Wikidata:WikiProject Jasmerah

JAngan Sekali-kali MEninggalkan sejaRAH! - Sukarno

In English: Never abandon history! - (Sukarno, first President of Indonesia)

This quote as Wikidata item



The main goal of this project is to improve the quality of Wikidata data about the Indonesian history.

The current focus is on the following quality aspects (C-A-T):

  • Completeness: Is the data complete enough? Is it of sufficient breadth and depth?
  • Accuracy: How accurate is the data? Is it reliable and verifiable?
  • Timeliness: Is the data up-to-date? Is the latest data included?





Task 1: Indonesian National Heroes


The following table lists properties for national heroes of Indonesia, sorted by Property IDs. For real-time, auto-generated property table, please refer to this SPARQL query.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
imageP18Commons media fileillustration and image: image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)General Soedirman <image> Sudirman.jpg-
place of birthP19Itemplace of birth, maternity hospital and unknown birth place: most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) birth location of a person, animal or fictional characterGeneral Soedirman <place of birth> Purbalingga-
place of deathP20Itemplace of death: most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) death location of a person, animal or fictional characterGeneral Soedirman <place of death> Magelang-
sex or genderP21Itemsex of humans, biological sex, gender and sex or gender: sex or gender identity of human or animal. For human: male, female, non-binary, intersex, transgender female, transgender male, agender, etc. For animal: male organism, female organism. Groups of same gender use subclass of (P279)General Soedirman <sex or gender> male-
fatherP22Itemfather: male parent of the subject. For stepfather, use "stepparent" (P3448)Diponegoro <father> Hamengkubuwono IIIchild
motherP25Itemmother: female parent of the subject. For stepmother, use "stepparent" (P3448)Sukarno <mother> Ida Ayu Nyoman Raichild
spouseP26Itemspouse: the subject has the object as their spouse (husband, wife, partner, etc.). Use "unmarried partner" (P451) for non-married companionsTeuku Umar <spouse> Cut Nyak Dhienspouse
country of citizenshipP27Itemcitizenship: the object is a country that recognizes the subject as its citizenGeneral Soedirman <country of citizenship> Indonesia-
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)General Soedirman <instance of> human-
position heldP39Itemmandate, position, political coalition, by position held, public office and historical position: subject currently or formerly holds the object position or public officeMohammad Hatta <position held> Vice President of Indonesiaofficeholder
childP40Itemchild: subject has object as child. Do not use for stepchildren—use "relative" (P1038), qualified with "type of kinship" (P1039)Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto <child> Harsono Tjokroaminotoparent
educated atP69Itemalma mater: educational institution attended by subjectMohammad Hatta <educated at> Erasmus University Rotterdam-
member of political partyP102Itempolitical party and member of political party: the political party of which a person is or has been a member or otherwise affiliatedSukarno <member of political party> Indonesian National Party-
occupationP106Itemoccupation, profession and by occupation or profession: occupation of a person; see also "field of work" (Property:P101), "position held" (Property:P39)General Soedirman <occupation> military personnel-
signatureP109Commons media filesignature: image of a person's signatureGeneral Soedirman <signature> Signature of Sudirman.svg-
place of burialP119Itemgrave, location of burial and inferred from place of burial: location of grave, resting place, place of ash-scattering, etc. (e.g., town/city or cemetery) for a person or animal. There may be several places: e.g., re-burials, parts of body buried separately.General Soedirman <place of burial> Kusumanegara Heroes' Cemetery-
religion or worldviewP140Itemreligion, religious identity, religious movement, doxastic attitude and religion or world view: religion of a person, organization or religious building, or associated with this subjectGeneral Soedirman <religion or worldview> Islam-
award receivedP166Itemaward, honorary citizenship, title of honor and decoration: award or recognition received by a person, organization or creative workGeneral Soedirman <award received> National Hero of Indonesia-
military branchP241Itemmilitary branch: branch to which this military unit, award, office, or person belongs, e.g. Royal NavyGeneral Soedirman <military branch> army-
military rankP410Itemmilitary rank: military rank achieved by a person (should usually have a "start time" qualifier), or military rank associated with a positionGeneral Soedirman <military rank> brigadier general-
cause of deathP509Itemcause of death: underlying or immediate cause of death. Underlying cause (e.g. car accident, stomach cancer) preferred. Use 'manner of death' (P1196) for broadest category, e.g. natural causes, accident, homicide, suicideGeneral Soedirman <cause of death> tuberculosis-
date of birthP569Point in timedate of birth: date on which the subject was bornGeneral Soedirman <date of birth> 24 January 1916-
date of deathP570Point in timedate of death: date on which the subject diedGeneral Soedirman <date of death> 29 January 1950-
commander of (DEPRECATED)P598Itemcommand: for persons who are notable as commanding officers, the units they commandedGeneral Soedirman <commander of (DEPRECATED)> Indonesian National Armed Forcescommanded by
conflictP607Itemviolent conflict: battles, wars or other military engagements in which the person or item participatedGeneral Soedirman <conflict> Indonesian National Revolution-
given nameP735Itemgiven name: first name or another given name of this person; values used with the property should not link disambiguations nor family namesAdam Malik <given name> Adam-
manner of deathP1196Itemmanner of death: general circumstances of a person's death; e.g. natural causes, accident, suicide, homicide, etc. Use 'cause of death' (P509) for the specific physiological mechanism, e.g. heart attack, trauma, pneumonia etc.General Soedirman <manner of death> natural causes-
name in native languageP1559Monolingual textname and full name: name of a person in their native languageMohammad Hatta <name in native language> Mohammad Hatta-

Famous Items


Some of the most famous national heroes are:

For automatic list (sorted based on triple-count), please refer to this SPARQL query.

