Wikidata:Train the trainers

 Training    Plan a workshop    5min outline    Tips and limitations    Train the Trainers    MOOC    Discussion

Train the trainers in Vienna, 2018

Wikidata Train the Trainers is a program run in order to train more volunteers to be Wikidata trainers.

„Wikidata Train the Trainers“ ist ein Programm, um Interessierte zu Wikidata-Trainern bzw. -Trainerinnen auszubilden.

Goals / Ziele:

  • Train volunteers to be autonomous in running Wikidata workshops
  • Provide and share all the necessary resources
  • Build a strong community of trainers





Here are the slides for the different sessions that took place.

For the free editable format (.odp) please contact us. Für die Datei in einem freien Format (.odp) bitte uns kontaktieren.

Documentation for organizers

Here are all the training materials that we used to organize the "Train the Trainers" session. We give moire details about the content of the sessions, the evaluation, etc. If you want to organize your own, feel free to reuse and adapt this documentation for your own needs.

Your workshops/Eure Workshops


When you organize a Wikidata training or presentation after your participation to "Wikidata Train the Trainers", please fill the table below! It will help the other participants as well as the organizers to evaluate the results of the event.

When you plan a Wikidata event, don't forget to add it on Wikidata:Events!

Date/Datum Place/Ort Who organised? Wer hat organisiert? Number of participants/Zahl von Teilnehmer Slides or resources Comments/Kommentar Questions/Fragen
16.01.2019 Austrian Institute of Technology (Q783627) Phaebz 7 Internal and improvised For evaluation of usage as basis for internal team knowledge base -> prototype under development
15.12.2018 temporaerhaus (Q27945856) Looniverse 5 Wikiseite Nette familiäre Veranstaltung mit Lebkuchen in der Vorweihnachtszeit. Planung weiterer Aktionen (Erfassung von Stolpersteinen in Memmingen und Göppingen)
19.01.2019 National University of Kharkiv (Q1458695) Kharkivian, Vlasenko D 16 Internal It was training for trainers before wikimarathon in Ukrainian Wiki
22.-24.02.2019 temporaerhaus (Q27945856) Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE) and others ~30 Wikiseite I presented a SPARQL tutorial and helped out with other stuff, but was not the main organizer
29.06.2019 temporaerhaus (Q27945856) Looniverse 5 Wikiseite Wissensaustausch zwischen Wikipedianern und Wikidatalern. Bearbeitung regionaler Wikidata-Items. Anschließendes Eisessen ("Wiki loves Icecream").
05.07.2019 Open Data Day Düsseldorf 2019 Raymond, Presentation: ~ 15 / Workshop: 2 Wikidata live on beamer 45 minutes presentation and 45 minutes workshop