Wikidata:WikiProject Rowing/venues

WikiProject Rowing
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Structural items


How to tag

  1. use instance of (P31)subclass of body of water (Q15324) plus has use (P366)rowing and canoeing venue (Q2137251) for an item of a lake that fulfills all of these conditions (e.g. Lake Varese (Q542913)):
    • is regularly used for rowing/canoe events
    • was not originally made to serve as venue (applies to all natural water bodies and many artificial ones as well)
    • there is no item for the venue itself
  2. use instance of (P31)subclass of body of water (Q15324) plus instance of (P31)rowing and canoeing venue (Q2137251) for an item of a lake that:
  3. use instance of (P31)rowing and canoeing venue (Q2137251) plus located in or next to body of water (P206)subclass of body of water (Q15324) for an item of a regatta center that is located on a water body with an individual item (e.g. Beetzsee Regatta Course (Q2137254) at Beetzsee (Q635952))

There are also some items about venue equipment, such as Albano buoy system (Q2637257), start pontoon (Q2333247), and others.

Further properties to use: tbd.

Already tagged


Quick links to Wikidata Query Service:

  1. Query type 1: items of water bodies which occasionally host rowing regattas
  2. Query type 2: joint items for water body and rowing venue
  3. Query type 3: items about rowing venues with a separate item for the water body

Venue items in use with location (P276) in rowing regatta (Q21224061) items: