Wikidata:Duke University/Common topics of publications co-authored by Duke people

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: PREFIX target: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?item #?sl (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?a) AS ?author) (CONCAT( "[", ENCODE_FOR_URI(REPLACE(STR(?item), ".*Q", "Q")), "%20.%0AOPTIONAL%20%7B%3Fw%20wdt%3AP577%20%3Fd.%7D%20%0AOPTIONAL%20%7B%3Fw%20wdt%3AP1476%20%3Ft.%7D%20%0A%3Fa%20rdfs%3Alabel%20%3Fn.%0AFILTER%28LANG%28%3Fn%29%20%3D%20%22en%22%29.%0A%7D%0AGROUP%20BY%20%3Fw%20%3Ft%20%3Fa%20%3Fn%20%3Fd%0AORDER%20BY%20DESC%28%3Fd%29%0ALIMIT%20100 𝄛]") AS ?publist) WHERE { { ?a ?property target:. } UNION { ?a ?property2 _:b9. _:b9 wdt:P361 target: . } ?work wdt:P50 ?a ; wdt:P921 ?item . # ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sl. ?item rdfs:label ?item_label. FILTER((LANG(?item_label)) = "en") } GROUP BY ?item #?sl ?count ?author ?publist ORDER BY DESC(?count) #DESC(?sl) LIMIT 2000
# Work count Topic Type of topic Superclass of topic studied in Sample affiliated person having published on the topic List of recent publications on the topic with affiliated co-authors
1 1501 high energy physics branch of physics physics Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
2 1300 proton-proton collision nuclear reaction
Berndt Mueller 𝄛
3 807 ATLAS experiment particle physics experiment
research group
Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
4 530 patient state sick person
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
5 526 heart failure complication
symptom or sign
cardiovascular disease
clinical sign
cardiovascular system symptom
William G. Kaelin 𝄛
6 481 teenager demographic profile
population group
phase of human life
adolescent medicine Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
7 467 myocardial infarction cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
coronary artery disease
Teng Su 𝄛
8 382 biomarker indicator
molecular entity
Daisuke Asai 𝄛
9 377 phylogenetics branch of science systematics
evolutionary biology
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
10 371 antibody family of protein complexes immunoglobulin Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani 𝄛
11 370 Higgs boson type of quantum particle scalar boson Berndt Mueller 𝄛
12 357 cell biology branch of biology
academic discipline
biology Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
13 355 nanoparticle nanomaterial
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
14 351 climate change meteorological phenomenon
climatology Miguel Nogueira 𝄛
15 348 obesity health risk
class of disease
symptom or sign
Nancie J MacIver 𝄛
16 340 Alzheimer's disease rare disease
class of disease
aging-associated disease
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
17 335 acute coronary syndrome disease
class of disease
coronary artery disease
coronary syndrome
Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
18 334 biodiversity biology
biodiversity science Claire Kremen 𝄛
19 327 hypoxia disease clinical sign Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
20 321 systematic review use literature review
scholarly article
review article
Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
21 305 glioblastoma class of disease astrocytoma
Andreas Seas 𝄛
22 298 genome-wide association study genetic technique Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
23 295 COVID-19 emerging communicable disease
atypical pneumonia
class of disease
atypical pneumonia
coronavirus disease
viral pneumonia
Virus diseases of plants
Andrea Bertozzi 𝄛
24 269 atrial fibrillation rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
heart conduction disease
cardiac fibrillation
Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
25 269 adaptive radiation therapy medical specialty medical treatment
treatment of cancer
Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani 𝄛
26 261 biochemistry interdisciplinary science
branch of chemistry
branch of biology
academic discipline
organic chemistry
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
27 261 endothelium tissue type
class of anatomical entity
Simple Squamous Epithelium (Pavement Epithilium)
particular anatomical entity
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
28 259 veteran occupation military personnel
group of humans
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
29 257 G protein-coupled receptor group or class of transmembrane transport proteins cell surface receptor
metabotropic receptor
transporter of unknown biochemical mechanism
transmembrane signaling receptor
Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
30 251 autism disability
pervasive developmental disorder
class of disease
autism spectrum disorder
neurodevelopmental disorder
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
31 241 acute myocardial infarction class of disease myocardial infarction
acute coronary syndrome
Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
32 237 inflammation symptom or sign disease
clinical sign
general symptom
Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani 𝄛
33 232 Escherichia coli taxon
model organism
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
34 232 species nova Latin phrase species William Louis Culberson 𝄛
35 226 prostate cancer class of disease male reproductive organ cancer
prostate neoplasm
prostate disease
Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
36 225 phosphorylation biological process
chemical reaction
phosphate-containing compound metabolic process Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
37 221 mental health mental state health psychology
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
38 213 meta-analysis statistical method
systematic review
secondary research
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
39 213 attention mental process
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
40 211 breast cancer class of disease
symptom or sign
thoracic cancer
breast disease
breast neoplasm
breast cancer research Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
41 209 chemotherapy treatment of cancer
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
42 208 coronary artery disease class of disease artery disease
cardiovascular disease
Jacques Fellay 𝄛
43 205 Caenorhabditis elegans taxon
model organism
Samantha Elliott 𝄛
44 204 Asteraceae taxon flowering plant William H. Schlesinger 𝄛
45 203 Cryptococcus neoformans taxon Shannon K Esher 𝄛
46 200 hospitalization medical procedure
inpatient care
medical treatment
Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
47 190 colorectal cancer class of disease colorectal neoplasm
large intestine cancer
Stephen Inrig 𝄛
48 184 dopamine type of chemical entity catecholamine
phenethylamine alkaloid
Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
49 183 ecosystem type of system biological system ecology
life sciences
ecological assessment
Claire Kremen 𝄛
50 181 statistics academic major mathematics
formal science
sociolinguistics Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
51 180 United States of America sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
American studies Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
52 178 post-traumatic stress disorder class of disease anxiety disorder
stress-related disorders
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
53 176 genomics branch of biology
academic discipline
medical specialty
computational biology
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
54 176 decision making mental process
decision theory Dan Ariely 𝄛
55 171 schizophrenia mental disorder
class of disease
psychotic disorder
schizophrenia spectrum disorder
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
56 169 type 2 diabetes class of disease diabetes
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
57 169 bacteriophage virus David T. Long 𝄛
58 167 thrombolysis pharmacotherapy Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
59 166 acute decompensated heart failure heart failure Robert Califf 𝄛
60 165 bias type of error cognitive perspective Andrea Bertozzi 𝄛
61 158 automation academic discipline
information and communications technology
automation engineering Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
62 155 condensed matter physics branch of physics
field of study
academic discipline
continuum physics
Marco Esters 𝄛
63 155 cardiovascular disease academic discipline
class of disease
disease of anatomical entity
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
64 154 quality of life quality
social relation
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
65 151 pharmacokinetics specialty pharmaceutical science Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
66 148 autism spectrum disorder neurodevelopmental disorder
class of disease
pervasive developmental disorder sociological and cultural aspects of autism
Samuel W Hulbert 𝄛
67 147 brain tumor central nervous system neoplasm
intracranial tumor
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
68 147 optical coherence tomography microscope medical imaging
Kevin Zhou 𝄛
69 147 research ethics ethics in science Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
70 145 angiography roentgenology
medical imaging
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
71 145 circulatory system neural system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
Shannon K Esher 𝄛
72 145 collaboration activity Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
73 143 whole genome sequencing sequencing research
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
74 143 preproinsulin protein precursor
James Vaupel 𝄛
75 142 grassland vegetational formation vegetational formation
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
76 141 SARS-CoV-2 group or class of strains
Coronavirus Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
77 141 immunology medical specialty
branch of biology
academic discipline
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
78 140 placebo scientific control
medical treatment
medical procedure
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
79 140 Drosophila taxon
model organism
Kevin A. Edwards 𝄛
80 139 HIV organisms known by a particular common name Li Huang 𝄛
81 136 cardiac surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
thoracic surgery Frank G. Slaughter 𝄛
82 134 immunotherapy medical treatment Joshua Milligan 𝄛
83 134 drylands biome
extreme environment
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
84 133 supersymmetry scientific hypothesis theoretical physics
quantum field theory
Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
85 129 Hepatitis C virus taxon Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
86 128 ovarian cancer class of disease female reproductive organ cancer
ovarian neoplasm
ovarian disease
endocrine gland cancer
rare genetic endocrine disease
inherited gynecological tumor
Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani 𝄛
87 127 protein structure biomolecular structure Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
88 127 asthma class of disease bronchospasm
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
89 127 microRNA non-coding RNA Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
90 126 dendritic cell cell type white blood cell
antigen-presenting cell
differentiated hemal cell
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
91 126 Tanzania republic
sovereign state
Jacques Fellay 𝄛
92 125 Parkinson's disease designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
93 125 bevacizumab type of chemical entity chemical compound Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
94 124 epidemiology branch of science health sciences Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
95 122 crystal structure structure Qing Tu 𝄛
96 122 vocal learning biological process learned vocalization behavior or vocal learning
imitative learning
auditory behavior
Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
97 122 tropical forest vegetational formation forest Dafeng Hui 𝄛
98 121 biophysics branch of biology
branch of physics
academic discipline
biology Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
99 121 coronary artery bypass surgery surgical procedure vascular bypass
bypass surgery
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
100 120 urbanization trend Claire Kremen 𝄛
101 120 intimate partner violence violence
domestic violence
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
102 117 public health academic discipline
health sciences health economics Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
103 116 canopy plant community canopy research Jehn-Yih Juang 𝄛
104 116 Acanthaceae taxon Thomas Franklin Daniel 𝄛
105 115 aquatic science academic discipline science William D. Cochran 𝄛
106 114 sepsis disease
symptom or sign
general infection
systemic disease
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
107 114 membrane protein group or class of proteins protein Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
108 114 photosynthesis biological process cell metabolism Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
109 111 hydrogel group or class of chemical substances gel Daisuke Asai 𝄛
110 111 transcriptome RNA transcriptomics David Hibbett 𝄛
111 111 drought condition meteorological disaster Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
112 111 microfluidics interdisciplinary science Thomas G Schuhmann 𝄛
113 111 socioeconomics academic discipline Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
114 110 phase II clinical trial phase of clinical research clinical trial Jerrold Levy 𝄛
115 109 Arabidopsis thaliana taxon
model organism
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
116 109 infectious disease class of disease disease
infection associated with diseases
infectious diseases
human disease ecology
David Hibbett 𝄛
117 108 revascularization surgical procedure Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
118 108 sickle-cell disease rare disease
class of disease
autosomal recessive disease
congenital hemolytic anemia
blood protein disease
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
119 108 malaria endemic disease
class of disease
parasitic protozoa infectious disease
vector-borne disease
Guy Salvesen 𝄛
120 108 predation cross-species interaction
feeding behavior
Sheila Patek 𝄛
121 106 anticoagulation biological pathway Jerrold Levy 𝄛
122 105 heterogeneity difference
James Vaupel 𝄛
123 104 pharmacology medical specialty
branch of biology
pharmaceutical science
health sciences William G. Kaelin 𝄛
124 103 structural biology academic discipline biology Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani 𝄛
125 103 invasive species introduced species invasion biology
invasion ecology
Claire Kremen 𝄛
126 102 autophagy biological process
cellular process
cellular catabolic process
process utilizing autophagic mechanism
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
127 102 database data set
artificial object
database theory Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
128 102 phenotype quality David Hibbett 𝄛
129 102 bipolar disorder class of disease mood disorder Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
130 101 biogeography branch of geography
academic major
branch of biology
physical geography
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
131 101 Saccharomyces cerevisiae taxon
model organism
food ingredient Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
132 101 genetic variation variation James Vaupel 𝄛
133 100 multicenter clinical trial clinical trial
multicenter study
Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
134 100 brain organ type
class of anatomical entity
animal organ
particular anatomical entity
neuroscience Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
135 100 medical ethics applied psychology
philosophy of medicine
research ethics
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
136 99 vaccine remedy biopharmaceutical
vaccinology Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
137 99 nanowire nanostructure David R. Smith 𝄛
138 99 tuberculosis notifiable disease
endemic disease
class of disease
primary bacterial infectious disease
mycobacterium infectious disease
endemic disease
infectious disease
emerging communicable disease
phthisiology Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
139 99 Simian immunodeficiency virus taxon Jinsong Zhang 𝄛
140 99 xenograft transplant Stephen B. Baylin 𝄛
141 97 hepatitis C infectious disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
viral hepatitis
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
142 97 religion type of world view
belief system
world view
religious studies
history of religions
philosophy of religion
sociology of religion
Stanley Hauerwas 𝄛
143 96 data sharing sharing
intentional human activity
Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
144 96 CRISPR DNA sequence Arun Sharma 𝄛
145 96 chronic renal insufficiency chronic condition
class of disease
kidney failure
kidney disease
chronic renal disease
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
146 95 electronic health records medical software
personal health record
Patient administration system
medical record
Emily Glenn 𝄛
147 94 apoptotic process biological process programmed cell death Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
148 94 osteoarthritis bone disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
degenerative disorder of musculoskeletal system
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
149 94 lung transplant organ transplantation Michael S. Mulvihill 𝄛
150 93 Brazil sovereign state
secular state
rule of law
federal republic
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
151 92 atherosclerosis class of disease arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
152 92 toll-like receptor group or class of proteins protein
pattern recognition receptors
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
153 92 striatum brain region
class of anatomical entity
striatum of neuraxis
set of neuraxis structures
particular anatomical entity
Yilin Yang 𝄛
154 92 herbivory feeding behavior
Claire Kremen 𝄛
155 92 microglia cell type macrophage
central neuroglial cell
Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
156 91 drainage basin concept geographic region
watershed science Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
157 90 India country
sovereign state
constitutional republic
democratic republic
federal republic
Indology Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
158 90 environmental chemistry branch of chemistry chemistry Drew Shindell 𝄛
159 89 self-assembly self-organization Qing Tu 𝄛
160 89 mycorrhiza biological process symbiosis David Hibbett 𝄛
161 89 susceptibility locus locus Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
162 88 global health academic major health Melinda Gates 𝄛
163 88 molecular biology branch of biology biology Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
164 88 habitat place type geographic region Claire Kremen 𝄛
165 88 colorectal carcinoma class of disease colorectal cancer
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
166 88 cognitive dysfunction disease
psychopathological symptom
cognitive distortion
cognitive disorder
Michael J Devinney 𝄛
167 88 bone fracture disease
symptom or sign
major trauma
bone disease
Eric Winer 𝄛
168 87 carbon nanotube nanotube
allotrope of carbon
Alexander Tselev 𝄛
169 86 general chemistry branch of chemistry Kerem Yildirim 𝄛
170 86 overexpression gene expression Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
171 86 pollination biological process reproductive process Claire Kremen 𝄛
172 86 suicide manner of death killing Stanley Hauerwas 𝄛
173 85 leukemia class of disease
symptom or sign
hematologic cancer
myeloproliferative disorders
Raymond Barfield 𝄛
174 84 diagnosis characterization
Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
175 84 medulloblastoma rare disease
class of disease
infratentorial cancer
embryonal tumor of neuroepithelial tissue
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
176 84 South Africa sovereign state
South African studies Dean Karlan 𝄛
177 84 metastatic breast cancer breast cancer
metastatic malignant neoplasm
Jason W. Locasale 𝄛
178 83 transmembrane protein group or class of proteins integral membrane protein Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
179 83 macrophage cell type white blood cell
antigen-presenting cell
differentiated hemal cell
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
180 83 graphene allotrope of carbon
single-layer materials
Qing Tu 𝄛
181 83 major depressive disorder class of disease depressive disorder
mental depression
mental health
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
182 82 monoclonal antibody group or class of proteins monospecific antibody Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani 𝄛
183 82 seizure disease
symptom or sign
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
184 82 Neotropical realm biogeographic realm
Claire Kremen 𝄛
185 82 Uganda sovereign state
landlocked country
Dean Karlan 𝄛
186 81 air pollution environmental pollution
William Louis Culberson 𝄛
187 81 head and neck carcinoma class of disease head and neck cancer
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
188 81 clopidogrel type of chemical entity platelet aggregation inhibitors Jerrold Levy 𝄛
189 81 (-)-germacrene D type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
germacrene D
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
190 81 Rubiaceae taxon Anne D. Yoder 𝄛
191 80 California U.S. state Claire Kremen 𝄛
192 79 RNA sequencing RNA analysis Rudolf Raff 𝄛
193 79 angioplasty endovascular surgery Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
194 79 hepatitis E infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
Hepeviridae infectious disease
viral hepatitis
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
195 78 Large Hadron Collider hadron collider
fixed construction
Berndt Mueller 𝄛
196 78 hepatitis A infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
viral hepatitis
waterborne disease
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
197 77 morphogenesis biological process Rudolf Raff 𝄛
198 76 adolescence phase of human life
age of a person
Samuel Katz 𝄛
199 76 Staphylococcus aureus taxon Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
200 76 prevention of HIV/AIDS preventive medicine
prevention of sexually transmitted diseases Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
201 76 serotonin type of chemical entity tryptamine alkaloid Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
202 75 lessons learned process Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
203 75 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder behavioral disorder
class of disease
neurodevelopmental disorder
specific developmental disorder
hyperkinetic disorder
neurodevelopmental disorder
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
204 75 Adenoviridae taxon wastewater surveillance William G. Kaelin 𝄛
205 74 virology branch of biology microbiology Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
206 74 ontology field of study knowledge base
data model
data schema
knowledge organization system
ontology engineering
computer science
information science
artificial intelligence
knowledge engineering
natural language processing
Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
207 74 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation extracorporeal Jerrold Levy 𝄛
208 73 neck cancer head and neck disease head and neck cancer
neck neoplasm
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
209 73 immunization immune system process Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
210 73 microbiome biome Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
211 73 songbirds taxon Erich Jarvis 𝄛
212 73 phase I clinical trial phase of clinical research clinical trial Kae Jack Tay 𝄛
213 71 lung cancer rare disease
class of disease
respiratory system cancer
lung disease
lung neoplasm
pulmonology Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
214 71 neoplastic stem cells cell type stem cell
cancer cell
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
215 70 thin film type of physical object by shape physical object
Marco Esters 𝄛
216 70 DNA damage cell damage
genetic phenomena
James Vaupel 𝄛
217 70 desensitization behavior therapy
exposure therapy
Jun-Ho Lee 𝄛
218 69 machine learning academic discipline
field of study
computer science
artificial intelligence
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
219 69 head and neck cancer class of disease organ system cancer
head and neck neoplasms
respiratory system cancer
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
220 69 ejection fraction biomedical measurand type Wynn G. Hunter 𝄛
221 68 Hepatitis B virus taxon Daisuke Asai 𝄛
222 68 aorta artery
umbrella term
class of anatomical entity
systemic arterial trunk
particular anatomical entity
Andreas Seas 𝄛
223 68 physiology branch of biology
academic discipline
academic major
biology Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
224 68 comorbidity epidemiologic factor multimorbidity
risk factor
Joshua W. Hustedt 𝄛
225 68 biotechnology interdisciplinary science
applied science
academic discipline
type of technology
technology Erich Jarvis 𝄛
226 68 aspirin type of chemical entity chemical compound Peter B. Berger 𝄛
227 68 defibrillator medical device
emergency medical device
instrument used in cardiology
Robert Califf 𝄛
228 67 DNA methylation biological process DNA methylation or demethylation
macromolecule methylation
DNA alkylation
James Vaupel 𝄛
229 67 pancreatic cancer class of disease endocrine gland cancer
pancreas disease
pancreatic neoplasm
gastrointestinal system cancer
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
230 67 heart disease class of disease cardiovascular disease Robert Califf 𝄛
231 66 temozolomide type of chemical entity heterocyclic compound Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
232 66 electrophysiology branch of biology physiology Mingyuan Zhou 𝄛
233 66 colon cancer colonic disease
class of disease
colonic neoplasm
colorectal cancer
colonic disease
Hervé Kovacic 𝄛
234 66 biological dispersal motion
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
235 66 Dengue virus taxon Adam Hartstone-Rose 𝄛
236 65 catheterization medical procedure Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
237 65 arterial hypertension class of disease
symptom or sign
vascular disease
artery disease
clinical sign
Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
238 65 astrocyte cell type neuroglia
macroglial cell
Michael N Economo 𝄛
239 64 macromolecule group or class of chemical entities molecule Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
240 64 metamaterial material
composite material
David R. Smith 𝄛
241 64 maternal health health Melinda Gates 𝄛
242 64 substance P type of chemical entity peptide Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
243 64 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease class of disease obstructive lung disease
Michael S. Mulvihill 𝄛
244 63 informed consent declaration of consent Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
245 63 Candida albicans taxon Qing Tu 𝄛
246 63 COVID-19 pandemic pandemic
public health emergency of international concern
disease outbreak
complex emergency
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
247 63 suicide risk health risk
safety risk
assessment of suicide risk
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
248 63 plant community geographic region
phytosociology Donovan Stewart Correll 𝄛
249 63 neurodegeneration class of disease central nervous system disease
degenerative disease
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
250 63 DNA mismatch repair biological process DNA repair Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
251 63 dermatomyositis designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
skin disease
Takashi Matsushita 𝄛
252 62 fatty acid structural class of chemical entities monocarboxylic acid
aliphatic compound
fatty acyl
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
253 62 randomized controlled trial randomized experiment
clinical trial
controlled trial
study type
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
254 62 phenology academic discipline
academic major
branch of biology
Claire Kremen 𝄛
255 62 phase III clinical trial phase of clinical research clinical trial Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
256 62 (RS)-warfarin group of stereoisomers coumarin
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
257 62 HIV/AIDS endemic disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease
acquired immunodeficiency
sexually transmitted infection
Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
258 62 Danio rerio taxon
model organism
Sumeet Pal Singh 𝄛
259 62 substance abuse human activity
class of disease
social issue
psychoactive drug use
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
260 62 paclitaxel type of chemical entity taxoids Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
261 62 multivariate statistics statistics Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
262 62 adenocarcinoma class of disease carcinoma
Jingqin Luo 𝄛
263 62 dementia class of disease
symptom or sign
cognitive disorder
organic brain syndrome
clinical sign
disability affecting intellectual abilities
Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
264 62 estrogen class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions sex steroid
steroid hormone
Jinsong Zhang 𝄛
265 62 borderline personality disorder class of disease personality disorder
Psychiatric Services
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
266 62 macular degeneration class of disease retinal degeneration
Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
267 61 thrombocytopenia rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
blood platelet disease
clinical sign
hemic system symptom
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
268 61 virus taxon microorganism
virology William G. Kaelin 𝄛
269 61 circadian rhythm biological process rhythmic process
biological rhythm
physiological phenomenon
Robert C Moseley 𝄛
270 60 visualization visual depiction
human-readable medium
Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
271 60 speciation evolutionary process speciation and extinction William Louis Culberson 𝄛
272 60 mitochondrion cellular component
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
semiautonomous organelle
membranous cytoplasmic organelle
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
273 60 opioid ChEBI Ontology term
drug class
psychoactive drug
psychotropic drug
opioid receptor agent
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
274 60 human pregnancy physiological condition pregnancy Ebony Carter 𝄛
275 60 photoreceptor protein group or class of proteins protein
signaling receptor
Charles Hass 𝄛
276 60 glucose group of isomeric entities aldohexose Lorena S. Beese 𝄛
277 60 Compositae taxon Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
278 60 hepatitis E virus taxon Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
279 59 methane type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
group 14 hydride
Drew Shindell 𝄛
280 59 cytotoxicity quality quality
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
281 59 biomedical investigative technique biomedical analytical technique Samuel W Hulbert 𝄛
282 59 plasminogen medication Jerrold Levy 𝄛
283 59 computed tomography medical test type
medical imaging
medical imaging
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
284 59 herbivore eating behavior
group or class of organisms
feeding behavior
Claire Kremen 𝄛
285 59 sea ice natural landscape
ice cover
Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
286 59 psychosis symptom or sign clinical sign
health problem
Sidarta Ribeiro 𝄛
287 59 insulin resistance class of disease diabetes
drug resistance
Martin Rodbell 𝄛
288 59 Mycobacterium tuberculosis taxon Meghan S Blackledge 𝄛
289 58 reproducibility academic discipline
field of study
criterion David R. Smith 𝄛
290 58 atmospheric sciences academic discipline earth science
environmental science
Drew Shindell 𝄛
291 58 NF-κB family of protein complexes transcription factor Jerrold Levy 𝄛
292 58 cardiac arrest thoracic disease
cause of death
class of disease
congestive heart failure
Qing Yang 𝄛
293 58 chronic heart failure heart failure
chronic condition
Martin J. Lohse 𝄛
294 57 cell death biological process cellular process
biological destruction
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
295 57 ecohydrology academic discipline ecology
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
296 57 vitamin D group of chemical entities vitamin Ricardo Henao 𝄛
297 57 mathematical model general term conceptual model
intellectual work
scientific model
Hana M Dobrovolny 𝄛
298 56 genus novum Latin phrase William Louis Culberson 𝄛
299 56 biofilm cellular component Qing Tu 𝄛
300 56 Peru sovereign state
David B MacLeod 𝄛
301 56 aerosol dispersion
Drew Shindell 𝄛
302 56 bioengineering technical sciences
academic major
academic discipline
Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
303 56 cell line cell culture
Andrea B Moffitt 𝄛
304 56 pluripotency biological phenomenon Erich Jarvis 𝄛
305 56 osteoporosis class of disease bone resorption disease
Kathleen A. Cooney 𝄛
306 56 pregnant person state woman
female human
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
307 55 spectroscopy analytical technique
branch of chemistry
physical chemistry Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
308 55 tissue engineering biomedical engineering Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
309 55 cartilage connective tissue Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
310 55 invasion biology branch of biology
academic discipline
invasion science
Claire Kremen 𝄛
311 55 lifetime duration James Vaupel 𝄛
312 55 birth cohort cohort
demographic category
James Vaupel 𝄛
313 55 chimpanzee taxon Alexandra G. Rosati 𝄛
314 55 prion protein family protein family
group or class of transmembrane transport proteins
pore-forming toxin Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
315 55 Zika virus taxon Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
316 55 salt marsh tidal marsh
marine habitat
salt marsh ecology William H. Schlesinger 𝄛
317 55 rheumatoid arthritis designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
autoimmune disease
chronic condition
collagen disease
Felty's syndrome
autoimmune disease of musculoskeletal system
Luciana Marti 𝄛
318 54 deep brain stimulation neurostimulation
medical treatment
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
319 54 congenital disorder class of disease disease Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
320 54 biomechanics interdisciplinary science
branch of physics
branch of biology
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
321 54 deep learning machine learning method Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
322 54 tundra landscape type
WWF biome
William Dwight Billings 𝄛
323 54 drug discovery pharmacology
drug development
Alastair J. Barr 𝄛
324 54 Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex
Arun Sharma 𝄛
325 54 multiple sclerosis designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
demyelinating disease
demyelinating disease of central nervous system
autoimmune disease of central nervous system
Lixian Zhong 𝄛
326 53 neuroimaging medical specialty roentgenology
medical imaging
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
327 53 murine model model organism Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
328 53 Epstein–Barr virus taxon Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
329 53 thrombosis class of disease hematologic disorder
vascular disease
Vascular occlusion
embolism and thrombosis
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
330 53 Kenya sovereign state
David Wambui 𝄛
331 53 solution structure molecular geometry Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
332 53 Pluto dwarf planet Robin M. Canup 𝄛
333 53 echocardiography medical ultrasonography
medical imaging
medical test
Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
334 52 Canada sovereign state
Canadian studies William Louis Culberson 𝄛
335 52 intensive care unit hospital department Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
336 52 endophyte endosymbiont David Hibbett 𝄛
337 52 common variable immunodeficiency rare disease
health problem
class of disease
autoimmune disease
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
338 52 phylogeography geography David Hibbett 𝄛
339 52 climate mitigation academic discipline climate action
meteorological phenomenon
Drew Shindell 𝄛
340 52 demographics statistic demography James Vaupel 𝄛
341 52 young adulthood phase of human life Jingqin Luo 𝄛
342 52 trastuzumab type of chemical entity chemical compound Eric Winer 𝄛
343 51 drug delivery technique technology Daisuke Asai 𝄛
344 51 remote sensing branch of science gathering of information Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
345 51 Madagascar sovereign state
island country
Claire Kremen 𝄛
346 51 HPV vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
vaccine Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
347 51 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
motor neuron disease
TDP-43 Proteinopathies
monogenic disease
Irwin Fridovich 𝄛
348 51 heparin essential medicine
group or class of chemical substances
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
349 51 cigarette smoking tobacco smoking Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
350 51 Australia sovereign state
Australian studies Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
351 51 metabolomics branch of science
academic discipline
computational biology
Jason W. Locasale 𝄛
352 50 mesenchymal stem cell cell type stem cell
stromal cell
mesenchymal cell
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
353 50 self-control type of regulation and control inhibitory control
risk control
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
354 50 hepatitis B infectious disease
class of disease
viral infectious disease
viral hepatitis
Hepadnaviridae infectious disease
Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
355 50 metabolic syndrome syndrome
disease mongering
rare disease
class of disease
abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome
James Vaupel 𝄛
356 50 Cryptobiotic soil natural phenomenon Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
357 50 quantum dot semiconductor
Chang-Won Lee 𝄛
358 49 genetic diversity biodiversity population genetics David Hibbett 𝄛
359 49 lymphocyte cell type agranulocytes
general anatomical term
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
360 49 pollinator animal
plant visitor
Claire Kremen 𝄛
361 49 shrub plant life-form phanerophyte
woody plant
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
362 49 nanostructure microstructure
Chang-Won Lee 𝄛
363 49 youth phase of human life
age group
sociology of youth Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
364 49 feces biogenic substance type
class of anatomical entity
portion of solid body substance
particular anatomical entity
scatology Erin McKenney 𝄛
365 49 anorexia nervosa class of disease
mental disorder
eating disorder
Joyce Wang 𝄛
366 48 rainforest moist forest Claire Kremen 𝄛
367 48 m-health e-health Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
368 48 biomass mass Drew Shindell 𝄛
369 48 systole part Jerrold Levy 𝄛
370 48 workshop meeting
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
371 48 disability property disability studies Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
372 47 Ectomycorrhiza mycorrhiza David Hibbett 𝄛
373 47 pathogenesis biological mechanism Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
374 47 interleukins group or class of proteins cytokine Ricardo Henao 𝄛
375 47 mast cell cell type differentiated hemal cell Gerald Post 𝄛
376 47 Orthoebolavirus zairense taxon
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
377 47 adipocyte cell type cell
connective tissue cell
Martin Rodbell 𝄛
378 47 inflammasome complex cellular component protein-containing complex
protein complex
John Cambier 𝄛
379 47 unstable angina class of disease coronary artery disease
angina pectoris
Robert Califf 𝄛
380 46 meningitis class of disease
symptom or sign
central nervous system disease
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
381 46 ecosystem function academic discipline ecological applications Claire Kremen 𝄛
382 46 mutualism cross-species interaction Claire Kremen 𝄛
383 46 HIV transmission pathogen transmission Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
384 45 air quality quality Drew Shindell 𝄛
385 45 deforestation process
resource depletion
human impact on the environment environmental science Claire Kremen 𝄛
386 45 renal cell carcinoma class of disease renal carcinoma
William G. Kaelin 𝄛
387 45 substance use disorder class of disease mental disorder
substance-related disorder
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
388 45 soil moisture property
individual quantity
Jehn-Yih Juang 𝄛
389 45 Plasmodium falciparum taxon
Guy Salvesen 𝄛
390 45 tobacco smoke smoke Stefan K. Lhachimi 𝄛
391 45 health care quality quality Robert Califf 𝄛
392 44 blood–brain barrier class of anatomical entity particular anatomical entity Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
393 44 fresh water drinking water aquatic science Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
394 44 species richness Claire Kremen 𝄛
395 44 alcohol consumption drinking
ethanol exposure
Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
396 44 optogenetics technique
Lorena S. Beese 𝄛
397 44 general psychology branch of psychology psychology Kennon Sheldon 𝄛
398 44 data ethics information ethics
data science
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
399 44 coastal wetland wetland
coastal environment
Michael J. Osland 𝄛
400 44 seed dispersal biological process plant dispersal Justin P. Wright 𝄛
401 43 metabolic dysfunction–associated steatotic liver disease class of disease fatty liver disease
Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
402 43 cell differentiation biological process cellular developmental process
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
403 43 autistic child autistic person
developmentally disabled child
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
404 43 climate change atmospheric phenomenon
environmental issue
human impact on the environment
external risk
global climate change
climatology Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
405 43 bioethics academic discipline
field of work
applied ethics
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
406 43 traumatic brain injury class of disease brain injury
central nervous system trauma
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
407 43 prioritization activity
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
408 43 resuscitation medical procedure Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
409 43 knockout mouse genetically modified mouse
laboratory mouse
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
410 43 dark matter hypothetical entity physical substance cosmology
Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
411 43 Afghanistan sovereign state
landlocked country
Sean C. Glasgow 𝄛
412 43 anti-retroviral agent antiviral agent Allen Gerard Rodrigo 𝄛
413 42 molecular chaperones group or class of proteins protein Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
414 42 angiogenesis biological process anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
microvasculature remodeling
Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani 𝄛
415 42 genetics science
branch of biology
academic discipline
biology Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
416 42 sexually transmitted infection mode of transmission infectious disease Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
417 42 urban ecology branch of ecology ecology Claire Kremen 𝄛
418 42 pathophysiology medical specialty physiology
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
419 42 wastewater non-drinking water Nathaniel R Warner 𝄛
420 42 water quality quality
Nathaniel R Warner 𝄛
421 42 type-1 diabetes class of disease
symptom or sign
autoimmune disease of endocrine system
Bernice Lo 𝄛
422 42 endoplasmic reticulum cellular component intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
membranous cytoplasmic organelle
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
423 42 chronic pain pain
physiological condition
symptom or sign
clinical sign
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
424 42 irinotecan type of chemical entity Irinotecan Stephen C Strom 𝄛
425 42 suicide prevention preventive medicine prevention
risk management
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
426 42 chemoradiotherapy adaptive radiation therapy
Multimodal cancer therapy
Michael S. Mulvihill 𝄛
427 42 Malpighiaceae taxon William Russell Anderson 𝄛
428 41 hemodynamics physiology Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
429 41 brain metastasis brain tumor
secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
430 41 obsessive-compulsive disorder anxiety disorder
impulse control disorder
genetic nervous system disorder
genetic disease
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
431 41 ecosystem services yield
ecological applications
Claire Kremen 𝄛
432 41 decision support system academic discipline
field of study
artificial intelligence
business software
information system
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
433 41 quantum chromodynamics branch of physics Berndt Mueller 𝄛
434 41 biogeochemistry branch of chemistry geochemistry
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
435 41 soil science academic discipline earth science Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
436 41 exoplanet astronomical object type planet
extrasolar object
exoplanetology William D. Cochran 𝄛
437 41 mangrove biome
vegetational formation
WWF biome
biome Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
438 41 biodegradation decomposition Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
439 41 Aspergillus fumigatus taxon Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
440 41 stem cell transplantation cell transplantation
stem-cell therapy
Raymond Barfield 𝄛
441 41 Tevatron particle accelerator
hadron collider
Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
442 41 humulene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
humulane-type sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
443 41 forest invasion habitat invasion Frank H. Koch 𝄛
444 40 ligand binding binding Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
445 40 placebo-controlled trial controlled trial Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
446 40 cancer metastasis tumor metastasis Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
447 40 mycorrhizal fungus organisms known by a particular common name soil fungus David Hibbett 𝄛
448 40 evapotranspiration biochemical process Jehn-Yih Juang 𝄛
449 40 victimisation social phenomenon victimology Jonathan Schaefer 𝄛
450 40 triple-negative breast cancer class of disease breast cancer
triple-negative breast neoplasm
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
451 40 governance type of regulation and control
academic discipline
regulation Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
452 40 proteolysis biological process protein metabolic process William G. Kaelin 𝄛
453 40 suicidal ideation symptom
suicide risk
L'appel du vide
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
454 40 birth mass biomedical measurand type mass
human body weight
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
455 40 disinfection aseptic technique sterilization
Amy H. Herring 𝄛
456 40 cardiogenic shock symptom or sign
class of disease
shock Robert Califf 𝄛
457 39 pandemic epidemic
systemic risk
external risk
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
458 39 heterozygosity Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
459 39 contrast agent class of chemical substances by use chemical substance Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
460 39 Drosophila melanogaster taxon
model organism
Kevin A. Edwards 𝄛
461 39 software creative work
written work
software engineering Evan Vosburgh 𝄛
462 39 study protocol protocol Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
463 39 pleiotropy concept Anyi Mazo-Vargas 𝄛
464 39 Sub-Saharan Africa geographic region Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
465 39 nanomaterial material
chemical substance
nanotechnology Eric Stach 𝄛
466 39 particulates physical object
complex mixtures
koniology Amy H. Herring 𝄛
467 39 peatland ecosystem peatland ecology Alexandra G. Konings 𝄛
468 39 Clostridium difficile taxon Christopher John Lindsell 𝄛
469 38 Macaca taxon Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
470 38 agriculture economic sector
field of work
agriculture and forestry agronomy Claire Kremen 𝄛
471 38 invasive plant group of living things invasive species
invasion biology
Claire Kremen 𝄛
472 38 protein ubiquitination biological process protein modification by small protein conjugation
William G. Kaelin 𝄛
473 38 hemophilia umbrella term
rare disease
class of disease
inherited blood coagulation disease
coagulation factor deficiency
rare hemorrhagic disorder due to a constitutional coagulation factors defect
Evan Vosburgh 𝄛
474 38 Hepatitis A virus taxon
replaced synonym
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
475 38 neurotoxicity toxin exposure Mohamed Jaber 𝄛
476 38 autoantibody group or class of proteins antibody John Cambier 𝄛
477 38 Vaccinia virus taxon Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
478 37 psychiatry medical specialty
academic discipline
clinical sciences
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
479 37 lymph node class of anatomical entity organ component
lymphoid organ
particular anatomical entity
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
480 37 single-nucleotide polymorphism sequence variant
genetic polymorphism
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
481 37 oxytocin type of chemical entity biogenic cyclopeptide Erich Jarvis 𝄛
482 37 breathing biological process gas exchange Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
483 37 risk factor environmental factor
epidemiologic factor
determinants of health
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
484 37 sea level rise phenomenon increase
Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
485 37 prevention activity prevention science Dave A. Chokshi 𝄛
486 37 pollen microgametophyte palynology Donald Eugene Stone 𝄛
487 37 Egypt sovereign state
transcontinental country
Mediterranean country
Carol Meyers 𝄛
488 37 alpha-humulene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
humulane-type sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
489 37 alpha-Humulen type of chemical entity humulane-type sesquiterpenoid Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
490 37 multiethnicity group characteristic Robert E McKeown 𝄛
491 37 open-source software source-available software
freely redistributable software
Wolfgang Busch 𝄛
492 36 heritability type of statistic tendency
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
493 36 cell adhesion biological process cellular process Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
494 36 nervous system neural system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
neurology Samuel W Hulbert 𝄛
495 36 men who have sex with men group of humans man Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
496 36 antibiotic class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions
anti-infective agent
antimicrobial drug
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
497 36 vitamin group of chemical entities organic compound
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
498 36 Indonesia sovereign state
archipelagic state
constitutional republic
island country
presidential system
indonesiology Claire Kremen 𝄛
499 36 plant diversity branch of botany
scientific term
biodiversity Claire Kremen 𝄛
500 36 pulmonary fibrosis medical state
class of disease
interstitial lung disease
Erin Potts-Kant 𝄛
501 36 Costa Rica sovereign state
Fernando A Campos 𝄛
502 36 Down syndrome disability
class of disease
chromosomal disease
total autosomal trisomy
Brian G Skotko 𝄛
503 36 gene therapy medical treatment Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
504 36 postpartum period time interval Anna E Bauer 𝄛
505 36 reform political concept process
production process
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
506 36 glucagon medication Martin Rodbell 𝄛
507 36 Caribbean geographic region
Caribbean studies Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
508 36 muon type of quantum particle charged lepton
elementary particle
Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
509 36 Streptokinase type of chemical entity chemical compound Robert Califf 𝄛
510 36 ventricular dysfunction disease heart disease
heart failure
Robert Califf 𝄛
511 36 Fabry disease developmental defect during embryogenesis
rare disease
genetic disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
developmental anomaly of metabolic origin
genetic skin vascular disorder
rare genetic epilepsy
syndromic dyslipidemia
vascular skin disease
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
sphingolipidosis with epilepsy
syndromic lymphedema
nephropathy secondary to a storage or other metabolic disease
cataract associated with a metabolic disease
metabolic disease with corneal opacity
lysosomal disease with restrictive cardiomyopathy
lysosomal disease with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
rare hereditary metabolic disease with peripheral neuropathy
syndrome associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Markus Ries 𝄛
512 35 Ascomycota taxon William Louis Culberson 𝄛
513 35 bioinformatics branch of biology computational biology Carlos Goller 𝄛
514 35 breast neoplasm disease neoplasm
breast disease
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
515 35 silver nanoparticle metal nanoparticle Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
516 35 stenosis disease obstruction Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
517 35 demography academic discipline
academic major
social science
James Vaupel 𝄛
518 35 erythropoietin protein William G. Kaelin 𝄛
519 35 neuropsychology branch of psychology
academic discipline
Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
520 35 cytoskeleton cellular component intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle
nonmembranous cytoplasmic organelle
Hervé Kovacic 𝄛
521 35 hepatocellular carcinoma class of disease liver carcinoma
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
522 35 Pseudomonas aeruginosa taxon Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
523 35 Brassicaceae taxon plant Wolfgang Busch 𝄛
524 35 psychological stress negative emotion
mental state
risk factor
Terrie Moffitt 𝄛
525 35 endometrial cancer class of disease uterine cancer
uterine corpus cancer
endometrial neoplasm
Eric Winer 𝄛
526 35 exposure assessment specialty risk assessment Amy H. Herring 𝄛
527 35 electrocardiography medical test type medical test
diagnostic test in cardiology
Robert Califf 𝄛
528 34 protein design academic discipline molecular design Daisuke Asai 𝄛
529 34 cell migration biological process cell motility Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani 𝄛
530 34 protein folding biological process cellular process
biochemical process
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
531 34 comparative genomics branch of science genomics David Hibbett 𝄛
532 34 molecular phylogenetics academic discipline
academic major
phylogenetics David Hibbett 𝄛
533 34 data set intellectual work
David Hibbett 𝄛
534 34 cervix uterine cancer class of disease uterine cancer
cervix disease
uterine cervix neoplasm
Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
535 34 cerebrospinal fluid class of anatomical entity particular anatomical entity
extracellular fluid
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
536 34 soil respiration ecosystem process Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
537 34 extracellular matrix cellular component external encapsulating structure Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
538 34 phenotypic plasticity physiological phenomenon
color in nature
biological phenomenon
gene-environment interaction
biology of colour
evolutionary biology
developmental biology
Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
539 34 pine forest forest
Jehn-Yih Juang 𝄛
540 34 ion trap appliance Taehyun Kim 𝄛
541 34 neutrino type of quantum particle lepton
neutral particle
Berndt Mueller 𝄛
542 34 quark–gluon plasma non-classical state of matter QCD matter Berndt Mueller 𝄛
543 34 wound healing biological process response to wounding
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
544 34 questionnaire document
data collection
determination method
Ebony Carter 𝄛
545 34 infectivity quality Hana M Dobrovolny 𝄛
546 34 wildfire conflagration fire ecology William H. Schlesinger 𝄛
547 34 synaptic plasticity neuroplasticity Lawrence C. Katz 𝄛
548 34 chirality molecular property
geometric property
chirality Shailesh Chandrasekharan 𝄛
549 34 pseudorapidity coordinate Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
550 34 food web consumer–resource interactions trophic ecology Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
551 34 folic acid type of chemical entity B9 vitamin
folic acids
Wendy Demark-Wahnefried 𝄛
552 34 cortisol type of chemical entity steroid Wendy Demark-Wahnefried 𝄛
553 34 Charon moon of Pluto Robin M. Canup 𝄛
554 34 transcatheter aortic valve replacement aortic valve replacement Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
555 33 vitamin K group of chemical entities vitamin Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
556 33 nanotechnology technical sciences
type of technology
technology Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
557 33 greenhouse gas radiatively active gas environmental science
Drew Shindell 𝄛
558 33 restoration ecology academic discipline
branch of ecology
ecology Claire Kremen 𝄛
559 33 reactive oxygen species structural class of chemical entities
class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions
oxygen compound Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
560 33 groundwater land waters
raw water
hydrogeology Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
561 33 sympatry population biology Fernando A Campos 𝄛
562 33 citizen science academic discipline participatory science
Erin McKenney 𝄛
563 33 World Health Organization specialized agency of the United Nations
open-access publisher
international organization
scientific publisher
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
564 33 fluoxetine group of stereoisomers chemical compound Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
565 33 flow cytometry analytical technique
cell sorting
separation process
Lin Lin 𝄛
566 33 Myanmar sovereign state
Burma studies Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
567 33 positron emission tomography medical test
tomography Allison C. Nugent 𝄛
568 32 hypothesis proposition
Claire Kremen 𝄛
569 32 functional trait phenotypic trait Claire Kremen 𝄛
570 32 cryptococcosis infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
opportunistic mycosis
fungal infectious disease
immune disorder
Shannon K Esher 𝄛
571 32 ecological succession biological process
pattern in nature
ecology Elsie Quarterman 𝄛
572 32 cancer research academic discipline
research Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
573 32 catalysis molecular function chemical reaction
molecular function
catalysis and mechanisms of reactions Liang Feng 𝄛
574 32 congestive heart failure class of disease heart disease
heart failure
William G. Kaelin 𝄛
575 32 multiple drug resistance drug resistance Jacques Fellay 𝄛
576 32 preterm infant symptom or sign infant
low birth weight infant
Qing Yang 𝄛
577 32 cisplatin type of chemical entity chemical compound Donald Trump 𝄛
578 32 sex worker occupation service industry worker Lisa S Dulli 𝄛
579 32 photoacoustics branch of science
technical sciences
John M Thompson 𝄛
580 31 poverty status state
social issue
sociology of poverty Samuel Katz 𝄛
581 31 holography branch of physics photographic technique C E Thomas 𝄛
582 31 population genetics academic discipline
academic major
genetics Rudolf Raff 𝄛
583 31 venous thromboembolism disease thromboembolism
vein disorder
Herbert J. Cooper 𝄛
584 31 pathology medical specialty
academic discipline
field of study
health problem
clinical sciences
Dana S. Nau 𝄛
585 31 influenza vaccine essential medicine
vaccine type
viral vaccines Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
586 31 cerebral infarction class of disease brain infarction
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
587 31 wheat food ingredient
cereal grain
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
588 31 lung disease class of disease lower respiratory tract disease
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
589 31 computational biology academic discipline
branch of biology
computational science
information science
Hieu Bui 𝄛
590 31 pharmacodynamics academic discipline Jingqin Luo 𝄛
591 31 carboplatin type of chemical entity chemical compound Gerald Post 𝄛
592 31 tropical dry forest tropical forest Fernando A Campos 𝄛
593 31 osteoblast cell type connective tissue cell Sumeet Pal Singh 𝄛
594 31 nanorod nanomaterial Gang Chen 𝄛
595 31 mild cognitive impairment cognitive disorder Sidarta Ribeiro 𝄛
596 31 testosterone medication
essential medicine
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
597 31 cesarean section medical procedure parturition
surgical operation
abdominal surgery
obstetrics and gynaecology
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
598 30 bryophyte taxon
bryology William Louis Culberson 𝄛
599 30 fatty liver disease class of disease lipid storage disease
Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
600 30 chemotaxis biological process taxis Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
601 30 fossil natural physical object paleontology
David Hibbett 𝄛
602 30 biopsy medical test type invasive test
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
603 30 ecological restoration process Claire Kremen 𝄛
604 30 invasion management environmental management invasion biology Claire Kremen 𝄛
605 30 semiconductor material
electrical conductor
электротехника материалдары
semiconductors chemistry David R. Smith 𝄛
606 30 molecular medicine academic discipline
academic major
medical specialty
medicine Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
607 30 steppe vegetational formation
grassland Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
608 30 phagocytosis biological process vesicle-mediated transport Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
609 30 cost-effectiveness analysis economics Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
610 30 alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome biological process
mRNA splicing, via spliceosome Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
611 30 microbiology branch of biology
academic discipline
exact science
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
612 30 health disparity Dave A. Chokshi 𝄛
613 30 Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells cell type induced pluripotent stem cell Arun Sharma 𝄛
614 30 cognitive behavioral therapy academic discipline
behavior therapy
cognitive therapy
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
615 30 neutralino type of quantum particle bosino
real neutral particle
Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
616 30 cystic fibrosis designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
autosomal recessive disease
lung disease
genetic biliary tract disease
genetic pancreatic disease
rare genetic respiratory disease
rare male fertility disorder with obstructive azoospermia
rare genetic disorder with obstructive azoospermia
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
617 30 sea level zero-level elevation zero-level elevation
water level
Michael J. Osland 𝄛
618 30 biological invasion ecological concept biological process invasion biology Michael J. Osland 𝄛
619 30 insect taxon Arthropoda entomology Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
620 30 doxorubicin type of chemical entity anthracycline polyketide Sara K O'Neal 𝄛
621 30 patent intellectual property
economics Eric Winer 𝄛
622 30 gene flow change genetic transfer Mohamed Noor 𝄛
623 30 sertraline type of chemical entity chemical compound Robert Califf 𝄛
624 30 occupational burnout syndrome fatigue
health risk
psychosocial hazard
Michael Leiter 𝄛
625 29 focused ultrasound ultrasound Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
626 29 status epilepticus class of disease epilepsy
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
627 29 soil organic matter organic matter David Hibbett 𝄛
628 29 micelles supramolecular assembly
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
629 29 microsphere microparticle Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
630 29 invasion impact effect invasion biology Claire Kremen 𝄛
631 29 allometry branch of science Michelle Singleton 𝄛
632 29 magnetic resonance imaging medical test medical imaging
non-invasive imaging
Kae Jack Tay 𝄛
633 29 hypertension disease disease Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
634 29 domestication evolution Alexandra G. Rosati 𝄛
635 29 RNA analysis biochemistry method Graham D Johnson 𝄛
636 29 environmental change change Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
637 29 glycobiology branch of biology Lorena S. Beese 𝄛
638 29 density functional theory algorithm
functional analysis quantum chemistry Weitao Yang 𝄛
639 29 vector-borne disease infectious disease
Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
640 29 black hole astronomical object type
astronomical object
massive compact halo object astrophysics Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
641 29 Lebanon sovereign state
Mediterranean country
Kyung Hee Lee 𝄛
642 29 dexamethasone type of chemical entity (11beta)-9-fluoro-11,17,21-trihydroxy-16-methylpregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione Guy Salvesen 𝄛
643 29 Gulf of Mexico gulf Michael J. Osland 𝄛
644 29 coral reef reef
coral reef ecology
coral reef biology
Burton Jones 𝄛
645 29 ductal carcinoma Wikimedia disambiguation page carcinoma Eric Winer 𝄛
646 29 ceramides structural class of chemical entities sphingolipids
Allison Ashley-Koch 𝄛
647 28 neurosurgery medical specialty
academic discipline
surgery Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
648 28 nanocomposite material Teng Su 𝄛
649 28 brain–computer interface peripheral neuroprosthetics
Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
650 28 gene silencing biological process negative regulation of gene expression William G. Kaelin 𝄛
651 28 sexual transmission pathogen transmission Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
652 28 Cryptococcus gattii taxon Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
653 28 docetaxel type of chemical entity chemical compound Kathleen A. Cooney 𝄛
654 28 Cardiology and cardiovascular medicine scientific journal Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
655 28 oceanography specialty
academic major
field of study
branch of science
earth science
Michael J. Osland 𝄛
656 28 cooperation activity
type of interaction
interaction interaction science Alan R. Saltiel 𝄛
657 28 1-tridecene-3,5,7,9,11-pentayne type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
658 28 Ecuador sovereign state
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
659 28 thymocyte cell type lymphoid progenitor cells
David L. Wiest 𝄛
660 27 cell wall cellular component external encapsulating structure David Hibbett 𝄛
661 27 community health academic discipline health care
health services research
Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
662 27 stable isotope isotope
primordial nuclide
David Hibbett 𝄛
663 27 algorithm procedure
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
664 27 radiative forcing physical quantity Drew Shindell 𝄛
665 27 land use use of land or building land use and environmental planning Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
666 27 spatial scale property Drew Shindell 𝄛
667 27 anticoagulant medication
hematologic agent
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
668 27 sexual dimorphism dimorphism Michelle Singleton 𝄛
669 27 nucleus accumbens brain region
class of anatomical entity
nucleus of brain
particular anatomical entity
Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
670 27 homozygosity Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
671 27 Ghana sovereign state
Ghana studies Dean Karlan 𝄛
672 27 urology academic discipline medical specialty Kae Jack Tay 𝄛
673 27 hypermethylation methylation Kae Jack Tay 𝄛
674 27 xylem vascular tissue
vascular bundle
Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
675 27 fungal community ecological community Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
676 27 immunohistochemistry medical test type staining
lab technique
biological sample staining method
Jingqin Luo 𝄛
677 27 epidemic disease outbreak
pathogen spread
epidemiology Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
678 27 smartphone mobile phone
smart device
information appliance
mobile computer
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
679 27 bicyclogermacrene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
bicyclogermacrane sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
680 27 attempted suicide autoaggression
suicide crisis
suicide risk
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
681 27 left ventricular dysfunction ventricular dysfunction Robert Califf 𝄛
682 27 spin polarization polarization Pei Zhou 𝄛
683 27 toxic encephalopathy class of disease neurotoxic disorder
neurological disorder
Karl G. Linden 𝄛
684 27 Black-capped Chickadee taxon Christopher B. Sturdy 𝄛
685 26 brachytherapy adaptive radiation therapy Daisuke Asai 𝄛
686 26 toddler child Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
687 26 population structure structure Rudolf Raff 𝄛
688 26 angiogenesis inhibitor ChEBI Ontology term medication
growth inhibitors
angiogenesis modulating agents
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
689 26 geophysics branch of science
academic discipline
academic major
Drew Shindell 𝄛
690 26 hydrophobicity chemical property
physical property
chemical property
physical property
materials science Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
691 26 climate change adaptation process
politics of climate change
Claire Kremen 𝄛
692 26 heparin-induced thrombocytopenia class of disease adverse drug reaction
rare thrombotic disorder due to an acquired coagulation factors defect
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
693 26 lipopolysaccharide structural class of chemical entities liposaccharide
polysaccharide derivative
Erin Potts-Kant 𝄛
694 26 drinking water liquid water
Nathaniel R Warner 𝄛
695 26 sirolimus type of chemical entity alkaloid
Evan Vosburgh 𝄛
696 26 global scale spatial scale Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
697 26 carbon sequestration branch of science
climate change mitigation
Jehn-Yih Juang 𝄛
698 26 lipoprotein biological macromolecule
clathrate compound
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
699 26 tsunami natural disaster
Neil Boothby 𝄛
700 26 quantitative trait locus locus Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
701 26 Helicobacter pylori taxon Oliver Ratmann 𝄛
702 26 zoonosis animal disease
host-pathogen interaction
infectious disease
ecological epidemiology Guy Salvesen 𝄛
703 26 estuary FFH-Habitat marine ecosystem
river ecosystem
body of water
river mouth
Allen Gerard Rodrigo 𝄛
704 26 diarrhea class of disease
symptom or sign
gastrointestinal system disease
clinical sign
feces and droppings symptom
Sidarta Ribeiro 𝄛
705 26 (S,1Z,6Z)-8-Isopropyl-1-methyl-5-methylenecyclodeca-1,6-diene type of chemical entity germacrene
1,6-Cyclodecadiene, 1-methyl-5-methylene-8-(1-methylethyl)-
Germacrene D
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
706 26 testosterone type of chemical entity androstane steroid Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
707 26 caryophyllene type of chemical entity caryophyllane sesquiterpenoid
biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
708 26 Panama sovereign state Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
709 26 lake feature type still waters
surface water body
overground still body of fresh water
David C. Richardson 𝄛
710 26 invasive fungal infections class systemic mycosis
fungal infectious disease
infectious disease physician Joseph Heitman 𝄛
711 26 tenofovir type of chemical entity nucleoside analogue Adam Wax 𝄛
712 26 respiratory disease class of disease disease of anatomical entity
cardiovascular medicine and haematology
Aaron Barchowsky 𝄛
713 25 phylogenomics phylogenetics David Hibbett 𝄛
714 25 marriage legal institution
nominal kinship
intimate relationship
end of betrothal
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
715 25 neurogenesis biological process cell differentiation Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
716 25 oxygen sensing detection Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
717 25 mammography medical test type roentgenology
medical imaging
breast imaging
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
718 25 subarachnoid hemorrhage disease intracranial hemorrhage
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
719 25 tumor progression Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
720 25 enantioselectivity stereoselectivity Jennifer L. Roizen 𝄛
721 25 polyploidy developmental defect during embryogenesis
class of disease
genome mutation
chromosome abnormality
Brandie M Quarles 𝄛
722 25 bone marrow tissue
class of anatomical entity
food product
zone of bone organ
blood forming organ
particular anatomical entity
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
723 25 mitochondrial DNA extrachromosomal DNA
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
724 25 functional genomics academic discipline genomics Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
725 25 biomedical engineering academic discipline
academic major
Eben Alsberg 𝄛
726 25 cell growth biological process growth
cellular process
William G. Kaelin 𝄛
727 25 neuroblastoma class of disease
autonomic nervous system neoplasm
neuroblastic tumor
childhood cancer
Hervé Kovacic 𝄛
728 25 centrality mathematical concept property
graph theory
social network analysis
Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
729 25 decision analysis analysis Mia K Markey 𝄛
730 25 kidney disease health problem
class of disease
urinary system disease
organ-specific disease
Fionnuala B Hickey 𝄛
731 25 attenuated vaccine vaccine type vaccine
beneficial organism
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
732 25 virion protein-containing complex Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
733 25 Embryophyte taxon plant W. John Kress 𝄛
734 25 idiopathic inflammatory myopathy class of disease acquired skeletal muscle disease
autoimmune connective tissue disorder
immune disorder
inflammatory myopathy
Takashi Matsushita 𝄛
735 25 head and neck squamous cell carcinoma head and neck disease
rare disease
class of disease
squamous cell carcinoma
head and neck cancer
head and neck carcinoma
Anne E. Jennings 𝄛
736 25 Teleostei taxon Robert Graham Reynolds 𝄛
737 24 bioavailability quality David B MacLeod 𝄛
738 24 biosphere geographic envelope region of space biospherology
global change biology
environmental science
Drew Shindell 𝄛
739 24 waveguide physics term structure David R. Smith 𝄛
740 24 arteriovenous malformation designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
vascular malformation
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
741 24 informatics academic major information science
data science
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
742 24 pharmacotherapy medical treatment Jerrold Levy 𝄛
743 24 hydrology specialty
academic discipline
branch of science
science Drew Shindell 𝄛
744 24 field experiment experiment Claire Kremen 𝄛
745 24 eddy covariance Jehn-Yih Juang 𝄛
746 24 New Zealand Commonwealth realm
sovereign state
island country
Robert J. Menzies 𝄛
747 24 neuronitis class of disease central nervous system disease
neurological disorder
inflammatory disease
Letitia Jones 𝄛
748 24 in silico Latin phrase Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
749 24 breastfeeding nutrition infant feeding
lactation science Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
750 24 personality disorder class of disease mental disorder
Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
751 24 pharmacogenomics branch of biology genomics Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
752 24 glycosylation biological process metabolism Jinsong Zhang 𝄛
753 24 Cape Town port settlement
statistical territorial entity
big city
Neil Boothby 𝄛
754 24 clinical psychology branch of psychology psychology
general health psychology
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
755 24 spectral domain optical coherence tomography optical coherence tomography Mia K Markey 𝄛
756 24 stigmasterol type of chemical entity stigmastan-type steroid Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
757 24 lupeol acetate type of chemical entity [(1R,3As,5aR,5bR,7aS,9S,11aR,11bR,13aR,13bR)-3a,5a,5b,8,8,11a-hexamethyl-1-prop-1-en-2-yl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7a,9,10,11,11b,12,13,13a,13b-hexadecahydrocyclopenta[a]chrysen-9-yl] acetate
(1R,3aR,5aR,7aR,9S,11aR,11bR,13aR,13bR)-3a,5a,5b,8,8,11a-hexamethyl-1-(prop-1-en-2-yl)-hexadecahydrocyclopenta[a]chrysen-9-yl acetate
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
758 24 military armed organization armed organization military history
military sociology
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
759 24 Salmonella enterica taxon Henry S Gibbons 𝄛
760 23 copper chemical element
simple substance
chalcophile element
Irwin Fridovich 𝄛
761 23 temporal dynamics change Claire Kremen 𝄛
762 23 social media economic activity
field of study
type of mass media
virtual place
media studies
interaction science
digital media
media sociology
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
763 23 carbon storage pattern in nature Claire Kremen 𝄛
764 23 non-small-cell lung carcinoma class of disease lung carcinoma
lung cancer
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
765 23 colorectal cancer screening cancer screening Stephen Inrig 𝄛
766 23 soil water Porenwasser Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
767 23 forest management academic discipline control
natural resource management
Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
768 23 Psychometric Property property Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
769 23 infrastructure structure Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
770 23 weight gain clinical sign
symptom or sign
clinical sign
body weight change
nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom
Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
771 23 endocrinology medical specialty
branch of biology
academic discipline
internal medicine
internal medicine
clinical sciences
Martin Rodbell 𝄛
772 23 lead chemical element
simple substance
superconducting element
chalcophile element
post-transition metal Alan R. Saltiel 𝄛
773 23 squalene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
squalane triterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
774 23 clinical oncology medical specialty oncology Wendy Demark-Wahnefried 𝄛
775 23 deciduous forest forest type
vegetational formation
forest Keith Clay 𝄛
776 23 ophthalmology medical specialty
academic discipline
ophthalmology and optometry
C H Meyer 𝄛
777 22 inflammatory bowel diseases class of disease intestinal disease
immune disorder
Andrea Bertozzi 𝄛
778 22 X-ray crystallography branch of physics crystallography Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
779 22 natural product group or class of chemical substances chemical substance Daisuke Asai 𝄛
780 22 Cretaceous period
David Hibbett 𝄛
781 22 titanium chemical element
simple substance
transition metal
light metal
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
782 22 glutathione type of chemical entity tripeptide Irwin Fridovich 𝄛
783 22 self-organization process
Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
784 22 mobile app software category application
mobile software
computer program
Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
785 22 aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage subarachnoid hemorrhage Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
786 22 Bangladesh sovereign state
people's republic
Drew Shindell 𝄛
787 22 sibling kinship first-degree relative James Vaupel 𝄛
788 22 iron chemical element
native element mineral
primary metabolite
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
789 22 Elliptic flow physical quantity Berndt Mueller 𝄛
790 22 hemophilia A class of disease
symptom or sign
coagulation factor deficiency
X-linked recessive disease
blood coagulation disease
Evan Vosburgh 𝄛
791 22 chronosequence set Jehn-Yih Juang 𝄛
792 22 space mission mission
William D. Cochran 𝄛
793 22 viral load Hana M Dobrovolny 𝄛
794 22 plant invasion biological invasion botany
invasion biology
Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
795 22 single cell transcriptomics single-cell analysis
Sumeet Pal Singh 𝄛
796 22 quality control type of regulation and control quality assurance Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
797 22 imputation statistical term
Dafeng Hui 𝄛
798 22 hemodialysis patient patient Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
799 22 lupeol type of chemical entity (1R,3aR,5aR,5bR,7aR,9S,11aR,11bR,13bR)-3a,5a,5b,8,8,11a-hexamethyl-1-prop-1-en-2-yl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7a,9,10,11,11b,12,13,13a,13b-hexadecahydrocyclopenta[a]chrysen-9-ol
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
800 22 metastatic colon cancer colorectal cancer Stephen B. Baylin 𝄛
801 22 hepatitis delta virus taxon Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
802 22 viral hepatitis class of disease
symptom or sign
viral infectious disease
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
803 22 fluconazole type of chemical entity azole Joseph Heitman 𝄛
804 22 microsatellite repetitive DNA
satellite DNA
variable number tandem repeat W. John Kress 𝄛
805 22 eating disorder class of disease specific developmental disorder
nutrition disorder
Kelly D. Brownell 𝄛
806 22 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons structural class of chemical entities polycyclic aromatic compound
aromatic hydrocarbon
non-methane volatile organic compound
polycyclic hydrocarbon
Jicheng Gong 𝄛
807 22 anterior cruciate ligament class of anatomical entity ligament croisé
particular anatomical entity
Thomas Branch 𝄛
808 21 convergent evolution evolution Rudolf Raff 𝄛
809 21 model organism scientific model organism
research object
Elizabeth H. Harris 𝄛
810 21 neovascularization metaplasia Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
811 21 extracellular vesicle cellular component vesicle
extracellular membrane-bounded organelle
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
812 21 cancer diagnosis academic discipline medical diagnosis Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
813 21 primate taxon mammal primatology
Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
814 21 nicotine group of stereoisomers pyrrolidine
nicotine-like alkaloid
Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
815 21 eukaryote taxon organism Shannon K Esher 𝄛
816 21 RNA-Seq RNA sequencing Erich Jarvis 𝄛
817 21 lithium-ion battery battery chemistry type rechargeable battery Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
818 21 cluster randomized trial randomized experiment Dean Karlan 𝄛
819 21 flame retardant class of chemical substances by use chemical substance Samantha M. Hall 𝄛
820 21 long-term potentiation biological process synaptic plasticity
regulation of synaptic plasticity
positive regulation of synaptic transmission
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
821 21 randomized experiment experiment
scientific method
Gerald Post 𝄛
822 21 moss taxon Matthew G. Johnson 𝄛
823 21 understory ecosystem Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
824 21 signal transduction biological process
type of interaction
regulation of cellular process
cellular process
cell signaling
William G. Kaelin 𝄛
825 21 rhinosinusitis disease sinusitis Jake J Lee 𝄛
826 21 Cytomegalovirus taxon neurotropic virus
Herpesviridae infectious disease
Jacques Fellay 𝄛
827 21 heart rate variability physiological condition Brian Kobilka 𝄛
828 21 hibernation biological process torpor
dormancy process
Anne D. Yoder 𝄛
829 21 ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid type of chemical entity kaurane diterpenoid Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
830 21 spliceosome molecular machine David L. Wiest 𝄛
831 21 tamoxifen type of chemical entity chemical compound Eric Winer 𝄛
832 21 sex-determination system biological process biological system
developmental process involved in reproduction
Joseph Heitman 𝄛
833 21 myocardial ischemia disease coronary artery disease
arteriosclerotic heart disease
Martin J. Lohse 𝄛
834 21 Pteridaceae taxon Harald Schneider 𝄛
835 21 headache symptom or sign
women's disease
clinical sign
Ashraf S Habib 𝄛
836 21 pulmonary injury disease lung disease
chest trauma
Cameron Dezfulian 𝄛
837 21 Synuclein protein family
group or class of transmembrane transport proteins
pore-forming toxin Andrew B. West 𝄛
838 21 hearing loss health problem hearing disorder
sensory loss
Murim Choi 𝄛
839 21 methane emissions greenhouse gas emissions Edward J. Brook 𝄛
840 21 Singapore sovereign state
island country
port settlement
big city
border city
global city
David B Matchar 𝄛
841 21 New Horizons space probe Hal Weaver 𝄛
842 20 liver disease class of disease hepatobiliary disease
endocrine system disease
Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
843 20 microvessel blood vessel Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
844 20 transcriptomics branch of biology genetics
computational biology
RNA analysis
Rudolf Raff 𝄛
845 20 episodic memory memory type memory
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
846 20 feasibility study specialty study Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
847 20 artificial neural network specialty
field of study
artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence
machine learning
neural network
discriminative model
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
848 20 biodiversity conservation nature conservation conservation biology Claire Kremen 𝄛
849 20 (E)-phytonadione type of chemical entity vitamin K
biogenic naphthochinone
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
850 20 big data buzzword
programming paradigm
subject heading
data distributed computing Susan Athey 𝄛
851 20 retrotransposon protein transposable element
Kevin A. Edwards 𝄛
852 20 carcinogenesis health risk
biological process
disease of cellular proliferation
oncology Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
853 20 forest ecosystem ecosystem forest ecology F. Herbert Bormann 𝄛
854 20 cell anatomical structure class type
cell type
biological component
anatomical structure
cell biology
Arun Sharma 𝄛
855 20 hematology medical specialty internal medicine
cardiovascular medicine and haematology
Andrea B Moffitt 𝄛
856 20 pulmonary hypertension class of disease
symptom or sign
arterial hypertension
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
857 20 nickel chemical element
flammable solid
ferromagnetic material
Liang Feng 𝄛
858 20 qubit unit of information quantity Taehyun Kim 𝄛
859 20 atmosphere gas
shell of an astronomical object
atmospheric physics William D. Cochran 𝄛
860 20 bioluminescence biological process
color in nature
cell metabolism
William G. Kaelin 𝄛
861 20 polyelectrolytes polymer
Eben Alsberg 𝄛
862 20 etoposide type of chemical entity (5S,5aR,8aR,9R)-5-[(7,8-dihydroxy-2-methyl-4,4a,6,7,8,8a-hexahydropyrano[3,2-d][1,3]dioxin-6-yl)oxy]-9-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-5a,6,8a,9-tetrahydro-5H-isobenzofuro[6,5-f][1,3]benzodioxol-8-one
Kathleen A. Cooney 𝄛
863 20 human embryonic stem cell cell type embryonic stem cell Guy Salvesen 𝄛
864 20 soil organic carbon ecological concept Total organic carbon Dafeng Hui 𝄛
865 20 antimicrobial peptide group or class of proteins protein
antimicrobial agent
peptide therapeutic
Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
866 20 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria strain Staphylococcus aureus Meghan S Blackledge 𝄛
867 20 chronic hepatitis disease hepatitis Jacques Fellay 𝄛
868 20 passive smoking health risk smoking Phuong Nguyen-Hoang 𝄛
869 20 toxicity concept
type of property
quality Alex Medvedev 𝄛
870 20 hospital-acquired infection infection
adverse effect
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
871 20 calorie restriction diet
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
872 20 metapopulation population Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
873 20 habitat fragmentation separation
landscape fragmentation
Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
874 20 Woodchuck hepatitis virus taxon Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
875 20 gestational diabetes class of disease diabetes
complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
diabetes mellitus and pregnancy
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
876 20 hysterectomy medical specialty
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
877 20 bladder cancer class of disease urinary system cancer
bladder disease
bladder neoplasm
Eric Ojerholm 𝄛
878 20 Polypodiaceae taxon Harald Schneider 𝄛
879 20 RNA-binding proteins group or class of proteins protein
nucleic acid binding protein
Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
880 20 rhabdomyosarcoma class of disease skeletal muscle cancer
childhood cancer
Jonathan C. Routh 𝄛
881 20 myositis class of disease muscular disease
Lisa G. Rider 𝄛
882 20 486958 Arrokoth cubewano
contact binary
Hal Weaver 𝄛
883 19 neuroglia cell type cell
set of cells
neural cell
Kerem Yildirim 𝄛
884 19 human rights convention
social movement
Ai Weiwei 𝄛
885 19 Sphagnaceae taxon Lewis Edward Anderson 𝄛
886 19 X-ray diffraction method diffraction X-ray crystallography Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
