Wikidata:Property proposal/district heating

district heating grid


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Place

Descriptiondistrict heating (or cooling) grid of region/locality connecting producers and residential or commercial consumers in the area
Representsdistrict heating (Q278784)
Data typeItem
Example 1Vienna (Q1741)Fernwärme Wien (Q105687065): district heating system in Vienna, Austria
Example 2Paris (Q90)réseau de chaleur urbain CPCU (Q105687036): district heating system in Paris, France
Example 3Ivry-sur-Seine (Q193877)réseau de chaleur urbain CPCU (Q105687036): district heating system in Paris, France
Example 4Berlin (Q64)Berliner Fernwärmenetz (Q105687045): district heating system in Berlin, Germany
Planned useadd from w:District_heating#National_variation



It seems we have plenty of information about transportation infrastructure, but lack data on more basic parts of infrastructure, such as the above. Generally, there would be one value per neighborhood or region. This should simplify finding a relevant grid for a given location (Add your motivation for this property here.) --- Jura 21:46, 23 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]

  Notified participants of WikiProject Energy --- Jura 21:47, 23 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]

