Wikidata:Property proposal/Heritage Railway Station of Canada ID

Heritage Railway Station of Canada ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Place

Descriptionidentifier of the Heritage Railway Station of Canada
RepresentsHeritage Railway Station of Canada (Q3098283)
Data typeExternal identifier
Allowed values/d+
ExampleGare du Palais (Q276785)2116
Planned usePlan to complete it in the next months.
Formatter URL$1
See alsoCanadian Register of Historic Places ID (P477), National Historic Sites of Canada ID (P2526)

This is a short directory of only 161 railway stations who are desigated as Heritage Railway Station of Canada (Q3098283), but the url is different of National Historic Sites of Canada ID (P2526). There is already 119 items wo use Heritage Railway Station of Canada (Q3098283) as there heritage designation (P1435). Fralambert (talk) 19:21, 3 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. This is not in this request, but there is also a possibility to create two properties for the Federal Heritage Building (Q3579115) and the heritage lighthouse (Q15641550).

English formatter URL shown; French equivalent is$1
