Wikidata:Property proposal/NLS Geographic Name ID

NLS-FI Geographic Name ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Place

DescriptionNational Land Survey of Finland Geographic Name ID
Representstoponym (Q7884789)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domaingeographic location (Q2221906)
Allowed values8 digits (allow 10)
ExampleThe property will probably be used as a qualifier to the official name (P1448) or native label (P1705) properties, not directly with places. Kangasala (Q986322)official name (P1448) → "Kangasala" (fi) → 40105946
Planned useThis property can be used to verify all official Finnish place names.
Formatter URL$1

This property links to the Geographic Names Register maintained by the National Land Survey of Finland. The underlying URI-service is unofficial experimental beta service. Susanna Ånäs (Susannaanas) (talk) 08:46, 21 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
