Wikidata:WikiProject Curaçao

Welcome to the WikiProject to improve information about Curaçao (Q25279)  View with Reasonator View with SQID on Wikidata.

How to help

This is a map of Wikidata items (with geographic coordinates) on Curaçao.
Red dots don't have an image yet - maybe you can add one from Wikimedia Commons.
If you miss a geographic item on the map: search Wikidata first (maybe the item exists but it does not have geo coordinates yet; in that case do add the coordinates), and, if an item doesn't exist yet: create it on Wikidata (and add its coordinates).
(Configuration page)

Feel free to fill this page with more content if you are interested in contributing to knowledge about Curaçao on Wikidata!

See also




The participants listed below can be notified using the following template in discussions:
{{Ping project|Curaçao}}

