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Previous discussion was archived at User talk:Tothasze/Archive 1 on 2016-03-31.

Adam78 (talkcontribs)
Reply to "győzelmi sétány vagy menet"
Milei.vencel (talkcontribs)

Szia. Én is szegedi vagyok, de az Abdülkâdir Geylânî elég pontatlan név. Ez a török megfelelője egy, a perzsa-arab területen élt szúfinak. Átírtam Abd al-Qādir al-Dzsílání-ra, ahogy a magyar vallási lexikonok használják. Légyszíves a magyar WD elnevezésekre figyelj jobban oda. Köszönöm. – ~~~~

Reply to "Abdülkâdir Geylânî"
Máté (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Királyok"
Pasztilla (talkcontribs)

Szia! Az Ohridi-tó adatlapján láttam, hogy az alábbi '''magyar''' címkéket adtad hozzá, és ehhez volnának hozzáfűzéseim.

*Leírás: macedón tó délnyugat Macedóniában

*Címkék: Ohridszko Ezero, Охридско Езеро, Liqeni i Ohrit

Egyfelől egy tó természetföldrajzi fogalom, nincs nemzetisége, hanem földrajzi névből képezzük a jelzőjét, azaz nem macedón, hanem macedóniai. A tó egyébként nemcsak macedóniai, hanem albániai is.

Másfelől a cmkék között a magyar elnevezésváltozatokat kell listáznunk, nem eredeti nyelvű változatokat, cirill és latin betűkkel.



Reply to "Magyar címkék"

Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

WMF Surveys, 01:40, 13 April 2018 (UTC)

Reply to "Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey"

Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

WMF Surveys, 18:57, 29 March 2018 (UTC)

Reply to "Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey"

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

(Sorry to write in Engilsh)

Reply to "Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey"

Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)
  1. This survey is primarily meant to get feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation's current work, not long-term strategy.
  2. Legal stuff: No purchase necessary. Must be the age of majority to participate. Sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation located at 149 New Montgomery, San Francisco, CA, USA, 94105. Ends January 31, 2017. Void where prohibited. Click here for contest rules.
Reply to "Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey"

Please take part in the Flow satisfaction survey

MediaWiki message delivery (talkcontribs)

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Like some other community members, you are using Flow.

An increasing number of communities now use Flow or are considering it. Although Flow itself is not scheduled for major development during 2016 fiscal year, the Collaboration Team remains interested in the project and in providing an improved system for structured discussions.

You can help us make decisions about the way forward in this area by sharing your thoughts about Flow — what works, doesn't work or should be improved?

Please fill out this survey (available in multiple languages), which is administered by a third-party service. It will not require an email or your username. See our privacy statement.

Thanks for your ideas and opinions about Flow!

Trizek (WMF), on behalf of the Collaboration team, 11:56, 7 September 2016 (UTC)

Reply to "Please take part in the Flow satisfaction survey"

Invitation to Wikidata user study

Alessandro Piscopo (talkcontribs)

Dear Tothasze,

I am a researcher of the Web and Internet Science group of the University of Southampton.

Together with a group of other researchers from the same University, we are currently conducting a research aiming to discover how newcomers become full participants into the Wikidata community. We are interested in understanding how the usage of tools, the relationships with the community, and the knowledge and application of policy norms change from users' first approach to Wikidata to their full integration as fully active participants.

This study will take place as an interview, either by videotelephony, e.g. Skype, phone, or e-mail, according to the preference of the interviewees. The time required to answer all the questions will likely be about an hour. Further information can be found on the Research Project Page Becoming Wikidatians: evolution of participation in a collaborative structured knowledge base.

Any data collected will be treated in the strictest confidentiality, no personal information will be processed for the purpose of the research. The study, which has submission number 20117, has received ethical approval following the University of Southampton guidelines. We aim at gathering about 20 participants, chosen among experienced Wikidata users who authored a large number of contributions.

Should you be interested in taking part or wish to receive further information, you can contact us by writing to the e-mail address ap1a14+wikidata_user_study@ecs.soton.ac.uk.

Thank you very much, your help will be much appreciated!


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