cast ?castLabel
  SERVICE wikibase:mwapi
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "" .
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:api "Generator" .
    bd:serviceParam mwapi:generator "search" .
    bd:serviceParam mwapi:gsrsearch 'deepcat:"Christmas films"' .
    bd:serviceParam mwapi:gsrlimit "max" .
    ?cast wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:item .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" . } 
Try it!
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel 
  hint:Query hint:optimizer "None".
  SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:api "Search";
                    wikibase:endpoint "";
                    mwapi:srsearch "".
    ?item wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:title .
  ?item wdt:P973|wdt:P953 ?url.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

unofficial name or title

   Under discussion
Descriptionunofficial title of a creative work where no official title exist
Representsunofficial title (Q130212695)
Data typeItem
Example 1hospital_combat.mp3 (Q130212620) > hospital_combat.mp3
Example 2Dane Vogel (Q56613123)Saints Row: Gat out of Hell (Q17911588)
Example 3Victor Vance (Q2469911)Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Q94671)
Example 4Troy McClure (Q1504550)Bart the Mother (Q2617345)
Example 5Mermaid Man (Q93186548)Patrick-Man! (Q29566244)
Example 6Leonard Burton (Q107024611)The Hundred Year Play (Q109677017)
Example 7Bulldog (Q60649159)Saints Row IV (Q13060351)



There is currently no way to indicate this