Wikidata:WikiProject Rowing/results

WikiProject Rowing
WikiProject start pageparticipantsstatisticsl10n



See also: Wikidata:WikiProject Sport results.

Adding sports results to Wikidata is not straightforward at the moment. There are a few attempts to get such data into Wikidata and re-use it in Wikipedias, however, in general the best approach is still to be developed.

For the sport of rowing, race results can be modelled for three purposes:

  • Infobox data in Wikipedia articles about rowers (possible)
  • Podiums of international championships (possible)
  • Full results (too early)

Structural items and properties




Infobox data for rowers


Inside the item about the rower, use participant in (P1344) with an item about an instance of a rowing event as value (Wikidata:WikiProject Rowing/events), with qualifiers:

Some remarks:

  • We use this for active participation at the event, i.e. the rower should have participated in at least one heat (which is not necessarily the final). We do not use it for (registered) replacement athletes without active participation.
  • Do not use class items of events or regattas, or instance items of regattas with this scheme (see events); one could theoretically model this with several qualifiers, but it is very difficult to re-use.

The following properties are not used for rowing:

Podiums of international championships


In items about instances of a rowing event, basic results such as podiums can be modeled:

  • participating team (P1923): generic items about all competing national teams (not yet set up)
    • (Qualifier property to be determined): as qualifiers, list all rowers which have actively participated in at least one heat of the event
    • series ordinal (P1545): if more than one team per club/country have participated in the same event, qualify them with a short description (e.g. “team 1”); otherwise this qualifier is not necessary
  • general classification of race participants (P2321): generic items about podium teams, with qualifiers:
    • ranking (P1352): ranking in final (mandatory; A-Final: 1–6, B-Final: 7–12, etc.)
    • race time (P2781): total time in final in seconds with 1/100 sec precision (mandatory; use unknown value Help for times which are not recorded, and no value Help for situations where the race has not been finished)
    • time gap (P2911): time gap to winner in seconds with 1/100 sec precision (optional, redundant)
    • significant event (P793) (if applicable): one of did not start (Q1210382), did not finish (Q1210380), disqualification (Q1229261), etc.
    • (Qualifier property to be determined): as qualifiers, list all rowers which have actively participated in the final; this is only necessary if there have been crew member replacements throughout the event in the team, otherwise this information is being pulled from the participating team (P1923) qualifiers.
    • series ordinal (P1545): if more than one team per club/country have participated in the same event, qualify with the same short description as above (e.g. “team 1”) which one this claim refers to; otherwise this qualifier is not necessary

The following properties are not used for rowing: winner (P1346) (use general classification of race participants (P2321) with qualifier “ranking (P1352): 1”).

Full results


For the “full results” approach, the best option would likely be to create items for each composed team, and then model the results with suitable items. There are, however, some important issues to solve before starting:

  • For the sports of rowing, a large amount of items needs to be created and managed (possibly a 6-figure number)
  • After this has been set up once, how to manage annular updates?
  • How to add references?
  • How to use labels and descriptions of items?
  • Include seat positions in boat or not?
  • Possibly interesting properties: results (P2501), …

Make results available for Wikipedias


No efforts being done until now. The different types of results outlined above will make modules possible later on, when significant amount of results are available at Wikidata.