887 19 infancy stage developmental stage Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
888 19 Evolutionary dynamics dynamics David Hibbett 𝄛
889 19 aluminium chemical element
post-transition metal
building material
combustible powder
simple substance
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
890 19 Hymenoptera taxon insect hymenopterology David R. Smith 𝄛
891 19 biosensor appliance Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
892 19 extinction risk type of risk risk Claire Kremen 𝄛
893 19 artificial intelligence industry
type of technology
branch of computer science
type of intelligence
computer science
emerging technology
Susan Athey 𝄛
894 19 sociodemography academic discipline sociology
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
895 19 candidiasis infectious disease
class of disease
opportunistic mycosis
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
896 19 septic shock disease
symptom or sign
shock Jerrold Levy 𝄛
897 19 microscope optical instrument Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
898 19 photonic crystal nanostructure
structural coloration
David R. Smith 𝄛
899 19 law academic discipline rule jurisprudence
legal science
Erwin Chemerinsky 𝄛
900 19 retinoblastoma rare disease
head and neck disease
class of disease
retinal cell cancer
retinal cancer
ocular cancer
William G. Kaelin 𝄛
901 19 biological interaction biological process
type of interaction
multi-organism process
life sciences
theory of evolution
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
902 19 habitat use use Claire Kremen 𝄛
903 19 crowdsourcing human resource management crowdsourced science Ricardo Henao 𝄛
904 19 aquifer water reservoir Nathaniel R Warner 𝄛
905 19 Metal-organic framework coordination polymer Liang Feng 𝄛
906 19 PM 2.5 particulates
PM10 (including PM 2.5)
Kelsey McDonald 𝄛
907 19 data analysis process
field of study
analysis Alexander Tselev 𝄛
908 19 freshwater ecology branch of ecology
field of study
academic discipline
aquatic ecology Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
909 19 high school secondary school Ellen Buckner 𝄛
910 19 microstructure type of structure physical structure Gang Chen 𝄛
911 19 ecosystem response reaction Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
912 19 biobank biorepository
medical facility
Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
913 19 morphine type of chemical entity morphinan alkaloid Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
914 19 norepinephrine type of chemical entity catecholamine
phenethylamine alkaloid
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
915 19 research agenda plan Mia K Markey 𝄛
916 19 (E,E,E,E)-Squalene group of stereoisomers unsaturated hydrocarbon
squalane triterpenoid
biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
917 19 sesquiterpene lactone structural class of chemical entities sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
918 19 Desulfovibrio vulgaris taxon Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
919 19 pesticide mode of toxic action
Wendy Demark-Wahnefried 𝄛
920 19 reproductive isolation mechanical philosophy Mohamed Noor 𝄛
921 19 Deepwater Horizon oil spill oil spill
environmental disaster
environmental conflict
Timothy P Fitzgerald 𝄛
922 19 marine protected area protected area
wildlife refuge
Eric A. Treml 𝄛
923 19 hydroxyurea type of chemical entity carbamide Allan Friedman 𝄛
924 19 lung organ type
class of anatomical entity
animal organ
particular anatomical entity
Aaron Barchowsky 𝄛
925 19 Vibrio cholerae taxon Meta J. Kuehn 𝄛
926 19 gynecologic oncology medical specialty oncology
Laura J. Havrilesky 𝄛
927 18 regenerative medicine medical specialty
academic discipline
biomedicine Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
928 18 steatosis disease disease Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
929 18 ribozyme RNA
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
930 18 cyst disease lesion Herbert J. Cooper 𝄛
931 18 Thermotoga taxon Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
932 18 Thermotoga maritima taxon Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
933 18 cerebral blood flow regional blood flow Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
934 18 Crohn's disease designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
inflammatory bowel diseases
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
935 18 oxygen chemical element
group 16
oxidizing agent
Irwin Fridovich 𝄛
936 18 biodiversity hotspot bioregion Claire Kremen 𝄛
937 18 hyperglycemia class of disease
abnormally high value
glucose metabolism disease
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
938 18 steatohepatitis fatty liver disease Manal F Abdelmalek 𝄛
939 18 whole genome duplication mutation Brandie M Quarles 𝄛
940 18 problem solving type of process intellectual activity
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
941 18 ecophysiology academic discipline
branch of biology
Jehn-Yih Juang 𝄛
942 18 cetuximab type of chemical entity chemical compound Hervé Kovacic 𝄛
943 18 co-evolution concept evolution Erich Jarvis 𝄛
944 18 clinical trials registry
health portal
US government website
Sheri Tibbs 𝄛
945 18 metformin type of chemical entity biguanide Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
946 18 epigenetics branch of biology genetics William G. Kaelin 𝄛
947 18 Saudi Arabia sovereign state
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
948 18 RNA interference biological process posttranscriptional gene silencing
gene silencing
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
949 18 veteran suicide suicide Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
950 18 habitat selection selection ecology Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
951 18 wetland restoration ecological restoration Michael J. Osland 𝄛
952 18 parasitology branch of zoology
field of work
zoology Jayna Raghwani 𝄛
953 18 range expansion increase ecology
restoration ecology
Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
954 18 spathulenol type of chemical entity (7aR)-1,1,7-trimethyl-4-methylidene-1a,2,3,4a,5,6,7a,7b-octahydrocyclopropa[h]azulen-7-ol
1H-Cycloprop[e]azulen-7-ol, decahydro-1,1,7-trimethyl-4-methylene-, [1ar-(1aalpha,4aalpha,7beta,7abeta,7balpha)]-
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
955 18 cocaine dependence class of disease cocaine-related disorder
substance dependence
substance abuse
Mohamed Jaber 𝄛
956 18 autobiographical memory memory type explicit memory Philip A Kragel 𝄛
957 18 Aedes aegypti taxon Katherine A Willard 𝄛
958 18 systemic lupus erythematosus designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
lupus erythematosus
connective tissue disease
John Cambier 𝄛
959 18 pain management medical specialty disease management
medical procedure
medical treatment
Ashraf S Habib 𝄛
960 18 postoperative nausea and vomiting disease adverse reactions to anesthesia
postoperative complications
Ashraf S Habib 𝄛
961 18 Gram-negative bacteria organisms known by a particular common name bacteria James L Wynn 𝄛
962 18 conduct disorder class of disease specific developmental disorder
behavioral disorder
Terrie Moffitt 𝄛
963 18 species distribution range biogeography Frank H. Koch 𝄛
964 18 oncology medical specialty
academic discipline
medicine Eric Winer 𝄛
965 18 R package software category software package Hilmar Lapp 𝄛
966 18 Pacific Ocean ocean
Peter Etnoyer 𝄛
967 18 Deepwater Horizon explosion explosion
industrial disaster
environmental disaster
Timothy P Fitzgerald 𝄛
968 18 childhood obesity disease obesity Kelly D. Brownell 𝄛
969 18 Alaska U.S. state
George W. Kling 𝄛
970 18 Southern Ocean ocean Ellen Martin 𝄛
971 18 typhoid fever infectious disease
class of disease
primary bacterial infectious disease
anthroponotic disease
David M. Tobin 𝄛
972 18 toxicology medical specialty
branch of science
interdisciplinary science
pharmaceutical science
Douglas Anthony 𝄛
973 18 Ipomoea purpurea taxon bine
useful plant
Shu-Mei Chang 𝄛
974 17 bioacoustics branch of biology
branch of physics
field of study
academic discipline
acoustics Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
975 17 sap flow liquid flow Andrea Bertozzi 𝄛
976 17 acute kidney injury cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
kidney failure
Herbert J. Cooper 𝄛
977 17 polysaccharide structural class of chemical entities carbohydrate
David Hibbett 𝄛
978 17 haploinsufficiency Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
979 17 severe combined immunodeficiency class of disease combined immunodeficiency Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
980 17 functional magnetic resonance imaging functional neuroimaging
magnetic resonance imaging
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
981 17 TNF gene protein-coding gene
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
982 17 agricultural irrigation process
irrigation engineering Drew Shindell 𝄛
983 17 brain tissue tissue Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
984 17 mutualist species David Hibbett 𝄛
985 17 anthropogenic climate change climate change Drew Shindell 𝄛
986 17 behavior therapy psychotherapy
behavior management
Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
987 17 immunosuppression immunotherapy Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
988 17 reperfusion injury vascular disease
post-ischemic syndrome
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
989 17 blood coagulation disease class of disease
symptom or sign
hematopoietic system disease
hemic system symptom
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
990 17 3D printing production process
manufacturing process
production engineering
additive manufacturing
David R. Smith 𝄛
991 17 diabetic retinopathy class of disease ocular manifestation of diabetes
diabetic angiopathy
retinal vascular disease
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
992 17 data collection activity activity
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
993 17 AVP gene protein-coding gene Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
994 17 trait ecology branch of ecology David Hibbett 𝄛
995 17 plant trait phenotypic trait Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
996 17 Coronaviridae taxon wastewater surveillance Jerrold Levy 𝄛
997 17 smoking custom
psychoactive drug use
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
998 17 invasive grass invasive species
invasion biology
Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
999 17 femtosecond laser laser John Madey 𝄛
1000 17 behavioral intervention medical treatment Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1001 17 flow of water fluid flow Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
1002 17 land cover natural resource
Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
1003 17 barley food ingredient cereal grain
Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
1004 17 environmental engineering technical sciences
academic major
academic discipline
engineering Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1005 17 Italy country
sovereign state
Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
1006 17 leaf litter plant litter
fallen leaves
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1007 17 moral injury psychological trauma Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
1008 17 stoichiometry calculation Guy Salvesen 𝄛
1009 17 carbon cycling natural phenomenon Dafeng Hui 𝄛
1010 17 information processing technical process process Michael N Economo 𝄛
1011 17 charged higgs boson type of quantum particle hypothetical particle
Higgs boson
Ashutosh Vijay Kotwal 𝄛
1012 17 best practice good practice Neil Boothby 𝄛
1013 17 mesocosm environment Dafeng Hui 𝄛
1014 17 Bayesian inference statistical inference statistical method Kathleen A. Cooney 𝄛
1015 17 energy efficiency efficiency
dimensionless quantity
thermodynamics Gang Chen 𝄛
1016 17 vaccine engineering bioengineering Allen Gerard Rodrigo 𝄛
1017 17 Colombia sovereign state
secular state
Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1018 17 anthropometry academic discipline
branch of anthropology
field of work
biological anthropology John Komlos 𝄛
1019 17 GenBank sequence database
data library
Karen Cranston 𝄛
1020 17 capecitabine type of chemical entity chemical compound Donald Trump 𝄛
1021 17 Argentina sovereign state
federal republic
confessional state
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1022 17 Bolivia sovereign state
landlocked country
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1023 17 internal medicine medical specialty
academic discipline
medicine Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1024 17 NMR spectroscopy branch of physics
analytical technique
medical diagnosis
Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1025 17 mental health services industry health service
health services research
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
1026 17 crystallography branch of physics
branch of chemistry
academic discipline
analytical chemistry
materials science
Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1027 17 arsenic chemical element
chalcophile element
Peter Agre 𝄛
1028 17 probiotics microorganism
medical treatment
James L Wynn 𝄛
1029 17 workflow activity
business process
Gregor Hagedorn 𝄛
1030 17 geomorphology branch of geology
branch of geography
physical geography
academic discipline
Justin P. Wright 𝄛
1031 17 Drosophila pseudoobscura taxon
model organism
Mohamed Noor 𝄛
1032 17 amiodarone type of chemical entity antiarrhythmic agent
Robert Califf 𝄛
1033 17 Schwann cell cell type neuroglia Kam W. Leong 𝄛
1034 17 electroencephalography medical test type neuroimaging
medical test
Pradeep Kumar Sahota 𝄛
1035 17 Mummichog taxon Cole W Matson 𝄛
1036 17 ichthyotoxicity toxicity Cole W Matson 𝄛
1037 17 Vietnam sovereign state
communist state
Vietnamese studies Trung Thanh Nguyen 𝄛
1038 17 tumour xenograft xenograft Henry Seth Friedman 𝄛
1039 16 endotoxins bacterial toxin Daisuke Asai 𝄛
1040 16 telemedicine medicine Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1041 16 inner city neighborhood Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
1042 16 insomnia disease
symptom or sign
sleep disorder
sleep disturbance
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1043 16 adaptive evolution evolution Rudolf Raff 𝄛
1044 16 chronic fatigue syndrome class of disease
symptom or sign
primary immunodeficiency disease
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1045 16 multicellularity phenotype David Hibbett 𝄛
1046 16 superhydrophobicity thermodynamic material property hydrophobicity materials science Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1047 16 heat wave type of meteorological phenomenon weather
meteorological phenomenon
extreme weather
Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
1048 16 electrochemistry interdisciplinary science
branch of chemistry
physical chemistry Irwin Fridovich 𝄛
1049 16 microsurgery surgery Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1050 16 climate impact research research Drew Shindell 𝄛
1051 16 litter decomposition ecological process Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1052 16 plant population population Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1053 16 mathematics education umbrella term education didactics of mathematics
mathematics and numeracy curriculum and pedagogy
Brittany Terese Fasy 𝄛
1054 16 Crustacea taxon carcinology Robert J. Menzies 𝄛
1055 16 synthetic biology interdisciplinarity artificial life Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1056 16 carbon monoxide type of chemical entity oxocarbon Anna E Bauer 𝄛
1057 16 pre-eclampsia rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
gestational hypertension
arterial hypertension
Anna E Bauer 𝄛
1058 16 plastome extrachromosomal DNA Alan M Myers 𝄛
1059 16 solar cell academic discipline transducer
semiconductor diode
optoelectronic device
electric power source
Gang Chen 𝄛
1060 16 photovoltaics solar power Gang Chen 𝄛
1061 16 plant-soil relationship ecological concept plant ecology
soil science
ecological interaction
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1062 16 cross-cultural communication human communication
communication studies
Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
1063 16 forest soil ecological soil types soil William H. Schlesinger 𝄛
1064 16 Iraq sovereign state
Sean C. Glasgow 𝄛
1065 16 reinforcement learning machine learning method machine learning Michael L. Littman 𝄛
1066 16 cardiomyopathy clinical sign
class of disease
heart disease
muscular disease
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1067 16 rheumatology medical specialty
academic discipline
clinical sciences
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
1068 16 usability quality interaction design Mia K Markey 𝄛
1069 16 covariate independent variable Michele Guindani 𝄛
1070 16 DNA barcoding scientific technique genetic analysis Allen Gerard Rodrigo 𝄛
1071 16 human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease class of disease viral infectious disease
Lentivirus infectious disease
Jacques Fellay 𝄛
1072 16 methotrexate type of chemical entity chemical compound Michael Sheetz 𝄛
1073 16 gamma-humulene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
humulane-type sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1074 16 Diptera taxon dipterology Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1075 16 population dynamics life sciences Robert E McKeown 𝄛
1076 16 form factor second-order class specification
technical standard
mechanical standard
type of physical object by shape
Daniel Cronin-Hennessy 𝄛
1077 16 mood disorder class of disease mental disorder Allison C. Nugent 𝄛
1078 16 Enterobacteriaceae taxon wastewater surveillance David C. Richardson 𝄛
1079 16 radiation oncology medical specialty oncology
adaptive radiation therapy
clinical oncology
Eric Ojerholm 𝄛
1080 16 urban forest Ландшафтна-рэкрэацыйныя тэрыторыі forest
Frank H. Koch 𝄛
1081 16 forest landscape landscape Frank H. Koch 𝄛
1082 16 self-injury defence mechanism
intentional human activity
Terrie Moffitt 𝄛
1083 16 salicylic acid type of chemical entity monohydroxybenzoic acid Xinnian Dong 𝄛
1084 16 mental health care health care Robert E. Drake 𝄛
1085 16 ventricular tachycardia disease
symptom or sign
paroxysmal tachycardia
ventricular dysrhythmia
Robert Califf 𝄛
1086 16 complex trait phenotypic trait David B. Goldstein 𝄛
1087 16 peer review activity Robert Califf 𝄛
1088 16 tree mortality mortality John Terborgh 𝄛
1089 16 Iceland island country
sovereign state
Anne E. Jennings 𝄛
1090 16 Mycobacterium ulcerans taxon N Deborah Friedman 𝄛
1091 16 phytoplankton organisms known by a particular common name plankton
Elliott L. Hazen 𝄛
1092 16 Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis taxon Jason E. Stajich 𝄛
1093 16 myoclonic epilepsy disease epilepsy Antonio V Delgado-Escueta 𝄛
1094 16 colonoscopy digestive endoscopy Matthew B McNeill 𝄛
1095 15 perovskite mineral species perovskite mineral group Qing Tu 𝄛
1096 15 metagenomics academic discipline
branch of biology
genomics Carlos Goller 𝄛
1097 15 high altitude altitude height above mean sea level Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
1098 15 sleep biological process
state of consciousness
multicellular organismal process
somnology Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1099 15 Huntington's disease designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
Huntington disease and related disorders
eye degenerative disease
genetic neurodegenerative disease with dementia
trinucleotide repeat disorder
Rudolf Raff 𝄛
1100 15 housing social issue
economic concept
supply Samuel Katz 𝄛
1101 15 treatment-resistant depression major depressive disorder
drug resistance in psychiatry
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1102 15 diffusion tensor imaging diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1103 15 neurophysiology physiology
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1104 15 lipid imprecise class of chemical entities organic compound Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1105 15 optical imaging medical imaging Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
1106 15 microscopy branch of science
academic discipline
scientific technique
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1107 15 non-Hodgkin lymphoma class of disease lymphoma
hematopoietic system disease
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1108 15 magnesium chemical element
period 3
alkaline earth metal
simple substance
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1109 15 oscillation change Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
1110 15 condom contraceptive male contraceptive Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
1111 15 adaptive radiation biological process Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1112 15 brain size organ size Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1113 15 shrubland vegetational formation ecotope Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1114 15 signal processing technology
signal theory Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
1115 15 acute myeloid leukemia class of disease acute leukemia
myeloid leukemia
Andrea B Moffitt 𝄛
1116 15 keratinocyte cell type epidermal cell Andrea B Moffitt 𝄛
1117 15 serious mental illness health problem mental disorder Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
1118 15 research collaboration collaboration
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
1119 15 neuroplasticity biological process Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1120 15 astronomy branch of science
academic discipline
physical sciences
exact science
science studies William D. Cochran 𝄛
1121 15 nicotine dependence non-controlled substance abuse
class of disease
nicotine abuse
non-controlled substance abuse
substance use disorder
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
1122 15 afforestation forestation Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1123 15 public health ethics ethics Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1124 15 health professional profession
occupation group according to ISCO-08
intellectual and scientific professionals
healthcare provider
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1125 15 continental scale spatial scale Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
1126 15 molecular geometry type of structure coordination geometry
object form
structural biology
molecular geometry
Alan M Myers 𝄛
1127 15 paracetamol type of chemical entity acetamides
aromatic amide
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1128 15 People's Republic of China sovereign state
socialist state
secular state
constitutional republic
people's republic
dictatorship of the proletariat
state with limited recognition
communist state
William H. Schlesinger 𝄛
1129 15 olfactory bulb biogenic substance
class of anatomical entity
segment of neural tree organ
particular anatomical entity
Lawrence C. Katz 𝄛
1130 15 battle combat
historical event
military operation
geographically localized event
Sean C. Glasgow 𝄛
1131 15 Anura taxon Amphibia Martin Rodbell 𝄛
1132 15 antibiotic resistance antimicrobial resistance
bacterial drug resistance
response to antibiotic
Meghan S Blackledge 𝄛
1133 15 hurricane meteorological disaster Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1134 15 motivational interviewing directive counseling Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
1135 15 gastroenterology medical specialty health sciences Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1136 15 rhesus macaque taxon
model organism
Jessica F. Cantlon 𝄛
1137 15 metastatic renal cell carcinoma renal cell carcinoma
metastatic carcinoma
Donald Trump 𝄛
1138 15 ecomorphology branch of science anatomy
Anne D. Yoder 𝄛
1139 15 SARS-CoV-1 strain Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1140 15 experimental infection infection
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1141 15 sarcopenia disease muscle atrophy
aging-associated disease
muscle weakness
David L. Wiest 𝄛
1142 15 X-ray scattering techniques crystallography
scientific technique
David C. Richardson 𝄛
1143 15 patient satisfaction performance indicator customer satisfaction Ashraf S Habib 𝄛
1144 15 leaf trait plant trait Justin P. Wright 𝄛
1145 15 alcohol dependence class of disease non-controlled substance abuse
alcohol abuse
Li-Tzy Wu 𝄛
1146 15 quantum computer computer
quantum system
quantum information science
quantum computing
Christopher Monroe 𝄛
1147 15 rocket first-order class flying machine
disposable product
Robert Califf 𝄛
1148 15 left ventricular hypertrophy ventricular hypertrophy Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
1149 15 aflibercept type of chemical entity chemical compound Dilraj S. Grewal 𝄛
1150 15 natural experiment observational study Ruth Childs 𝄛
1151 15 Chlamydia trachomatis taxon Pei Zhou 𝄛
1152 15 transient cerebral isolation class of disease
symptom or sign
brain ischemia
Eric D. Peterson 𝄛
1153 15 South Korea sovereign state
constitutional republic
Eric D. Peterson 𝄛
1154 15 leaf respiration plant respiration Dan Yakir 𝄛
1155 15 health literacy health education
information literacy
Eric D. Peterson 𝄛
1156 15 coastal ecosystem ecosystem
coastal environment
Brian R. Silliman 𝄛
1157 14 scoping review literature review
scholarly article
Amanda Woodward 𝄛
1158 14 Thailand constitutional monarchy
sovereign state
Thai studies Robert M. Townsend 𝄛
1159 14 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii taxon
model organism
Elizabeth H. Harris 𝄛
1160 14 chordoma class of disease notochordal cancer
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1161 14 neuroscience academic discipline
academic major
science Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1162 14 personalized medicine medical model medicine Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
1163 14 X social networking service
user-generated content platform
online community
very large online platform
Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
1164 14 microwave electromagnetic wave David R. Smith 𝄛
1165 14 Northern Hemisphere hemisphere of the Earth Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
1166 14 craniotomy surgical procedure Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1167 14 infection failure mode physiological condition
adverse event
risk source
health problem
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1168 14 thromboembolism thrombosis
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1169 14 high-throughput sequencing genetic technique Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1170 14 immune function physiological function immunology Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1171 14 Denmark state
colonial power
autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark
country bordering the Baltic Sea
James Vaupel 𝄛
1172 14 life expectancy assessment method estimation
health indicator
James Vaupel 𝄛
1173 14 whole blood essential medicine human blood Jerrold Levy 𝄛
1174 14 bird taxon
organisms known by a particular common name
Vertebrata ornithology Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1175 14 rangeland environment
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1176 14 Cyanobacteria taxon
autotroph Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1177 14 environmental gradient environmental factor Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1178 14 carbon sink concept Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1179 14 renal dialysis renal replacement therapy Joshua W. Hustedt 𝄛
1180 14 educational intervention medical treatment Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
1181 14 acid rain rain Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
1182 14 bioreactor laboratory equipment
industrial equipment
Eben Alsberg 𝄛
1183 14 forest restoration woodland restoration forestry science
restoration ecology
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1184 14 organoid tissue
miniature object
Arun Sharma 𝄛
1185 14 modeling and simulation academic discipline use Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1186 14 information privacy specialty
academic discipline
field of study
privacy data ethics Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1187 14 ethics policy policy Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1188 14 cartilage development biological process animal organ development Eben Alsberg 𝄛
1189 14 middle school type of educational institution school
secondary school
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
1190 14 obstructive sleep apnea class of disease sleep apnea Brian G Skotko 𝄛
1191 14 bacteria taxon microorganism Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1192 14 primary school educational stage
type of educational institution
school Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
1193 14 soil restoration ecological restoration Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1194 14 archaeology academic discipline
academic major
study of history Sidarta Ribeiro 𝄛
1195 14 stereoselectivity quality
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1196 14 teamwork collaboration interaction science Kyung Hee Lee 𝄛
1197 14 medical imaging technique
academic discipline
biological imaging
medical test
medical diagnosis
clinical sciences
physical examination
Mia K Markey 𝄛
1198 14 childhood trauma psychological trauma
adverse childhood experiences
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
1199 14 genotyping genetics Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
1200 14 image registration image processing Mia K Markey 𝄛
1201 14 lidar optical instrument Michael J. Osland 𝄛
1202 14 HIV type 1 taxon HIV Jacques Fellay 𝄛
1203 14 liver cancer class of disease liver tumor
liver disease
rare hepatic and biliary tract tumor
liver neoplasm
hepatobiliary system cancer
endocrine gland cancer
Jason W. Locasale 𝄛
1204 14 lymphoblastic leukemia class of disease leukemia Jason W. Locasale 𝄛
1205 14 1,11-tridecadiene-3,5,7,9-tetrayne type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1206 14 knowledge gap hypothesis hypothesis incompleteness Michael J. Osland 𝄛
1207 14 knowledge gap incompleteness Michael J. Osland 𝄛
1208 14 Indian Ocean ocean
geographic region
Anne D. Yoder 𝄛
1209 14 ring-tailed lemur taxon Anne D. Yoder 𝄛
1210 14 platinum chemical element precious metal
platinum group
Stephen B. Baylin 𝄛
1211 14 defence against herbivory adaptation
plant-herbivore interaction
Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1212 14 childhood cancer cancer
childhood neoplasm
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
1213 14 cholecystectomy ectomy Michael S. Mulvihill 𝄛
1214 14 protein-protein interaction intermolecular interaction Benjamin G Bobay 𝄛
1215 14 neural stem cell cell type stem cell
multipotent stem cell
Mohamed Jaber 𝄛
1216 14 ecological community assembly ecological concept synecology W. John Kress 𝄛
1217 14 species distribution model mathematical model W. John Kress 𝄛
1218 14 stream restoration land restoration David C. Richardson 𝄛
1219 14 simvastatin type of chemical entity statin Luciana Marti 𝄛
1220 14 open-angle glaucoma class of disease glaucoma Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1221 14 Sickle cell trait sickle-cell disease Ellen Wright Clayton 𝄛
1222 14 immigrant migrant Gary Gereffi 𝄛
1223 14 disequilibrium disease balance disorder Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1224 14 beta diversity species diversity W. John Kress 𝄛
1225 14 long-distance dispersal biological dispersal Thomas Franklin Daniel 𝄛
1226 14 community mental health academic discipline mental health Robert E. Drake 𝄛
1227 14 photocatalysis catalysis Eric Stach 𝄛
1228 14 Medical uses of salicylic acid Wikimedia permanent duplicate item Xinnian Dong 𝄛
1229 14 homelessness status social issue
Robert E. Drake 𝄛
1230 14 genome stability rate of evolution Harald Schneider 𝄛
1231 14 cardiovascular disease in women cardiovascular disease Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
1232 14 Barrett's esophagus class of disease esophageal disease
Kevin Chalut 𝄛
1233 14 metastatic melanoma disease melanoma
Greg N. Fuller 𝄛
1234 14 Cameroon sovereign state
Cameroon studies Harald Schneider 𝄛
1235 14 myelination biological process axon ensheathment Greg N. Fuller 𝄛
1236 14 regional scale spatial scale Eric A. Treml 𝄛
1237 14 retinopathy of prematurity rare disease
class of disease
retinal disease
premature infant disease
Sina Farsiu 𝄛
1238 14 microRNA expression biochemical reaction David M. Tobin 𝄛
1239 14 institutional review board committee
ethics committee
Christopher John Lindsell 𝄛
1240 14 urinary incontinence disease
symptom or sign
impairment of continence
urination disorder
urological symptom
Jennie C De Gagne 𝄛
1241 14 anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction reconstructive surgery Thomas Branch 𝄛
1242 14 heart failure with reduced ejection fraction heart failure Daniel B. Mark 𝄛
1243 14 marine predator predator Reny B Tyson 𝄛
1244 14 Physcomitrella patens taxon
model organism
Fay-Wei Li 𝄛
1245 14 Pacific bluefin tuna taxon Barbara Block 𝄛
1246 14 juvenile myoclonic epilepsy class of disease adolescence-adult electroclinical syndrome
Idiopathic generalized epilepsy
myoclonic epilepsy
Antonio V Delgado-Escueta 𝄛
1247 14 Mantled howler taxon Kenneth E Glander 𝄛
1248 14 infobutton graphical button Guilherme Del Fiol 𝄛
1249 14 speleothem geological structure Stephen J. Burns 𝄛
1250 13 peripheral artery disease class of disease artery disease
Peripheral vasculopathy
Alexander C Fanaroff 𝄛
1251 13 human subject research project research project Mark L. Palmeri 𝄛
1252 13 Bacillus subtilis taxon
model organism
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
1253 13 applied mathematics academic discipline
academic major
mathematics Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
1254 13 thermodynamics branch of physics
academic discipline
physical sciences Charles Tanford 𝄛
1255 13 conservation biology academic discipline environmental management Claire Kremen 𝄛
1256 13 carbon dioxide emissions emission
greenhouse gas emissions
Drew Shindell 𝄛
1257 13 imatinib type of chemical entity chemical compound Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1258 13 inorganic compound structural class of chemical entities chemical compound
inorganic substance
inorganic chemistry Irwin Fridovich 𝄛
1259 13 climate change mitigation field of work
risk management
Drew Shindell 𝄛
1260 13 neoplasm disease Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1261 13 cell function biological function Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1262 13 data management job activity information management James Vaupel 𝄛
1263 13 superconductivity macroscopic quantum phenomena
type of property
electrical conductivity
physical state
materials science
BCS theory
William M. Fairbank 𝄛
1264 13 systemic therapy specialty psychotherapy William G. Kaelin 𝄛
1265 13 agroecosystem ecosystem agroecology Claire Kremen 𝄛
1266 13 microbial diversity biodiversity Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1267 13 pancreas organ type
class of anatomical entity
lobular organ
particular anatomical entity
glandular organ
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1268 13 Coagulation factor VIII protein Evan Vosburgh 𝄛
1269 13 Gaussian process stochastic process Ricardo Henao 𝄛
1270 13 hummingbird taxon
encyclopedia article
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1271 13 hemopoiesis biological process hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development Jingqin Luo 𝄛
1272 13 river source source type geographical feature
beginning of a watercourse
water source
Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
1273 13 frugivory feeding behavior Erin McKenney 𝄛
1274 13 quantum mechanics theory
branch of physics
mechanics Berndt Mueller 𝄛
1275 13 telomere length biological sequence James Vaupel 𝄛
1276 13 mutational analysis medical diagnosis Alan M Myers 𝄛
1277 13 microfluidic device appliance Kathleen A. Cooney 𝄛
1278 13 environment matter
environment Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1279 13 prostaglandin E2 type of chemical entity prostaglandins
carboxylic acid
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1280 13 stereotype type of bias
mental image
