विकिडेटा:विकिप्रोजेक्ट रस्ते/विशिष्ट गुणधर्म

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:WikiProject Roads/Typical properties and the translation is 52% complete.

या पृष्ठावर रस्त्यावरील बहुतांश वस्तूंना लागू होणाऱ्या सामान्य गुणधर्मांची यादी आहे.

traffic sign (P14) View with SQID
Commons link to any shield(s) that are used to sign the highway. Omit fair-use shields not available on Commons. Do not include the "File:" prefix.
route map (P15) View with SQID
: Commons वर अस्तित्त्वात असलेल्या मार्गाच्या सर्व नकाशांशी कॉमन्स लिंक.  "फाइल:" उपसर्ग समाविष्ट करू नका.
transport network (P16) View with SQID
Item link to the item about the system the highway is a part of.
maintained by (P126) View with SQID
: रस्ता राखण्यासाठी जबाबदार असलेल्या रोड एजन्सीशी आयटम लिंक.
owned by (P127) View with SQID
Item link to the owner of the road. In the United States, this is usually the same as maintenance.
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) View with SQID
States/provinces/counties the road passes through. Use the appropriate level for the scope of the article, i.e. on an article of national scope, use states/provinces, on an article of provincial scope, use counties/parishes/prefectures, on an article of county scope, use townships.
named after (P138) View with SQID

 : लागू असल्यास, या रस्त्याचे नाव काय आहे. (उदाहरण:


terminus (P559) View with SQID
The intersecting highway at the highway's terminus (not the city). Use "direction" as a qualifier (direction (P560) View with SQID) to distinguish between termini (example: ). If there are multiple highways present at a terminus (due to a concurrency or some other situation like a traffic circle), include all the highways, and tag each with the direction.
terminus location (P609) View with SQID
The location (town, city, unincorporated location, census-designated place, township, etc.) at the highway's terminus (not the intersecting highway). Use direction (P560) as a qualifier to distinguish between termini (example: )
Termini at international borders or state/province lines should be handled as follows. For articles of national scope, use the country being entered or an item about the international border, if one exists (example: ). For articles of provincial scope, use the state/province being entered (example: ).
start time (P580) View with SQID

 : ज्या दिवशी महामार्ग नियुक्त करण्यात आला (बांधलेला नाही). (उदाहरण:

⟨ U.S. Route 66 (Q79934)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩ start time (P580) View with SQID ⟨ नोव्हेंबर 11, 1926 ⟩


end time (P582) View with SQID
The date a highway designation was canceled, if applicable (not physically closed or torn up). (Example:
⟨ U.S. Route 66 (Q79934)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩ end time (P582) View with SQID ⟨ June 27, 1985 ⟩
) If the designation is still active, do not use this property.
Commons category (P373) View with SQID
कॉमन्स श्रेणीचे नाव.
part of (P361) View with SQID
For items about a specific segment of a larger highway, like state-detail articles in the United States. Use this property to link to the item on the full length of the highway. (Example: )
country (P17) View with SQID
रस्ता ज्या देशांत आहे ते देश किंवा देश.
: या रस्त्याच्या बरोबरीने जाणारे रस्ते.  कोणते भाग समवर्ती आहेत हे निर्दिष्ट करण्यासाठी पात्रता वापरा.
length (P2043) View with SQID
रस्त्याची लांबी, मैल किंवा किलोमीटरमध्ये.
linear reference (P6710) View with SQID

 : रस्त्याच्या बिंदूचे तपशील, मैल किंवा किलोमीटरमध्ये. (उदाहरण:

⟨ D1 motorway (Q530229)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩ terminus (P559) View with SQID ⟨ Severojižní magistrála (Q12051559)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩
linear reference (P6710) View with SQID ⟨ 0.000 किमी ⟩
