Autodescription — cultural property (Q2065736)

description: structures and works designated as representing cultural heritage
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See also

Label cultural property and Kulturdenkmal


Given the 1200 items that link here, I changed this back to "cultural property" (see also User_talk:Ymblanter#Q2065736). --  Docu  at 21:01, 4 April 2013 (UTC) (edited)Reply

I do not really understand why this change was necessary, but then the one or the other langlink has to move too, like nl. Most of the 1200 items concerning with Q2065736 deal with Kulturdenkmälern (de) in Switzerland an they had to follow this move. In de they suddenly were nameless and I had to restore label and description. --Brühl (talk) 22:12, 4 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • Interwikis: I left the nl one at Q358 (now named "cultural heritage monument" as the Commons category) as it seems to be about (outdoor) monuments rather than cultural properties in general. Not sure if the da link there is Denmark specific. Google Translate failed on bs/hr .. not sure about he either.
  • Function of this item: As mentioned at Wikidata:Project_chat/Archive/2013/03#Monuments_database, this item is also used to ensure that items created without interwikis don't get deleted.
Cheers. --  Docu  at 06:18, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
The Bosnian one does not talk about cultural monument registers etc, but it does mention cultural monuments, libraries etc, so it is probably about "cultural properties in general" in your terms. For Hebrew, I have no idea. Will try to decipher Danish later today.--Ymblanter (talk) 09:37, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
I wonder if I shouldn't remove File:Kulturdenkmal 4 Sprachen.jpg from this page. Isn't there a difference between the French/English terms and the German terms? --  Docu  at 17:07, 9 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
The translation on the sign seems pretty accurate to me, if this is what you are asking about.--Ymblanter (talk) 19:13, 9 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

commons:Category:Distinctive emblems for the Protection of Cultural Property doesn't suit this item well. I suggest changing commons category to commons:Category:Cultural heritage monuments.--Pere prlpz (talk) 17:44, 30 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Distinction between heritage site (Q358) and cultural property (Q2065736) (again)


I'm confused about these. Both are linked to commons:Category:Cultural heritage monuments and File:Distinctive marking of cultural property in Austria-from Flickr 141273020.jpg seems to equate "cultural property" (Q2065736) with "bien culturel" (Q2065736) and "Kulturdenkmal" (Q358).

In Norwegian I think «kulturminne» would have to be the label for both, but then I need to come up with a description to disambiguate between the two.. The English descriptions are not very helpful (Q358: "general term for a site of cultural heritage for a specific country", Q2065736: "physical constituents of the cultural heritage"), unless "site" means that Q358 is only for immoveable objects like buildings and monuments?

If both concepts are not just for buildings and monuments, but also other artefacts, the only distinction seems to be that Q358 is "more grand" or "national"? Danmichaelo (talk) 11:13, 17 May 2016 (UTC)Reply

Hi Danmichaelo,
The two concept are very close but I think the big distinction is not between the objects themself but more about they're extension : heritage site (Q358) is about heritage and cultural property (Q2065736) about culture ; moreover the first is about a nation and the second is more general/worldwide ; finally, the first is a general concept (each country can do - more or less - whatever they want) and the second is a legal notion defined by Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (Q1566342). Cdlt, VIGNERON (talk) 11:29, 18 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
I'm also confused. VIGNERON, can you give me some example that would illustrate the difference? IMHO, there is only name describing both terms in my language (Czech). — Draceane talkcontrib. 18:35, 3 April 2017 (UTC)Reply
Hi Draceane,
The two concepts are very close and it should be checked but for an example you can imagine take a world heritage site (wich is worldwide but not national). Not sure if the distinction between « patrimoine » and « culture » is not just in French... The question is good and it should be probably ask on Wikidata:WikiProject Cultural heritage for more widen point of view on this problem.
Cdlt, VIGNERON (talk) 20:01, 3 April 2017 (UTC)Reply
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