Wikidata:Creare un bot

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Creating a bot and the translation is 31% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Questa pagina spiega come creare un bot per Wikidata. Per favore, prendi in considerazione di condividere il tuo codice, aggiungere nuovi esempi o migliorare quelli presenti.


Per creare un bot è necessario:

  • Alcune conoscenze di programmazione (Python, Perl, PHP...)
  • Un framework (uno dei framework riportati sotto) e del codice da eseguire per completare un'attività
  • Un'utenza bot (e approvata)
  • Un editor di codice sorgente (Notepad++, Geany, vi, emacs)



Nelle prossime sezioni puoi conoscere come installare, configurare ed accedere utilizzando pywikipediabot. Devi effettuare questi primi tre passaggi sono una volta. Inoltre, ci sono alcuni semplici esempi per imparare le basi della programmazione per un bot.


Per maggiori dettagli sull'installazione di pywikipediabot, vedi mw:Manual:Pywikibot/Installation.

Per installare pywikibot:


:Per maggiori dettagli sulla configurazione di pywikibot, vedi mw:Manual:Pywikibot/

Devi configurare il file con il nome utente del bot, la famiglia del progetto e la lingua. Per Wikidata il parametro della famiglia e della lingua coincidono e sono wikidata.

Puoi ridurre il ritardo tra le modifiche aggiungendo: put_throttle = 1 put_throttle = 1


Dopo aver configurato il file, effettua l'accesso come segue:

$ python

Chiederà la password del bot, inseriscila e premi invio. Se è corretta, dovresti aver effettuato l'accesso ora.

Esempio 1: Scaricare dei dati

Questo esempio recupera tutti i dati presenti nella pagina di Douglas Adams. Salva il seguente codice in un file ed eseguilo python

item.get() connects to Wikidata and fetches the data. The output is (reformatted for clarity):

    'claims': {
        'P646': [< instance at 0x7f1880188b48>],
        'P800': [< instance at 0x7f1880188488>, < instance at 0x7f1880188368>]
    'labels': {
        'gu': '\u0aa1\u0a97\u0acd\u0ab2\u0abe\u0ab8 \u0a8f\u0aa1\u0aae\u0acd\u0ab8',
        'scn': 'Douglas Adams',
    'sitelinks': {
        'fiwiki': 'Douglas Adams',
        'fawiki': '\u062f\u0627\u06af\u0644\u0627\u0633 \u0622\u062f\u0627\u0645\u0632',
        'elwikiquote': '\u039d\u03c4\u03ac\u03b3\u03ba\u03bb\u03b1\u03c2 \u0386\u03bd\u03c4\u03b1\u03bc\u03c2',
    'descriptions': {
        'eo': 'angla a\u016dtoro de sciencfikcio-romanoj kaj humoristo',
        'en': 'English writer and humorist',
    'aliases': {
        'ru': ['\u0410\u0434\u0430\u043c\u0441, \u0414\u0443\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0441'],
        'fr': ['Douglas Noel Adams', 'Douglas No\xebl Adams'],
['claims', 'labels', 'sitelinks', 'descriptions', 'aliases']

It prints a dictionary with keys for

  • the set of claims in the page: Property:P646 is the Freebase identifier, Property:P800 is "notable work", etc.
  • the label of the item in many languages
  • the sitelinks for the item, not just Wikipedias in many languages, but also Wikiquote in many languages
  • the item description in many languages
  • the aliases for the item in many languages

Then a list with all the keys for the key-values pairs in the dictionary. Finally, you can see that the Wikidata item about Douglas Adams is Q42.


The example above gets the ItemPage using the en wikipedia article. Alternatively, we can also get the ItemPage directly:

Esempio 2: Recuperare i collegamenti interlinguistici

Dopo item.get(), per esempio è possibile accedere ai sitelink. Questi sono i link a tutte le versioni di Wikipedia che hanno quell'articolo.

Il risultato è:

{'fiwiki': 'Douglas Adams', 'eowiki': 'Douglas Adams', 'dewiki': 'Douglas Adams', ...}

With item.iterlinks(), an iterator over all these sitelinks is returned, where each article is given not as plain text as above but already as a Page object for further treatment (e.g., edit the text in the corresponding Wikipedia articles).

Esempio 4: Impostare una descrizione

Questo esempio imposta una descrizione in inglese e tedesco per l'elemento su Douglas Adams.

Setting labels and aliases works accordingly.

Per impostare un sitelink, possiamo creare un dizionario corrispondente all'Esempio 4 o usare l'oggetto Page:

Esempio 7: Impostare una dichiarazione

Statements are set using the Claim class. In the following, we set for Douglas Adams place of birth (P19): Cambridge (Q350).

For other datatypes, this works similar. In the following, we add claims with string (IMDb ID (P345)) and coordinate (coordinate location (P625)) datatypes (URL is the same as string):

Example 8: Add a qualifier

Qualifiers are also represented by the Claim class. In the following, we add the qualifier incertae sedis (P678): family (Q35409) to the Claim "claim". Make sure you add the item before adding the qualifier.

Example 9: Add a source

Also, sources are represented by the Claim class. Unlike for qualifiers, a source may contain more than one Claim. In the following, we add stated in (P248): Integrated Taxonomic Information System (Q82575) with retrieved (P813) March 20, 2014 as source to the Claim "claim". The claim has to be either retrieved from Wikidata or added to an itempage beforehand.

Esempio 10: Generatori di pagine


Example 11: Get values of sub-properties

In the following, we get values of sub-properties from branch described by source (P1343) -> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) (Q17378135) -> properties reference URL (P854) and title (P1476).

