Wikidata:Status updates/2016 04 09

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2016-04-09.



Other Noteworthy Stuff


Did you know?



  • Lucie successfully defended her thesis about the ArticlePlaceholder. Congrats!
  • Worked more on the first version of the user interface for structured data for multimedia files
  • Worked on simplifying input of queries for people who do not know SPARQL
  • Improved localizability of the sitelink and reference counters
  • Allow input and output of localized dates with precision smaller than years (phab:T95532 and phab:T127820)
  • More string properties have been converted to external id ones, so that we have over 850 external id properties now
  • Experimenting with Citoid support for Wikidata to make it easier to add complete references in the way Visual Editor does it
  • Improved performance of sticky property labels (phab:T103485)
  • Released DataValues JavaScript 0.8.1

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.

Monthly Tasks

  • Hack on one of these.
  • Help develop the next summary here!
  • Contribute to a Showcase item
  • Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
  • Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.

Anything to add? Please share! :)