Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/San Diego State University/Comic Arts Project Application Profiles Works

Bolded properties are considered core. All others are optional according to cataloger's judgment. Note there are more properties available than listed here, these are just considered the most common/necessary for SDSU's comic book collection.

This application profile relates to items listed in the notable work field and includes comic strips, comic book series, and story arcs. Note that there is a difference between works and manifestations (also known as editions) and which properties should be included. For more information, see the Wikidata project on books also listed below as a resource.


Property Value Qualifiers if applicable Usage Note
Label Name of work or comic series Batman, The Dark Phoenix Saga, Uncanny X-Men
Description State the type of work, i.e. comic book series, comic book strip, story arc or storyline, etc. If using story line include franchise (Marvel, DC), and the specific comic The Dark Phoenix Saga: Marvel Comics X-Men storyline
Also known as Variant names in direct order Unlikely to have many variant names, though be sure to include names without punctuation i.e. X Men and Amazing Spider Man
Statements Include at least one reference for most statements. References should not come from Wikipedia, use the linked source.
on focus list of Wikimedia Project (P5008) Q100363299 = Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/San Diego State University Only for PCC Pilot project.
instance of (P31) comic book series Q14406742, story arc Q2620972, comic strip Q838795, manga Q8274, comics anthology Q867242, graphic novel Q725377 comic book Q1760610, comics Q1004 No reference required. Not an exhaustive list and a comic can be an instance of more than 1 thing, i.e. a comic book and a graphic novel. We will likely be entering manifestation/expression level records, not work level records, so be as specific as possible
inception (P571) date of establishment, date or point in time when the subject came into existence as defined Include reference. This is used for work level items
publication date (P577) date or point in time when a work was first published or released Include reference. This is used for edition/manifestation level items
publisher (P123) organization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, printed music, podcasts, games or software Include reference. This is used for edition/manifestation level items
genre (P136) always Q1004 for comics and any other additional genres that are relevant (such as superhero comics Q7643429) Include reference
creator (P170) Not highly used, mostly for comic strips
author (P50) Use for story arcs
illustrator (P110) if the person is listed as either a penciller Q17098559 or an inker Q1153051, use qualifier P2868 to note their role. past practice, penciller and inker are now properties Use for artists, both work and expression level
penciller (P10837) Use for pencillers, work and expression level
inker (P10836) Use for inkers, work and expression level
colorist (P6338) Use if the colorist is known
letterer (P9191) Use for letterers if known
editor (P98) Optional; if included in the MARC record, consider adding it
language of work or name (P407)
characters (P674) List main characters, characters will be fleshed out when we start working on fictitious characters
alternative titles (P4970) Officially alternate names, may also be used for variant headings/access points List any alternative titles, i.e. MARC 246 that you believe will aid in discovery.
subtitle ( P1680) For the subtitle of the comic (if importing from MARC, subfield b in the title field)
part of (P361) For subseries that have split off from a main series, i.e. Uncanny X-Men from The X-Men (it was originally published as X-Men and the title changed in the 1970s)
derivative work (P4969) For other works, such as movies, television shows, etc.
edition/version (P9767) The official version/edition, not part of the title or subtitle. Most likely to be used for special or limited editions
award received (P166) For the award received by the work itself, i.e. Best Series, Best One-Shot, etc.
Identifiers Identifiers do not need references; they are self-referencing. However, qualifiers may be included if useful, such as to justify variant names. If you encounter an incorrect identifier, follow the instructions here.
Library of Congress Authority ID (LCCN) (P1144)
Open Library ID (P648)
Goodreads work ID (P8383)
Fandom wiki ID (P4073)
Freebase ID (P646)
