Wikidata:Status updates/2015 05 23

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2015-05-23.

Wikimedia Hackathon 2015
  • State of the Map US (OpenStreetMap's conference) in New York on 6-8 June
  • Wikimedia Hackathon 2015 in Lyon from 23-25 May. Some of the activities and outcomes:
    • Wikidata descriptions can soon be edited in the Wikipedia iOS app.
    • A early preview of the primary SPARQL endpoint for Wikidata has been created to query Wikidata. Remember that it is not stable and still beta. A short introduction to SPARQL can be found in Lucie's slides.
    • If you are not familiar with SPARQL yet, a tool has been created by Tpt and Bene* to generate SPARQL queries from natural language questions.
    • To do SPARQL queries from the command line, a command line tool was crafted by Marius.
    • The special page to query for badges is within reach.
    • A feedback session on the architecture of Wikibase was held.
    • We got a cool presentation by Maxime about
    • We figured out the next steps to make Wikidata more mobile friendly.
    • Pilot on the Hungarian Wikipedia to show diagrams based on Wikidata in their articles on Spanish villages

Other Noteworthy Stuff


Did you know?



  • Got early preview of the primary SPARQL endpoint for Wikidata live
  • The Graph extension is now live on Wikidata
  • Arbitrary access is rolled out on fawiki, hewiki and enwikivoyage now
  • Busy with the hackathon (see above)

You can see all open bugs related to Wikidata here.

Monthly Tasks

  • Hack on one of these.
  • Help fix these items which have been flagged using Wikidata - The Game.
  • Help develop the next summary here!
  • Contribute to a Showcase item
  • Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
  • Add labels, in your own language, for the new properties listed above.

Anything to add? Please share! :)