Wikidata:Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil/Tipologia



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Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Rosário
Pirenópolis, Goiás
Rossyni Pina
4º lugar Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil 2023
Brasília, Distrito Federal
Bruno Tamm
Menção honrosa Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil 202

Os bens que participam do Wiki Loves Monuments no Brasil podem ser agrupados em dois grandes conjuntos:

  • Patrimônio tombado: são aqueles bens sobre os quais recai uma legislação que busca sua salvaguarda para gerações futuras. Essa legislação pode ser de nível internacional (UNESCO ou Mercosul), nacional (IPHAN), estadual (DF e demais estados) ou municipal (veja mais na aba Fonte dos dados); e
  • Bem de interesse histórico: são aqueles cuja importância histórica está registrada em publicações governamentais ou acadêmicas ou em inventários realizados pelo Estado, por universidades, por organizações sociais ou mesmo por indivíduos, nesses casos tratam-se em geral de especialistas, memorialistas etc.

Órgãos de preservação


No Brasil, em geral, os órgãos de preservação que conferem chancelas aos diferentes tipos de patrimônio se organizam da seguinte forma:

  • Um órgão executivo que realiza a burocracia administrativa da tramitação do processo, desde o recebimento dos pedidos de tombamento, passando pela instrução dos processos e chegando ao envio para homologação (caso seja aprovado) ou arquivamento do processo (se indeferido);
  • Um órgão consultivo, geralmente denominado "Conselho", que é composto por representantes da sociedade civil, acadêmicos da área e outras pessoas, que é quem analisa os pedidos e decide pela chancela ou não.
    • Nota: Quando um processo de tombamento é instruído e aprovado pela instância jurídica da instituição, lavra-se ato administrativo que considera o bem sob o status de "Tombamento Provisório". Desse modo, assegura-se que ele não seja destruído até que uma análise por parte do Conselho possa ser realizada e uma decisão tomada.

Exemplos de órgãos de preservação brasileiros de diferentes níveis e sua composição:

Órgão executivo Descrição Conselho Descrição
National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (Q391537) Brazilian official national organization for heritage preservation Conselho Consultivo do Patrimônio Cultural (Q126734929) no description
Secretary of State for Culture of São Paulo (Q46067394) no description Council for the Defense of Historical, Archaeological, Artistic and Tourist Heritage (Q2895265) organization
Department of Historic Heritage of São Paulo City Hall (Q57179760) no description CONPRESP (Q9670621) public organization in São Paulo, Brazil

Órgãos de cinco níveis de instâncias atuam sobre bens brasileiros, sendo todas independentes. O que significa que um mesmo bem pode ser tombado por mais de uma delas independentemente. Ou seja, não é necessário ser tombado em nível municipal para tombar-se em nível estadual. O contrário também é válido: um bem tombado em nível nacional pode não ser tombado em nível municipal.


No Brasil, existe um único órgão nacional (o National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (Q391537)), cada Unidade da Federação tem (ou deveria ter) seu próprio órgão, cujo nome é bastante variado. Dentre os órgãos estaduais já cadastrados no Wikidata, estão:

Em nível municipal, ainda são raros os órgãos dedicados ao tema. Contudo diferentes atores podem realizar tombamentos, tais como as Prefeituras, as Câmaras Municipais, Conselhos específicos etc.


Tipologias de bens


Dentro desses conjuntos, estão bens de diversas tipologias, apresentadas a seguir em ordem alfabética.

