Topic on User talk:Spinster

Hjart (talkcontribs)

Please note that the bust is a specific subclass of sculpture. Please also that your use of genre (P136) got rather messy. I seriously think you should reconsider it.

Spinster (talkcontribs)

Hi @Hjart, as an art historian who has been working with art databases since the early 2000s I'm sorry to say I disagree with you.

I want to refer to the answer I gave at Topic:Vm8jaav1aixh3pta. At Wikidata we aim to keep P31 for artworks high level, and describe genres, movements etc. under their respective properties. This is also how the Sum of All Paintings project has been doing it for many years now, and for various reasons (ease of querying, consistency among types of art) we are using that same system for sculptures too. Additionally, please check bust (Q17489160) which is indicated as an instance of (P31) genre of sculpture (Q18783400).

As you seem to be of a different opinion: can you tell me which sources and guidelines you would be using for genre, and what kind of system you would advice with which arguments?

If we don't manage to come to an agreement, I suggest we continue this discussion at the talk pages of Wikidata:WikiProject Sculpture, WikiProject Public Art and also engage other editors active in cultural heritage.

Spinster (talkcontribs)