Wikidata:Wiki Mentor Africa/Mentor's Room/Mentors

This page allows users seeking Mentorship to browse through the Mentors currently available, allowing for a more personalized service. If you find one or more Mentors you are interested in, please contact them on their talk page by clicking on the "talk" beside the name. You can find template message below.

It is recommended that Mentors regularly update their own listing for the benefit of potential Mentees.

All of the Mentors on the list below are willing to Adopt users. Those displaying are also willing to provide mentorship to users involved in dispute resolution, users who have been blocked (as part of a conditional unblock) and users who are subject to topic bans or other sanctions.

Not currently available

Current Mentees:


Sample (talk)
Language: Igbo, English

this is a sample of the mentor profile. if you a mentor, copy and paste then modify
Active Project: xyz tool

Not currently available

Andrawaag (talk)
Language: English

I have been active on Wikidata since 2014. I am happy to provide guidance.
Active Project: Wikidata:WikiProject Biodiversity, Wikidata:WikiProject_Schemas, Wikidata Integrator

Not currently available

Lucas Werkmeister (talk)
Language: English

I’ve created some tools for Wikidata and sometimes other wikis as well (particularly Wikimedia Commons).
Active Project: Wikidata Lexeme Forms, ACDC, and others

Currently accepting mentees

Eugene233 (talk)
Language: English

I have worked on quite some tools which are powered by Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons and I'm happy to provide pointers to key stuff upon request.
Active Project: Wikidata:WikiProject African-German Phrases for Sub-Sahara Africa, Isa Tool, Nimble, Wikimedia Commons Reconciliation with OpenRefine

Currently accepting mentees

TemTechie (talk)
Language: English

I have created a script that picks lexemes from dataset and auto prefil wikidata lexeme form built by lucas. i am currently working on a script that will add bulk lexeme
Active Project: lexeme bulk add form,

Currently accepting mentees

Yamen (talk)
Language: English,French,Arabic

I can help designing web sites (using plain HTML or via Wordpress) and include content from Wikidata.
Active Project: Wiki World Heritage ,]

Currently accepting mentees

Current Mentees:

Nassima Chahboun (talk)
Language: English,French,Arabic

I can help on how to create wikidata-based websites for people who do not have coding skills.
Active Project: Wiki World Heritage ,

Currently accepting mentees

Current Mentees:

Datn (talk)
Language: English, Deutsch

My name's Dan. I can help with creating and editing useful technical documentation.
Active Project: Wikibase & Wikidata documentation

Message templates

==WMA - Request For Mentorship==

Hello {{ping|Datn}}, I would like to be mentored by you. I hope you will accept me to be your mentee ~~~~.

Please do not paste your Request for Mentorship here. Click on the "talk" besides the name of the mentor you interested in and write there. That's the only way they get to see it