A - B

instance of (P31) Descrição Tipo de
shelter (Q989946) basic architectural structure or building providing protection from the local environment building (Q41176)
language regulator (Q2093358) academy specializing in languages building (Q41176)
collection catalog (Q5146094) catalog of the collection of a museum or archive collection (Q2668072)
aerodrome (Q62447) location from which aircraft flight operations take place building (Q41176)
airport (Q1248784) location where aircraft take off and land with extended support facilities, mostly for commercial air transport building (Q41176)
fresco (Q22669139) artwork produced via the fresco painting technique work of art (Q838948)
post office (Q35054) customer service facility of a postal system building (Q41176)
village (Q532) small clustered human settlement smaller than a town locality (Q3257686)
custom house (Q218653) government office building for import and export of goods building (Q41176)
altar (Q101687) structure upon which offerings such as sacrifices are made for religious purposes work of art (Q838948)
wharf (Q828909) structure on the shore of a harbor or on the bank of a river or canal where ships dock infrastructure (Q121359)
aqueduct (Q474) structure constructed to convey water infrastructure (Q121359)
indoor arena (Q27951514) arena covered by roof and walls building (Q41176)
warehouse (Q181623) building for storing goods building (Q41176)
archive (Q166118) agency or institution responsible for the preservation and communication of records selected for permanent preservation building (Q41176)
municipal archive (Q604177) accumulation of historical records of a town or city collection (Q2668072)
skyscraper (Q11303) very tall building building (Q41176)
arsenal (Q81669) place for arms and ammunition building (Q41176)
poorhouse (Q1929784) facility to support and provide housing for the dependent and needy building (Q41176)
motor car (Q1420) motorized road vehicle designed to carry one to eight people rather than primarily goods vehicle (Q42889)
avenue (Q7543083) wide, straight, usually tree-lined road or approach thoroughfare (Q83620)
airplane (Q197) powered fixed-wing aircraft vehicle (Q42889)
azulejo (Q3179385) Spanish and Portuguese painted tiles work of art (Q838948)
neighborhood (Q123705) geographically localized community within a larger city, town or suburb locality (Q3257686)
balustrade (Q789783) architectural element comprising a run of balusters (spindles) supporting hand rail coping work of art (Q838948)
bench (Q204776) piece of furniture on which several people may sit at the same time infrastructure (Q121359)
bar (Q187456) establishment serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises building (Q41176)
military base (Q245016) facility directly owned and operated by or for the military building (Q41176)
basilica (Q163687) building type of a church building (Q41176)
library (Q7075) institution charged with the care of a collection of literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials, such as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films building (Q41176)
boulevard (Q54114) type of large road, usually running through a city thoroughfare (Q83620)
bust (Q17489160) sculpture of the upper part (head, neck, and a variable portion of chest and shoulders) of the human figure monument (Q4989906)
instance of (P31) Descrição Tipo de
riverfront (Q3840711) spaces, land, or part of an urban area on the edge of a river infrastructure (Q121359)
water tower (Q274153) elevated structure supporting a water tank building (Q41176)
sidewalk (Q177749) footpath along the side of a road or a street thoroughfare (Q83620)
municipal chamber in Brazil (Q10262936) legislative body of a municipality in Brazil building (Q41176)
path (Q5004679) small road or street thoroughfare (Q83620)
university campus (Q209465) cluster of buildings and land used by a college locality (Q3257686)
canal (Q12284) man-made channel for water infrastructure (Q121359)
canoe (Q171529) light boat that is paddled vehicle (Q42889)
chapel (Q108325) small place, building or room of Christian fellowship or worship, may be attached or not to a larger institution or part of a building temple (Q44539)
gloriette (Q1011110) park feature, often a type of pavillion infrastructure (Q121359)
