Roglo person ID
identifier for a person on the Roglo genealogical database
Data type
External identifier
Roglo (English)
0 references
21 January 2020
23 October 2024
1 reference
The database Roglo now holds 10,268,098 persons. (English)
23 October 2024
matches ^https?:\/\/roglo\.eu\/roglo\?p=([^;]+;n=[^;]+) (English)
0 references
La racine de l'URL est http://roglo.eu/roglo?, suivi par p=PRENOM;n=NOM;oc=NUMERO_DE_LA_PERSONNE, les identifiants doivent être écrits ainsi: p=PRENOM;n=NOM;oc=NUMERO_DE_LA_PERSONNE. Si le numéro "oc" est absent, écrivez p=PRENOM;n=NOM . (French)
The root of the URL is http://roglo.eu/roglo?, followed by p=FIRST_NAME;n=LAST_NAME;oc=PERSON_NUMBER, the identifiers must be written as: p=FIRST_NAME;n=LAST_NAME;oc=PERSON_NUMBER. If the number "oc" is missing, write p=FIRST_NAME;n=LAST_NAME . (English)
0 references
La racine de l'URL est http://roglo.eu/roglo?, suivi par p=PRENOM;n=NOM;oc=NUMERO_DE_LA_PERSONNE, les identifiants doivent être écrit ainsi: p=PRENOM;n=NOM;oc=NUMERO_DE_LA_PERSONNE. Si le numéro "oc" est absent, écrivez p=PRENOM;n=NOM . (French)
The root of the URL is http://roglo.eu/roglo?, followed by p=FIRST_NAME;n=LAST_NAME;oc=PERSON_NUMBER, the identifiers must be written as: p=FIRST_NAME;n=LAST_NAME;oc=PERSON_NUMBER. If the number "oc" is missing, write p=FIRST_NAME;n=LAST_NAME . (English)
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0 references
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