Wikidata:Property proposal/Hans Christian Andersen Centre ID

Hans Christian Andersen Centre's work ID edit

Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Creative work

DescriptionIdentifier for a work by Hans Christian Andersen in the Digterens danske Værker catalogue
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainliterary work (Q7725634)
Allowed values\d+
Source (In Danish)
Formatter URL$1

A center at University of Southern Denmark (Q2166335) focusing on research on Hans Christian Andersen (Q5673) maintains a website where each individual work of the author has its own page. The ID is derived from a catalogue from 1942, Digterens danske Værker, by Birger Frank Nielsen and is likely to include most of the important works of Andersen. — Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen) (talk) 16:22, 10 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]


I've removed The Hans Christian Andersen Centre maintains a katalog of the works of the authors, for instance {{Q|11868}} is no. 66 and resolvable as from the description. Andy Mabbett (Pigsonthewing); Talk to Andy; Andy's edits 18:38, 10 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]