carousel (Q208322) amusement ride consisting of a rotating circular platform with seats for riders machine (Q11019)
house (Q3947) building usually intended for living in building (Q41176)
bandeirista house (Q9698159) no description building (Q41176)
city hall and prison (Q9698181) buildings in the period of Brazil colony and part of the imperial period where the organs of the municipal public administration were installed building (Q41176)
mint (Q464780) factory that manufactures coins for currency building (Q41176)
farmhouse (Q489357) chief dwelling-house attached to a farm building (Q41176)
house of culture (Q5061188) cultural building; cultural institution especially in socialist or social democratic societies building (Q41176)
music venue (Q8719053) any location used for a concert or musical performance building (Q41176)
casa de farinha (Q107196976) artisanal cassava root processing factories in North and Northeast Brazil building (Q41176)
foundry house (Q9698422) no description building (Q41176)
casa grande (Q5047961) main house of Brazilian plantations building (Q41176)
historic house museum (Q2087181) house that has been transformed into a museum building (Q41176)
casino (Q133215) facility which houses and accommodates certain types of gambling activities building (Q41176)
castle (Q23413) type of fortified structure built in Europe, Asia and the Middle East during the Middle Ages by nobility building (Q41176)
cathedral (Q2977) Christian church, which is seat of a bishop temple (Q44539)
cemetery (Q39614) place of burial location of burial (Q12131650)
cenotaph (Q321053) empty tomb or monument erected in honor of a person whose remains are lost or interred elsewhere monument (Q4989906)
community center (Q77115) public location where members of a community tend to gather for group activities, social support, public information, and other purposes building (Q41176)
cultural center (Q1329623) facility where culture and arts are promoted (wide definition) building (Q41176)
convention center (Q1378975) building designed to hold a convention building (Q41176)
brewery (Q131734) business that makes and sells beer building (Q41176)
chacara (Q1471114) type of farm in Brazil locality (Q3257686)
fountain (Q483453) piece of architecture that ejects water infrastructure (Q121359)
chalet (Q136689) type of building or house, native to the Alpine region building (Q41176)
chimney (Q170477) structure that provides ventilation for exhausting the hot or toxic flue gases, aerosols and smokes produced by a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace inside a building to the outside atmosphere infrastructure (Q121359)
town (Q3957) settlement that is smaller than a city but bigger than a large village (or a large borough in some areas) locality (Q3257686)
college (Q189004) educational institution, varying in level from country to country building (Q41176)
building complex (Q1497364) set of related buildings building (Q41176)
shell (Q780777) structural element of a theater infrastructure (Q121359)
confectionery store (Q3574069) shop selling sweets building (Q41176)
architectural ensemble (Q1497375) group of multiple related objects, such as buildings building (Q41176)
conservatory (Q184644) educational institution specialized in the study, training and research of music building (Q41176)
convent (Q1128397) religious establishment, where clerics lead a religious life in community building (Q41176)
cooperative (Q4539) autonomous association of persons or organizations building (Q41176)
bandstand (Q3126170) structure designed to accommodate bands during concerts building (Q41176)
fire station (Q1195942) structure or other area where firefighters and their vehicles and equipment is housed building (Q41176)
Cortiço (Q28810688) common Portuguese term used in Brazil and Portugal for an area of concentrated, high density urban housing where people live with poor sanitation and hygiene conditions. building (Q41176)
crypt (Q192619) stone chamber or vault beneath the floor of a burial vault location of burial (Q12131650)
calvary (Q371752) type of monumental public crucifix monument (Q4989906)
distillery (Q1251750) facility that manufactures alcoholic beverages through distillation building (Q41176)

D - F

instance of (P31) Descrição Tipo de
old town (Q676050) historical city centre locality (Q3257686)
dock (Q124282) human-made structure involved in the handling of boats or ships infrastructure (Q121359)
industrial building (Q1662011) type of building building (Q41176)
elevator (Q132911) vertical transport device infrastructure (Q121359)
hermitage church (Q56750657) chapel or small church dedicated to a saint or a Marian dedication, generally located in an unpopulated area, on the outskirts of a town, and in which there is usually no permanent worship building (Q41176)
stairs (Q12511) construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into steps infrastructure (Q121359)
school (Q3914) institution for the education of students by teachers building (Q41176)
sculpture (Q860861) three-dimensional work of art work of art (Q838948)
outdoor sculpture (Q9325291) sculpture designed to be placed outdoors work of art (Q838948)
pumping station (Q446013) facilities including pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another infrastructure (Q121359)
water treatment (Q1058719) process that makes water more acceptable for a specific end-use infrastructure (Q121359)
railway station (Q55488) railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers and/or freight building (Q41176)
stadium (Q483110) place or venue for (mostly) outdoor sports, concerts, or other events building (Q41176)
statue (Q179700) sculpture primarily conceived as a representational figure work of art (Q838948)
road (Q34442) wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use thoroughfare (Q83620)
glacial striation (Q625751) Bedrock abrasions from glacier movement archaeological site (Q839954)
day school (Q1493752) type of school which offers a full-day curriculum and provide daycare outside regular school hours (or during lunch) building (Q41176)
factory (Q83405) facility where goods are industrially made, or processed building (Q41176)
ceramics manufactory (Q97669839) manufactory that specialize in creating articles made of ceramic, which is a hard, brittle, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant material, including earthenware, porcelain, and brick building (Q41176)
façade (Q183061) exterior side of a building, usually the front but not always building (Q41176)
lighthouse (Q39715) structure designed to emit light to aid navigation infrastructure (Q121359)
fazenda (Q1399147) Brazilian colonial plantation locality (Q3257686)
Forts of Brazil (Q10284194) no description building (Q41176)
courthouse (Q1137809) building which is home to a court building (Q41176)
freguesia (Q104172772) historic third level administrative territorial entity in Portugal and the former Portuguese Empire locality (Q3257686)
frontispiece (Q579790) design elements surrounding a door building (Q41176)
funicular (Q142031) cable railway in which a cable moves permanently attached rail cars up and down a slope thoroughfare (Q83620)
royal barge (Q5258439) no description vehicle (Q42889)

G - P

instance of (P31) Descrição Tipo de
garage (Q22733) walled, roofed structure for storing a vehicle or vehicles that may be part of or attached to a home ("attached garage"), or a separate outbuilding or shed ("detached garage") building (Q41176)
grille (Q1252133) grid of slits in a barrier, that allows passage of fluids but blocks large objects work of art (Q838948)
grotto (Q1131329) any type of natural or artificial cave that is associated with modern, historic, or prehistoric use by humans archaeological site (Q839954)
guard rail (Q3095365) fence or barrier consisting of one or more horizontal rails and vertical supports work of art (Q838948)
crane (Q178692) type of machine specialised in lifting objects machine (Q11019)
hangar (Q192375) closed structure to hold aircraft or spacecraft in protective storage building (Q41176)
herma (Q376693) type of sculpture with a head and often a torso above a plain lower section, often with male genitals monument (Q4989906)
flying boat (Q1153376) aircraft equipped with a boat hull for operation from water vehicle (Q42889)
horse racing venue (Q11822917) venue used in horse racing building (Q41176)
hospital (Q16917) health care facility, for individual buildings use hospital building, for organizations use medical organization building (Q41176)
hotel (Q27686) facility that provides lodging in a single building paid on a short-term basis building (Q41176)
yacht club (Q1855011) sports club specifically related to yachting building (Q41176)
church building (Q16970) building used for Christian worship temple (Q44539)
tombstone (Q203443) stele or marker, usually stone, that is placed over a grave location of burial (Q12131650)
railway line (Q728937) constructional unit in rail transport, the route or way of rail tracks between defined locations thoroughfare (Q83620)
locomotive (Q93301) railway vehicle that provides the motive power for a train vehicle (Q42889)
logradouro (Q45908689) type of public space in Lusophone countries thoroughfare (Q83620)
shop (Q213441) place where items or services are sold building (Q41176)
landmark (Q107196827) kind of monument monument (Q4989906)
slaughterhouse (Q385557) facility where animals are killed for consumption as food products building (Q41176)
mausoleum (Q162875) monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or people building (Q41176)
memorial (Q5003624) area or object, smaller than a monument, which serves as a focus for memory of something monument (Q4989906)
market hall (Q2080521) covered space traditionally used as a marketplace building (Q41176)
ministry (Q192350) type of top-level division of public administration building (Q41176)
scenic viewpoint (Q6017969) high place where people can gather to view scenery infrastructure (Q121359)
Jesuit missions among the Guaraní (Q465960) World Heritage Site; Catholic missionary initiative and set of missions in Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil locality (Q3257686)
mill (Q44494) device that breaks solid materials into smaller pieces by grinding, crushing, or cutting building (Q41176)
sepulchral monument (Q56055312) structures marking or denoting burial sites monument (Q4989906)
mosaic (Q133067) image or writing made from an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials work of art (Q838948)
monastery (Q44613) complex of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplace(s) of monks or nuns building (Q41176)
mural (Q219423) piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a large permanent surface work of art (Q838948)
defensive wall (Q57346) fortification used to protect an area from potential aggressors infrastructure (Q121359)
museum (Q33506) institution that holds artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, historical, or other importance building (Q41176)
morgue (Q6451172) place for the storage of human corpses awaiting identification or burial building (Q41176)
obelisk (Q170980) tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top monument (Q4989906)
observatory (Q62832) location used for observing terrestrial or celestial events building (Q41176)
astronomical observatory (Q1254933) location used for observing celestial events building (Q41176)
oratory (Q580499) building or room for prayer temple (Q44539)
orphanage (Q160645) residential institution devoted to the care of orphans building (Q41176)
panel (Q1348059) thin wooden plank used structurally or aesthetically work of art (Q838948)
magazine (Q110051611) place of storage for ammunition or other explosive material building (Q41176)
palace (Q16560) grand residence, especially a royal or episcopal residence building (Q41176)
episcopal palace (Q5383482) palace of a bishop building (Q41176)
rail yard (Q19563580) location for storing and sorting railroad cars building (Q41176)
pavilion (Q276173) small open building in a park or garden, used as a gazebo, restaurant or place to perform music building (Q41176)
petroglyph (Q42195) images carved on a rock surface as a form of rock art archaeological site (Q839954)
picture gallery (Q740437) public art gallery building (Q41176)
painting (Q3305213) visual artwork, surface artistically covered with paint work of art (Q838948)
commemorative plaque (Q721747) plate or tablet, fixed to a surface or freestanding, commemorating an event, person, place, etc. monument (Q4989906)
water well (Q43483) excavation or structure created in the ground to access groundwater infrastructure (Q121359)
bridge (Q12280) structure that spans and provides a passage over a road, railway, river, or some other obstacle civil engineering construction (Q1411945)
gate (Q53060) point of entry to a space enclosed by building, wall or fence infrastructure (Q121359)
portico (Q185600) type of porch infrastructure (Q121359)
port (Q44782) maritime facility where ships may dock to load and discharge passengers and cargo infrastructure (Q121359)
utility pole (Q1144084) post used by public utilities to support overhead wires and related equipment infrastructure (Q121359)
filling station (Q205495) establishments that primarily sell gasoline, lubricating oils, and other merchandise, such as tires and batteries, for motor vehicles and that often also perform minor repair work building (Q41176)
inn (Q256020) establishment providing lodging, food and drink building (Q41176)
povoado (Q55504400) human settlement consisting of a few houses and administrative territorial entity in the Portuguese language locality (Q3257686)
square (Q174782) open public spaces in cities or towns, usually rectilinear, surrounded by buildings, and often located at the junction of two or more thoroughfares infrastructure (Q121359)
nativity scene (Q31732) representation of the birth of Christ work of art (Q838948)
prison (Q40357) place in which people legally are physically confined and usually deprived of a range of personal freedoms building (Q41176)
barracks (Q131263) buildings or sets of buildings erected as common living quarters for groups of soldiers or workers building (Q41176)

Q - V

instance of (P31) Descrição Tipo de
quilombo (Q1415423) Brazilian hinterland human settlement founded by people of African origin including the Quilombolas, or Maroons locality (Q3257686)
kiosk (Q693369) small booth offering goods and services building (Q41176)
clock (Q376) instrument that measures the passage of time infrastructure (Q121359)
sundial (Q80793) device that tells the time of day by the apparent position of the Sun in the sky infrastructure (Q121359)
restaurant (Q11707) single establishment which prepares and serves food, located in building building (Q41176)
reredos (Q46686) altarpiece, screen or decoration behind the altar in a church work of art (Q838948)
rotunda (Q623525) building with a circular ground plan building (Q41176)
street (Q79007) public thoroughfare in a built environment thoroughfare (Q83620)
ruins (Q109607) remains of human-made architecture archaeological site (Q839954)
sambadrome (Q1180029) exhibition place for the Samba schools parades building (Q41176)
sanatorium (Q46124) residential facility providing health care for patients convalescing from long-term illnesses like tuberculosis building (Q41176)
pilgrimage site (Q15135589) location to which pilgrims venture temple (Q44539)
shopping center (Q11315) complex of shops building (Q41176)
synagogue (Q34627) Jewish (or rarely Samaritan) house of prayer temple (Q44539)
bell (Q101401) percussion musical instrument musical instrument (Q34379)
smallholding (Q2827199) type of rural locality locality (Q3257686)
manor house (Q879050) historically, the main residence of the lord of the manor building (Q41176)
electrical substation (Q174814) part of an electrical generation, transmission, and/or distribution system building (Q41176)
tavern (Q154250) place of business where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages and be served food building (Q41176)
theatre building (Q24354) building designed for presentation of dramatic performances building (Q41176)
bus terminus (Q2920759) designated area where buses begin / terminate their scheduled route building (Q41176)
Candomblé terreiro (Q3208559) temple of the Candomblé religion temple (Q44539)
tower (Q12518) structure with height greater than width building (Q41176)
clock tower (Q853854) architectural structure building (Q41176)
totem (Q263443) spirit being, sacred object, or symbol that serves as an emblem of a group of people, such as a family, clan, lineage, or tribe monument (Q4989906)
military trench (Q91764) type of earthwork constructed in a military context infrastructure (Q121359)
tomb (Q381885) burial place location of burial (Q12131650)
grave (Q173387) location where one dead person or a limited amount of people are buried location of burial (Q12131650)
tunnel (Q44377) underground passageway infrastructure (Q121359)
power station (Q159719) facility generating electric power building (Q41176)
hydroelectric power station (Q15911738) facility generating electric power using hydroelectricity building (Q41176)
railroad car (Q208502) vehicle used for carrying cargo or passengers on rail transport system vehicle (Q42889)
vase (Q191851) open container work of art (Q838948)
viaduct (Q181348) type of bridge crossing a valley or a gorge infrastructure (Q121359)
violin (Q8355) bowed string instrument musical instrument (Q34379)
stained glass (Q1473346) colored glass used as an art material work of art (Q838948)
Como ajudar a melhorar o WLM no Brasil


  • indicar instituições que reconhecem patrimônio ou bens de interesse histórico e links para as listas (como na sessão Fonte de Dados);
  • adicionar ou corrigir dados no Wikidata sobre instituições que reconhecem o patrimônio brasileiro ou bens de interesse histórico;
  • criar itens para os Conselhos Consultivos estaduais e interligá-los a seus respectivos órgãos de preservação;
  • inventariar ou obter acesso a listas ou bancos de dados junto às instituições de patrimônio;
  • ingerir dados sobre o patrimônio tombado e os bens de interesse histórico no Wikidata (manualmente ou em lotes);
  • aprimorar ou complementar os dados dos itens do Wikidata;
  • resolver problemas de modelagem de dados e limpar os itens existentes do Wikidata;
  • organizar os dados após a ingestão em lote (resolver entradas duplas, adicionar relações part of (P361), adicionar data de date of establishment (Q3406134) de instituições etc.);
  • desenvolver e implementar casos de uso para os dados (por exemplo, criar listas de manutenção para a Wikipédia, incluir os dados em infoboxes ou listas na Wikipédia etc.);
  • organizar pequenos eventos locais para realizar em grupos as tarefas mencionadas acima;
  • comentar com seus pares sobre as necessidades e as possibilidades do Wiki Loves Monuments, engajando mais colaboradores e entusiastas pelo conhecimento livre.
Desde 2019, a campanha brasileira do wikiconcurso Wiki Loves Monuments é realizada pelo Wiki Movimento Brasil.