Altri esempi

Alcuni utenti condividono i loro codici sorgente. Scopri di più nei prossimi collegamenti:

Wikidata Integrator

WikidataIntegrator is a library for reading and writing to Wikidata/Wikibase. We created it for populating Wikidata with content from authoritative resources on Genes, Proteins, Diseases, Drugs and others. Details on the different tasks can be found on the bot's Wikidata page.

Pywikibot is an existing framework for interacting with the MediaWiki API. The reason why we came up with our own solution is that we need a high integration with the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint in order to ensure data consistency (duplicate checks, consistency checks, correct item selection, etc.). Compared to Pywikibot, WikidataIntegrator currently is not a full Python wrapper for the MediaWiki API but is solely focused on providing an easy means to generate Python-based Wikidata bots.

For more information, documentation, download & installation instructions, see here:

Example Notebook

An example notebook demonstrating an example bot to add therapeutic areas to drug items, including using fastrun mode, checking references, and removing old statements:


Forked from Wikidata Integrator by User:Myst in 2020 and has seen several improvements to the API that makes it even easier to create bots using the library.

For more information, documentation, download & installation instructions, see here:

Example semi-automatic script

LexUse semi-automatic tool for finding and adding usage examples to lexemes. It's free software written using Python 3 in 2020 Wikidata:LexUse.

Wikibase.NET (Deprecated)

Wikibase.NET is the api that replaces the now deprecated DotNetDataBot. Api client for the MediaWiki extension Wikibase. They aren't compatible because Wikibase.NET does no longer need the DotNetWikiBot framework.

Download & Installation

You can download Wikibase.NET from GitHub. Just follow the instructions on that page.

Known issues


In arrivo...

DotNetDataBot (deprecato)



After unpacking the package you can see a file called DotNetDataBot.dll and one called DotNetDataBot.xml. The xml document is only for documentation. To use it you have to create a new refer in your project. Then you can write using DotNetDataBot; to import the framework.


To login you have to create a new Site object with the url of the wiki, your bot's username and its password.

Esempio 1: Recuperare l'ID di una pagina

You can access the id of an item by searching for using the site and the title of the connected page.

Esempio 2: Recuperare i collegamenti interlinguistici

You can get the interwiki links of an item by loading the content and accessing the links field of the object.

Esempio 3: Impostare una descrizione

To set a description, you must call the setDescription function.

Esempio 4: Impostare un'etichetta

It works the same way for setting a label. Just call setLabel.

Esempio 5: Recuperare i collegamenti interlinguistici per 100 pagine

La funzione non è supportata. Semplicemente scorrere la lista

Wikibase api for PHP

This is an api client for Wikibase written in PHP. It can be downloaded from here.

Example 1: Basic example

Take a look at the source comments to understand how it works.

Example 2: Creating claims

Take a look at the source comments to understand how it works.

VBot (no updates since 2017)

Framework for Wikidata and Wikipedia. Read and write on Wikidata and other Wikimedia project and have a useful list generator to generate list of Wikipedia page and Wikidata entity. Can read also JSON dump of Wikidata.


Bot to read and edit Wikidata and Wikipedia.

  • License: CC0 1.0
  • Language C#
  • Can read and write entities with all datatype on Wikidata
  • Can read and write pages on all Wiki project
  • Can read parameter from template on wiki pages
  • Can read JSON dump
  • Can create lists using:
  • Tested with Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop.
    • Is necessary to have Newtonsoft.Json. You can install it with NuGet inside Visual Studio
    • Is necessary to add manually a reference to System.Web for "HttpUtility.UrlEncode"


The framework can be downloaded from GitHub here.


Example 1

Update en label for all items with instance of (P31): short film (Q24862) that have director (P57) and that have publication date (P577) in 1908. (Use of Wikidata query)

LexData (Python; for Lexicographical data)

LexData is an easy to use python libary to create and edit Lexemes, Senses and Forms.


The documentation of LexData is still a bit lacking so look at existing implementations in MachtSinn or Wikdata Lexeme Forms for ideas how to use it.

If you only want to add statements to Lexemes (not forms or senses) WikibaseIntegrator might be a better choice, as it is more versatile and support a lot of data types.


You can install LexData via pip:

$ pip install LexData


For all operations you need a WikidataSession. You can create it with your credentials, a bot password or an Edit Token (for example to edit via OAUTH):

Retrieve a Lexeme

You can open existing Lexemes and read their content.

Searching and creating Lexemes

If you don't know the L-Id of a lexeme you can search for it. And if it doesn't exist you can create it.

Adding information

You can easily create forms or senses, with or without additional claims:


In questa sezione puoi conoscere come interrogare direttamente tramite API. Le interrogazioni API sono necessarie se vuoi sviluppare il tuo framework personale o per codificare una funzionalità non supportata per un framework. Una documentazione per le API WIkibase possono essere trovate in Puoi dare un'occhiata anche a Special:ApiSandbox.

Per questi esempi di API non è necessario installare alcun software aggiuntivo, è sufficiente un interprete di linguaggio (Python, Perl, eccetera).

Esempio 1: Recuperare il numero Q

Questo esempio recupera il numero Q dell'elemento che include il collegamento alla voce sulla galassia Andromeda nella Wikipedia in inglese.

Try following the link. This requests no additional information about the entity; remove &props= from the URL to see much more information about it. See the generated help for wbgetentities for more parameters you can specify.


The output is:


Example 2: Get list of items without particular interwiki

...please contribute if you know how...

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