Frequent Properties


By 18 Nov 2017, the 10 most common, non-identifier properties for national heroes are:

  • award received (P166): award or recognition received by a person, organization or creative work
  • instance of (P31): that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)
  • sex or gender (P21): sex or gender identity of human or animal. For human: male, female, non-binary, intersex, transgender female, transgender male, agender, etc. For animal: male organism, female organism. Groups of same gender use subclass of (P279)
  • date of death (P570): date on which the subject died
  • date of birth (P569): date on which the subject was born
  • country of citizenship (P27): the object is a country that recognizes the subject as its citizen
  • image (P18): image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)
  • place of birth (P19): most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) birth location of a person, animal or fictional character
  • place of death (P20): most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) death location of a person, animal or fictional character
  • occupation (P106): occupation of a person; see also "field of work" (Property:P101), "position held" (Property:P39)



Issue #1: Incomplete Data of Indonesian National Heroes


According to a (credible) source,[1] there are 173 national heroes of Indonesia as per Nov 2017. Yet, Wikidata only records 160 Indonesian national heroes (as per 21 Nov 2017). This number is even lower than 163, which is the number of all Indonesian national heroes up to 2014, released (in PDF format) by the Indonesian government.[2]

  Done (21 Nov 2017): Wikidata is now complete with regard to the complete list of Indonesian National Heroes up to 2014.[2]

  Done (22 Nov 2017): Wikidata is now complete with regard to the complete list of Indonesian National Heroes in 2015.[3]

  Done (22 Nov 2017): Wikidata is now complete with regard to the complete list of Indonesian National Heroes in 2016[4] and 2017.[5]

  Done (22 Nov 2017): Wikidata is now complete and accurate for the data about Indonesian National Heroes up to 2017! For archival purposes, the complete and accurate data is also mirrored.[6]

Issue #2: Heroes Day as Indonesian National Hero


The Indonesian Remembrance Day is wrongly stated to have the Indonesian National Hero award.

  Done (21 Nov 2017): The statement has been removed.

Issue #3: Incomplete Gender Information of Indonesian National Heroes


There were 3 national heroes without genders, Ki Bagoes Hadikusumo, Djamin Ginting, and Opu Daeng Risadju.

  Done (23 Nov 2017): Now all national heroes of Indonesia have gender information!

Issue #4: Incomplete Birthdate Information of Indonesian National Heroes


There were 7 national heroes without birthdates: Malahayati, Teungku Chik di Tiro, La Madukelleng, Opu Daeng Risadju, KH Fakhruddin, I Gusti Ketut Jelantik, Radin Inten II.

  Done (29 Nov 2017): Now all national heroes of Indonesia have birthdate information!

Issue #5: Incomplete Date of Death Information of Indonesian National Heroes


There were 5 national heroes without date of death: KH Fakhruddin, Malahayati, Radin Inten II, Opu Daeng Risadju, La Madukelleng.

  Done (30 Nov 2017): Now all national heroes of Indonesia have death of date information!

Issue #6: National heroes awarded in 2018


Six national heroes were awarded in 2018: Abdurrahman Baswedan, Kasman Singodimedjo, Depati Amir, Syam'un, Andi Depu, dan Pangeran Muhammad Noor.

  Done (10 Nov 2018): The above six people have now been stated as Indonesian national heroes in Wikidata!



Showcase #1: Interactive, Live Timeline of (Complete) Indonesian National Heroes


Powered by Histropedia and Wikidata, the timeline can be accessed by clicking here or the image below:

Interactive, Live Timeline of (Complete) Indonesian National Heroes

Showcase #2: Auto-generated Table of Indonesian National Heroes


On Wikipedia, there is already a table of Indonesian national heroes, which is generated manually. Using Wikidata and Listeria, the table can now be generated automatically. Please refer to: Auto-generated Table of Indonesian National Heroes.

Auto-generated Table of Indonesian National Heroes in Wikidata

Project Subpages



  1. "Pendiri HMI dan Malayati Tambah Daftar Pahlawan Nasional Jadi 173",, 10 November 2017. Retrieved on 20 November 2017.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Daftar Nama Pahlawan Nasional s/d Tahun 2014", Kementerian Sosial RI (Ministry of Social Affairs), January 2015. Retrieved on 21 November 2017.
  3. "Nama-Nama Penerima Tanda Kehormatan Republik Indonesia dalam Rangka Hari Pahlawan di Istana Negara pada Tanggal 4 November 2015", Kementerian Sekretariat Negara RI (Ministry of State Secretariat), November 2015. Retrieved on 22 November 2017.
  4. "Gelar Pahlawan Nasional 2016",, 9 November 2016. Retrieved on 22 November 2017.
  5. "Mengenal 4 Tokoh yang Dianugerahi Gelar Pahlawan Nasional",, 10 November 2017. Retrieved on 22 November 2017.
  6. "Indonesian National Heroes up to 2017", Google Spreadsheet, 22 November 2017. Retrieved on 22 November 2017.