

Hello, I suppose that en:Assasination fits good in this item. Look at English label and description and the beginning of the article. --Infovarius (talk) 19:56, 13 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

I think exactly the opposite - and i'm not the only one. If you read the beginning of fr:Attentat and fr:Assassinat, you'll see that an "attentat" is not an "assassination" - both are killing people, but "attentat" doesn't aim particulary one person (but more often a group of personnalities, or anonymous people), and "assassinat" do. Just like de:Attentat, for example.
Maybe there is a difference only in french and german, but there's a difference, and we can't link "attentat" (fr) and "assassination" (en) when obviously there's a big difference between.--Sammyday (talk) 20:08, 13 June 2016 (UTC)Reply
Ok, I agree with placement of fr:Assassinat. But then (according to your words) I see a big difference between fr:Assassinat and en:Assassination (intended specifically to kill political leader or ruler, so they should not be linked. Instead I see that (according to your words) fr:Attentat doesn't fit good at Q81672 (for example ru or uk-links, and en-label). So I'd move fr and de links from this item away and return en-link... May be we should distribute all sitelinks into 2 (or 3) groups and then to attach them to definite items... --Infovarius (talk) 16:22, 16 June 2016 (UTC)Reply
Yes, maybe. I'm not a high level user on Wikidata, so i shoudln't do this distribution, but i agree.--Sammyday (talk) 16:29, 16 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

2019-08 blocage



Savez vous pourquoi mon compte fut indéfiniment bloqué dans la Wikipédia francophone en mai 2015 ? Visite fortuitement prolongée (talk) 20:17, 16 August 2019 (UTC)Reply

Difficile de vous répondre si vous ne savez pas lire. Mais peut-être que ceci aidera. Sammyday (talk) 20:57, 16 August 2019 (UTC)Reply