

James Vashon Baker

officer of the Royal Navy (1798-1875)


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James Vashon Baker (English)
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1 reference
James Vashon Baker late of Cossington House Richmond Park Clifton near Bristol in the County of Somerset an Admiral in Her Majesty's Royal Navy who died 14 October 1875 at Neen Solars Rectory in the County of Salop (English)
1 reference
James Vashon Baker late of Cossington House Richmond Park Clifton near Bristol in the County of Somerset an Admiral in Her Majesty's Royal Navy who died 14 October 1875 at Neen Solars Rectory in the County of Salop (English)
1 reference
James Vashon Baker late of Cossington House Richmond Park Clifton near Bristol in the County of Somerset an Admiral in Her Majesty's Royal Navy who died 14 October 1875 at Neen Solars Rectory in the County of Salop (English)
3 references
England and Wales Census, 1851 [FamilySearch] (English)
Age: 52 (English)
England and Wales Census, 1861 [FamilySearch] (English)
Age: 62 (English)
2 references
England and Wales Census, 1851 [FamilySearch] (English)
Birthplace: Walworth, Surrey (English)
England and Wales Census, 1861 [FamilySearch] (English)
Birthplace: Walworth, Surrey (English)
14 October 1875Gregorian
1 reference
James Vashon Baker late of Cossington House Richmond Park Clifton near Bristol in the County of Somerset an Admiral in Her Majesty's Royal Navy who died 14 October 1875 at Neen Solars Rectory in the County of Salop (English)
1 reference
James Vashon Baker late of Cossington House Richmond Park Clifton near Bristol in the County of Somerset an Admiral in Her Majesty's Royal Navy who died 14 October 1875 at Neen Solars Rectory in the County of Salop (English)
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1 reference
England, Herefordshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1583-1898 [FamilySearch] (English)
4 references
England and Wales Census, 1851 [FamilySearch] (English)
Occupation: Captain Royal Navy (English)
England and Wales Census, 1861 [FamilySearch] (English)
Occupation: Captain Royal Navy Half Pay (English)
2 August 1811Gregorian
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3 references
England and Wales Census, 1861 [FamilySearch] (English)
[place of residence at census] Alveston, Gloucestershire, England ... Residence Note: Church Lane (English)
England and Wales Census, 1871 [FamilySearch] (English)
[place of residence at census] Bristol, Clifton, Gloucestershire, England (English)
2 references
England and Wales Census, 1851 [FamilySearch] (English)
[place of residence at census] Alveston, Gloucestershire, England (English)
England and Wales Census, 1861 [FamilySearch] (English)
[place of residence at census] Alveston, Gloucestershire, England ... Residence Note: Church Lane (English)
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Adm James Vashon Baker (1798 - 14 Oct 1875)
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