Wikidata:WikiProject Rowing/boat classes

WikiProject Rowing
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To define competition classes of rowing in the subpage Wikidata:WikiProject Rowing/competition classes, we need to have clean items of the type boat class in rowing (Q26211803). This applies to:

Generic boat classes
by number of rowers: single (Q26478177), pair (Q18397176), four (Q18413510), eight (Q26478138)
by rowing style: sweep rowing boat (Q1256290), sculler (Q18630808)
by coxing type: coxless rowing boat (Q26478215), coxed rowing boat (Q26478217)
Specific boat classes (which are combinations of the generic types; only those with significance at international rowing competitions are recognized)
single scull (Q1307021), double scull (Q1243495), coxless pair (Q232563), coxed pair (Q232557), quad scull (Q507520), coxed quad sull (Q26214395), coxless four (Q81032), coxed four (Q1992528), octuple scull (Q7077120), eight (Q81050)

Generic boat classes


The generic boat class items should subclass the racing shell (Q606305) item, and the specific boat class items should subclass all generic boat class items whose properties they inherit. If useful, we could also try to add information about (allowed) bowloader (Q3657293) types, but that seems to be of minor importance at the moment.

Specific boat classes


All specific boat classes can be queried using the Wikidata Query Service. The corresponding query including a link reads as follows:

# boat class items in rowing
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?shortName ?sweepscullLabel ?rowers ?cox ?mass ?length ?icon WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q26211803; wdt:P279 ?sweepscull .
  FILTER(?sweepscull = wd:Q18630808 || ?sweepscull = wd:Q1256290) .
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1813 ?shortName }
  OPTIONAL { ?item p:P1873 [ ps:P1873 ?rowers; pq:P3831 wd:Q13382576 ] }
  OPTIONAL { ?item p:P1873 [ ps:P1873 ?cox; pq:P3831 wd:Q1690874 ] }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P2067 ?mass }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P2043 ?length }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P2910 ?icon }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,de" }
} ORDER BY ASC(?rowers) ASC(?sweepscullLabel) ASC(?cox)
Try it!