Wikidata:Property proposal/greater than (2)

greater than


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

   Done: greater than (P5135) (Talk and documentation)
Descriptioninstances of the item have a greater value than corresponding instances of the object, for the given measure
Representsinequation (Q165309)
Data typeItem
Exampleem dash (Q10941604)greater thanen dash (Q13219273)criterion used (P1013)length (Q36253) with criterion used (P1013) = ceteris paribus (Q572079)
Planned useitems whose relationships to other items take the form of an inequality with a known direction, but without specific values
See alsodifferent from (P1889)

less than


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

   Done: less than (P5136) (Talk and documentation)
Descriptioninstances of the item have a lesser value than corresponding instances of the object, for the given measure
Representsinequation (Q165309)
Data typeItem
Exampleaerostat (Q1299477)less thanair (Q7391292)criterion used (P1013)mass density (Q29539) with criterion used (P1013) = proximity (Q19267375)
satellite (Q1297322)less thanprimary body (Q7243056)criterion used (P1013)mass (Q11423) with criterion used (P1013) = interaction (Q52948)
Planned useitems whose relationships to other items take the form of an inequality with a known direction, but without specific values
See alsodifferent from (P1889)


Many, many items are defined relative to another item by an inequality: satellites of all sizes are, by definition, less massive than the bodies they orbit; aerostats are, by definition, lighter than air. No existing property allows these simple, key facts. Instances can be given numeric values, but there is no way to express the inequality that defines the entire class of satellites, or aerostats.

Two qualifiers are suggested (see examples):

  • criterion used (P1013) (mandatory): The measure by which the items are being compared. Without this, the parent statement is meaningless.
  • determination method (P459) A second criterion used (P1013): The relationship by which corresponding instances of subject and object are identified. This may be obvious in many cases, so I'd like comments on whether this qualifier should be mandatory.

See previous similar proposal; concrete concerns expressed there are addressed with the qualifiers identified above. Swpb (talk) 18:26, 4 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]
