Help:Merge lists

Items which are about the same subject should be merged. See Help:Merge for a guide how to do it.

There exist a number of automatic generated lists of items which may be about the same subject, and which therefore should be merged if a human confirms that the items are about same.

Number merge


This is lists made by finding all links to two specific Wikipedias which contain a number. If an item have links to both Wikipedias which contain the same number the links are used as a patterns. If two different items use the found patterns with the same number they are listed as merge candidates.

Each list is on a subpage where the subpage name is the language codes for the two used Wikipedias connected by a hyphen. More combinations can be made on request.

The lists are:

Country merge


This is lists made by finding all links to two specific Wikipedias which contain a name of country or continent. If an item have links to both Wikipedias which contain the name of same country or continent in the language of the Wikipedia the links are used as a patterns. If two different items use the found patterns with the same country or continent they are listed as merge candidates.

Each list is on a subpage where the subpage name is the language codes for the two used Wikipedias connected by a hyphen. More combinations can be made on request.

The lists are:

Commons merge


This is lists with items with links to two different Wikipedias which have the same value for Commons kategori (Commons category (P373)) value. The listed items should never contain links to a common languages.

Each list is on a subpage where the subpage name is the language code of one of the two used Wikipedias. More combinations can be made on request.

The lists are:

Category + name merge


This is lists with items which links to pages in two different Wikipedias which have the same name and the same place in identical catagory subtrees starting from a certain category.

Each list is on a subpage where the subpage name is the language code for the two used Wikipedias and the name of the start category connected by hyphens. More combinations can be made on request.

The lists are:

Two substring merge


This is a type of lists which have items which maybe can be merged because they have links to different Wikipedias using patterns with two fixed substrings linked together by some other model items. The substrings will typical be proper names or numbers. The lists are not language specific but will only find links to languages which do not transscribe or otherwise change the fixed substrings. Typical examples are album + artist or symphony number + composer combinations used as the substrings.

The lists are: