1 reference
Category:Humans | Memory Alpha | Fandom (English)
Bones (English)
0 references
Pille (German)
0 references
Sawbones (English)
3 references
“Good job, Sawbones.”“What?” I was surprised that McCoy had never heard this piece of ancient Earth slang.“It’s what they called surgeons in the Old West,” I said. “Often men of your profession only had one option to cure their patients. Cutting off limbs to prevent the spread of infection.”“I knew about the practice; never heard that nickname,” McCoy said. “Gruesome. Please don’t use it again.” (English)
“Listen, McCoy, I’m getting tired of your ‘old country doctor’ routine. You’re a Starfleet-trained medical officer working in the most advanced hospital in the Federation, not some . . . some frontier-town sawbones!”“No, you listen. I—” McCoy broke off and stared at Kirk. “Sawbones?” He started laughing. “Did you actually just say ‘sawbones’? Where did you pull that from?” He laughed harder—and a moment later, Kirk joined in. (English)
All in all, the companionship of “Sawbones” McCoy—as Kirk had inevitably nicknamed him as an inside joke—effectively filled the void left in Kirk’s life when Gary Mitchell had been reassigned after the crippling of the Sacagawea , even though the two men could hardly be more different. (English)
2 references
Chief medical officer | Memory Alpha | Fandom (English)
List of chief medical officers
"Doctor Leonard McCoy, ship's surgeon, Enterprise." (English)
2 references
12 November 2019
Leonard McCoy
12 November 2019
Leonard McCoy
James T. Kirk's command crew
1 reference
16 November 2019
Leonard McCoy
Episode characters
1 reference
17 November 2019
Leonard McCoy
1 reference
28 January 2020
Leonard McCoy
1 reference
Federation: The First 150 Years | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
1 reference
26 November 2019
Leonard McCoy
1 reference
The Star Trek Book | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
1 reference
Denial of Destiny | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
1 reference
Star Trek: The Original Series Core Game Book | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
1 reference
Who's Who in Star Trek #2 - Marla McGivers thru Vulcans (Issue) (English)
1 reference
The Making of Star Trek | Memory Alpha | Fandom (English)
1 reference
The Monsters of Star Trek | Memory Alpha | Fandom (English)
0 references
2 references
Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1 | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
Who's Who in Star Trek 1 | Memory Alpha | Fandom (English)
2 references
Bart | Memory Alpha, das Star-Trek-Wiki | Fandom (English)
Beard - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki (English)
1 reference
Halley shook his head. “To the contrary, the other man was an older, rather weathered Caucasian male in scrubs who was described by some witnesses as ‘grumpy,’ ‘argumentative,’ and even ‘cantankerous.’ They got the impression that he had some genuine medical expertise… and strong opinions on the subject, particularly with regard to Chekov’s treatment.” (English)
I'm a Doctor, not a… (English)
1 reference
“How would I know? I’m a doctor, not a linguist.” His remark earned a smile from his daughter, who had been hearing his I’m a doctor quips all her life. (English)
He's Dead, Jim (English)
0 references
Leonard McCoy
0 references
1 reference
19 October 2017
McCoy, Leonard (Fictitious character)
1 reference
Dr. Leonard McCoy Voices (Star Trek) - Behind The Voice Actors (English)
27 December 2020
1 reference
Leonard McCoy | Bangumi 番组计划 (undetermined language)
25 August 2023
1 reference
Leonard "Bones" McCoy from Star Trek | CharacTour (English)
25 August 2023
0 references
1 reference
2 November 2019
Leonard McCoy
1 reference
5 November 2019
Leonard McCoy
1 reference
6 November 2019
Leonard McCoy
1 reference
24 November 2019
Leonard H. McCoy
1 reference
Dr. McCoy | CardGuide Wiki | Fandom (English)
8 June 2020
Leonard McCoy (Kelvin timeline)
1 reference
Leonard McCoy (Kelvin timeline) | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
16 July 2020
1 reference
Leonard McCoy - Official Star Trek Online Wiki (English)
28 May 2021
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
2 references
Leonard McCoy - Star Trek Online Wiki (English)
15 November 2023
1 reference
Leonard McCoy MBTI Personality Type: ESFJ (English)
15 October 2022
Wikipedia(29 entries)
- bswiki Leonard McCoy
- cawiki Leonard McCoy
- cswiki Leonard McCoy
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- enwiki Leonard McCoy
- eowiki Leonard McCoy
- eswiki Leonard McCoy
- euwiki Leonard McCoy
- frwiki Leonard McCoy
- fywiki Leonard McCoy
- hewiki ליאונרד מק'קוי
- hrwiki Leonard McCoy
- huwiki Leonard McCoy
- itwiki Leonard McCoy
- jawiki レナード・マッコイ
- kawiki ლეონარდ მაკ-კოი
- kowiki 레너드 매코이
- nlwiki Leonard McCoy
- ocwiki Leonard McCoy
- plwiki Leonard McCoy
- ptwiki Leonard McCoy
- rowiki Leonard McCoy
- ruwiki Леонард Маккой
- shwiki Leonard McCoy
- simplewiki Leonard McCoy
- svwiki Leonard McCoy
- trwiki Leonard McCoy
- ukwiki Леонард МакКой
- zhwiki 伦纳德·麦科伊
Wikibooks(0 entries)
Wikinews(0 entries)
Wikiquote(1 entry)
- itwikiquote Leonard McCoy
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Wiktionary(0 entries)
Multilingual sites(1 entry)
- commonswiki Category:Leonard McCoy