Wikidata:Property proposal/display size

display size


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

   Not done
Descriptiondiagonal lenght of the display in an electronic device.
Representsdisplay size (Q861066)
Data typeNumber (not available yet)
Template parameterdisplay
Domaincomputer (Q68)
Allowed valuesnumber
Allowed unitsinch, centimeter
ExampleNexus 4 (Q49047) → 4.7 inches
Robot and gadget jobsyes
See alsoQ12538706

I believe it is obvious why, where and how this property is needed and will be used Ogoorcs (talk) 01:54, 29 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

I see your point here, but I can't see why new properties proposals that can already be expressed trough a combination of "another property + qualifiers" couldn't have their specific equivalent property, particularly considering the benefits in user experience that simple properties provide (also against damages caused by newcomers trying to fill the gaps improvising properties failing to check it in similar entities).
I think that if your priority here is to preserve some kind of uniformity and to reduce complexity, opposing simple and catchy properties and so forcing users to think as machines really doesn't help this project; on the contrary, I think you should advocate for an equivalent to property meta-property: a way such that newcomers can shorcut an absurdely long "consist of: screen -> {determination method: diagonal measurement, lenght: value}" with "diagonal length: value" (equivalence classes for properties are needed for queries too: a simple query such as "dutch rappers" need a UNION operator for elements having properties "genre: rapping" and "instance of: rapper").
Anyway to me your argument is totally invalid, since you can apply it to proof that almost any property, for example birthplace, can be made useless having the right amount of information:
Julius Caesar -> birthplace -> Rome
is equivalent to
Julius Caesar -> partecipant of -> birth -> { of -> Aurelia Cotta
date: 100 BCE
place: Rome }
Ogoorcs (talk) 05:09, 12 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]