cognitive bias sociolinguistics Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
1281 13 Pinus taeda taxon William H. Schlesinger 𝄛
1282 13 DNA structural class of chemical entities nucleic acids
biological macromolecule
genealogical DNA test Walter Gordy 𝄛
1283 13 Intraspecific variation genetic diversity genetics Adam Hartstone-Rose 𝄛
1284 13 maternal depression major depressive disorder Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1285 13 fibromyalgia class of disease
symptom or sign
chronic pain
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
1286 13 guanine type of chemical entity nucleotide base
purine alkaloid
Martin Rodbell 𝄛
1287 13 connective tissue tissue type
class of anatomical entity
particular anatomical entity
Fionnuala B Hickey 𝄛
1288 13 knee osteoarthritis disease
symptom or sign
knee disorder
Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
1289 13 chronic hepatitis B infectious disease hepatitis B Allen Gerard Rodrigo 𝄛
1290 13 adipogenesis biological process Alan R. Saltiel 𝄛
1291 13 (1S,2E,10R)-3,7,11,11-tetramethylbicyclo[8.1.0]undeca-2,6-diene type of chemical entity CID 522276
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1292 13 predator–prey system natural phenomenon ecosystem
consumer–resource interactions
Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1293 13 regulation of gene expression biological process
type of regulation and control
regulation of macromolecule metabolic process
biological regulation
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1294 13 trideca-1,11-dien-3,5,7,9-tetrayne type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1295 13 CpG island genome components GC rich sequence Stephen B. Baylin 𝄛
1296 13 food insecurity scarcity
excess demand
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
1297 13 self-esteem self-image Roy F. Baumeister 𝄛
1298 13 DNA replication biological process DNA metabolic process David T. Long 𝄛
1299 13 Purkinje cell cell type neuron
pear-shaped cell
GABAergic neuron
Fidel Santamaria 𝄛
1300 13 social cognition cognition Roy F. Baumeister 𝄛
1301 13 Pleistocene epoch
Thomas Franklin Daniel 𝄛
1302 13 interoperability type of property
relative quality
academic discipline
field of study
property Hilmar Lapp 𝄛
1303 13 coronary angiography medical imaging
coronary catheterization
invasive examination
Cameron Dezfulian 𝄛
1304 13 fish taxon
paraphyletic group
organisms known by a particular common name
aquatic animal
marine life
ichthyology Peter Etnoyer 𝄛
1305 13 amphotericin B type of chemical entity amphotericin
Joseph Heitman 𝄛
1306 13 Arabidopsis lyrata taxon Harald Schneider 𝄛
1307 13 Lejeuneaceae taxon Harald Schneider 𝄛
1308 13 oncolytic virus virus Michael C Brown 𝄛
1309 13 platelet aggregation biological process homotypic cell-cell adhesion Robert Califf 𝄛
1310 13 Nigeria sovereign state
federal republic
Nigerian studies Michael Selgelid 𝄛
1311 13 soil microbiota microbiota
soil organism
Maggie R Wagner 𝄛
1312 13 geochemistry branch of chemistry
interdisciplinary science
academic discipline
academic major
earth science
David Vinson 𝄛
1313 13 reef fish organisms known by a particular common name saltwater fish
reef animal
Timothy P Fitzgerald 𝄛
1314 13 acute chest syndrome class of disease lung disease Allison Ashley-Koch 𝄛
1315 13 Greenland autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark
electoral unit
island country
dependent territory
Edward J. Brook 𝄛
1316 13 rhizosphere ecosystem
Jose Pedro Fonseca 𝄛
1317 13 pericyte cell type connective tissue cell
mural cell
Richard T Premont 𝄛
1318 13 health care industry
academic discipline
field of study
health sciences Eric D. Peterson 𝄛
1319 13 cancer pain pain
cancer signs and symptoms
Kam W. Leong 𝄛
1320 13 asbestos silicate mineral
occupational carcinogen
Aaron Barchowsky 𝄛
1321 13 daylight cycle pattern Chan Yul Yoo 𝄛
1322 13 Chikungunya virus taxon Rafael K Campos 𝄛
1323 13 Arctic Ocean ocean Anne E. Jennings 𝄛
1324 13 apex predator predator Brian R. Silliman 𝄛
1325 13 deafness symptom or sign sensory loss
hearing disorder
ear symptom
sensory disability
Bruno Giros 𝄛
1326 13 nurse health profession
nursing professional Michael Leiter 𝄛
1327 13 larynx anatomical cluster type
class of anatomical entity
heterogeneous anatomical cluster
particular anatomical entity
Jason Zhu 𝄛
1328 13 health effect effect exposure science Staci Bilbo 𝄛
1329 12 astrocytoma class of disease glioma
cerebrum cancer
central nervous system cancer
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1330 12 ecological niche term context David Hibbett 𝄛
1331 12 leprosy infectious disease
class of disease
primary bacterial infectious disease
mycobacterium infectious disease
eye disease
peripheral neuropathy
testicular disease
upper respiratory tract disease
neglected tropical disease
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1332 12 rituximab type of chemical entity chemical compound Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1333 12 interstitial lung disease rare disease
class of disease
lung disease
alveolar lung disease
connective tissue disease
rare pulmonary disease
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1334 12 memory B cell cell type B-cell
memory cell
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1335 12 globalisation social theory interaction globalization studies
international studies
Michael Hardt 𝄛
1336 12 unipolar depression major depressive disorder Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1337 12 refractive index physical quantity
dimensionless quantity
index number
David R. Smith 𝄛
1338 12 Earth terrestrial planet
inner planet of the Solar System
earth science
planetary science
Drew Shindell 𝄛
1339 12 book review genre
human activity
literary criticism
literary work
Walter Rudin 𝄛
1340 12 dabigatran type of chemical entity heterocyclic compound Jerrold Levy 𝄛
1341 12 bleeding symptom or sign major trauma
cause of death
clinical sign
general symptom
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1342 12 breast carcinoma class of disease breast cancer Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1343 12 behavioral neuroscience branch of psychology psychology
Dan Ariely 𝄛
1344 12 Bayesian network graphical model
field of study
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1345 12 molecular interaction type of interaction interaction Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1346 12 soil ecology branch of ecology ecology
soil science
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1347 12 anthropocene epoch
earth science
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1348 12 citation analysis academic discipline
academic major
Michael Roach 𝄛
1349 12 convolutional neural network specialty
field of study
feedforward neural network Ricardo Henao 𝄛
1350 12 Delirium disease
symptom or sign
Գիտակցության մթագնում
cognitive disorder
neurological and physiological symptom
mental confusion
Michael J Devinney 𝄛
1351 12 denitrification biological process Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
1352 12 seed germination biological process multicellular organismal process Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
1353 12 forest wildfire wildfire Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
1354 12 supercapacitor capacitor Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1355 12 health policy academic discipline
field of study
type of policy
public policy Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
1356 12 emergency management specialty
academic discipline
type of management
operational risk management
public security
crisis management
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1357 12 immune response biological process immune system process
response to stimulus
Guy Salvesen 𝄛
1358 12 Tennessee U.S. state Dafeng Hui 𝄛
1359 12 human behavior behavior psychology Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
1360 12 age group group of humans
human social group
Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
1361 12 neuropathic pain health problem
symptom or sign
pain Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1362 12 cell morphology Foundational Model of Anatomy attribute entity
Barry W. Connors 𝄛
1363 12 fragile X syndrome rare disease
designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
X-linked intellectual disability
overgrowth syndrome
X-linked dominant disease
Anish K Simhal 𝄛
1364 12 enzyme group or class of proteins biocatalyst
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1365 12 (1aS,4aS,7S,7aR,7bS)-1,1,7-trimethyl-4-methylidene-1a,2,3,4a,5,6,7a,7b-octahydrocyclopropa[h]azulen-7-ol type of chemical entity (7aR)-1,1,7-trimethyl-4-methylidene-1a,2,3,4a,5,6,7a,7b-octahydrocyclopropa[h]azulen-7-ol
1H-Cycloprop[e]azulen-7-ol, decahydro-1,1,7-trimethyl-4-methylene-, [1ar-(1aalpha,4aalpha,7beta,7abeta,7balpha)]-
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1366 12 taraxasterol acetate type of chemical entity (3S,6aR,8aR,12bR,14bR)-4,4,6a,6b,8a,12,14b-heptamethyl-11-methylidene-hexadecahydropicen-3-yl acetate
(3S,4aR,6bR,8aR,12S,12aR,12bR,14aR,14bR)-4,4,6a,6b,8a,12,14b-heptamethyl-11-methylidene-hexadecahydropicen-3-yl acetate
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1367 12 phage display molecular biology technique
protein engineering
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1368 12 trans-Bicyclogermacradiene type of chemical entity CID 522276
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1369 12 revision term change Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1370 12 miscarriage disease
symptom or sign
complications of pregnancy
pregnancy with abortive outcome
reproductive system symptom
Robert E McKeown 𝄛
1371 12 sputum symptom or sign mucus
respiratory signs and symptoms
Stephen B. Baylin 𝄛
1372 12 opioid use disorder class of disease addiction
substance abuse
opioid-related disorders
Li-Tzy Wu 𝄛
1373 12 elevational gradient gradient geography W. John Kress 𝄛
1374 12 Klebsiella pneumoniae taxon David C. Richardson 𝄛
1375 12 biological psychiatry branch of psychiatry psychiatry Martin J. Lohse 𝄛
1376 12 domestic violence cause of death
risk source
Terrie Moffitt 𝄛
1377 12 vesicoureteral reflux rare disease
class of disease
ureteral disease
Jonathan C. Routh 𝄛
1378 12 linkage disequilibrium Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1379 12 neurodevelopmental disorder developmental disorder mental disorder diagnosed in childhood Terrie Moffitt 𝄛
1380 12 computational model mathematical model Anita Layton 𝄛
1381 12 Ipomopsis aggregata taxon Ruth Geyer Shaw 𝄛
1382 12 Malawi republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Malawian studies Kaboni Whitney Gondwe 𝄛
1383 12 Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction class of disease heart failure
congestive heart failure
Robert Califf 𝄛
1384 12 cryopreservation preservation cryonics John Bainbridge 𝄛
1385 12 think tank organization
advocacy group
educational organization
research institute
Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
1386 12 megafauna fauna John Terborgh 𝄛
1387 12 herbarium specimen biological specimen Vicki Ann Funk 𝄛
1388 12 escitalopram type of chemical entity chemical compound Matthias Arnold 𝄛
1389 12 vitamin B class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions vitamin James Bain 𝄛
1390 12 permafrost soil type soil
geographical feature
cryostratigraphy George W. Kling 𝄛
1391 12 Megachile rotundata taxon Julia H Bowsher 𝄛
1392 12 nurse education field of study medical education
professional education
Jennie C De Gagne 𝄛
1393 12 cochlear implant prosthesis
hearing aid
medical implant
Audrey R. Odom 𝄛
1394 12 Mycosphaerella graminicola taxon Stephen B Goodwin 𝄛
1395 12 stem cell ethics academic discipline medical ethics
research ethics
Jeremy Sugarman 𝄛
1396 12 Mimulus guttatus taxon
model organism
Laryssa L Barnett 𝄛
1397 12 health care industry industry Kristen Kucera 𝄛
1398 12 Fagaceae taxon tree Paul F Gugger 𝄛
1399 12 Neisseria gonorrhoeae taxon Ilan S Schwartz 𝄛
1400 11 Nepal landlocked country
sovereign state
geographic region
socialist state
people's republic
federal republic
William Louis Culberson 𝄛
1401 11 Pakistan sovereign state
William Louis Culberson 𝄛
1402 11 perovskite structure structure Qing Tu 𝄛
1403 11 glycogen storage disease class of disease glycogen metabolism disorder
overload disease
carbohydrate metabolic disorder
Dwight D Koeberl 𝄛
1404 11 tumor angiogenesis angiogenesis Sydney E Jeffs 𝄛
1405 11 social brain technical term psychology
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
1406 11 applied psychology academic discipline psychology
applied science
Dana S. Nau 𝄛
1407 11 bipolar depression bipolar disorder
major depressive disorder
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1408 11 Guatemala sovereign state
Donovan Stewart Correll 𝄛
1409 11 Tracheophyta clade plant Donovan Stewart Correll 𝄛
1410 11 troposphere atmospheric layer Drew Shindell 𝄛
1411 11 climate change feedback feedback
environmental issue
Drew Shindell 𝄛
1412 11 food security type of security human development
supply chain security
Drew Shindell 𝄛
1413 11 oligodendroglioma class of disease glioma
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1414 11 disseminated intravascular coagulation class of disease thrombophilia
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
1415 11 crop yield PM20 subject category Drew Shindell 𝄛
1416 11 nitrogen chemical element
atmophile element
diatomic nonmetal
Jennifer L. Roizen 𝄛
1417 11 neurobiology academic discipline
academic major
Kevin P Myers 𝄛
1418 11 desertification land degradation Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1419 11 mental disorder class of disease disease Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1420 11 Facebook social networking service
mobile app
social media
user-generated content platform
online community
very large online platform
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
1421 11 landscape ecology branch of ecology ecology
physical geography
ecological applications
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1422 11 species coexistence coexistence Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1423 11 drug screening screening Arun Sharma 𝄛
1424 11 young adult phase of human life adult human Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
1425 11 age factor epidemiologic factor Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
1426 11 noble gases group
main group
inert gas
chemical element
simple substance
Nathaniel R Warner 𝄛
1427 11 albedo physical quantity
Jehn-Yih Juang 𝄛
1428 11 data quality academic discipline
field of study
quality William D. Cochran 𝄛
1429 11 eye tracking academic discipline
field of study
tracking Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1430 11 image analysis analysis Evan Vosburgh 𝄛
1431 11 carbon-use efficiency ecological concept efficiency Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1432 11 forest hydrology academic discipline
academic major
field of study
forestry science
Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
1433 11 voltage scalar quantity
potential difference
Jun-Ho Lee 𝄛
1434 11 Mucor circinelloides taxon Piotr A Mieczkowski 𝄛
1435 11 social determinants of health determinants of health
sociological factors
public health
Fernando A Campos 𝄛
1436 11 pharmacy interdisciplinary science
academic major
branch of science
pharmaceutical science
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1437 11 bioterrorism terrorism Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1438 11 mountaintop removal mining surface mining Nathaniel R Warner 𝄛
1439 11 soil type metaclass
type of object
class Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
1440 11 botany academic discipline
branch of biology
academic major
branch of science
biology William H. Schlesinger 𝄛
1441 11 rifampicin type of chemical entity piperazine alkaloid Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1442 11 surface plasmon resonance technique Brian Kobilka 𝄛
1443 11 happiness mood
positive emotion
basic emotion Kennon Sheldon 𝄛
1444 11 metabolic disease class of disease disease
nutritional and metabolic diseases
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1445 11 endoscopy medical test type medical test
medical imaging
Jake J Lee 𝄛
1446 11 handgun weapon functional class side arm
short gun
small arms
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1447 11 web browser software category
field of study
HTTP client
computing platform
Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
1448 11 ergonomics academic discipline engineering Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
1449 11 East Africa geographic region
cultural region
Oliver Ratmann 𝄛
1450 11 influenza A virus taxon Jayna Raghwani 𝄛
1451 11 taiga biome
vegetational formation
WWF biome
forest Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1452 11 neurite anatomical structure Alan R. Saltiel 𝄛
1453 11 range size concept ecology Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1454 11 phytol type of chemical entity fatty alcohol
phytane diterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1455 11 (6E)-β-farnesene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
farnesane sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1456 11 beta-farnesene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
farnesane sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1457 11 β-caryophyllene oxide type of chemical entity (1R)-4,11,11-Trimethyl-8-methylene-4,5-epoxybicyclo[7.2.0]undecane Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1458 11 encephalitis class of disease
symptom or sign
brain inflammatory disease
neurological symptom
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1459 11 Kaur-16-en-18-ol type of chemical entity [(1S,9S,13R)-5,9-dimethyl-14-methylidenetetracyclo[¹,¹⁰.0⁴,⁹]hexadecan-5-yl]methanol Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1460 11 Poliovirus taxon Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1461 11 Streptococcus pneumoniae taxon Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1462 11 vertical transmission pathogen transmission Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1463 11 eutrophication process environmental issue Burton Jones 𝄛
1464 11 alpha,alpha-trehalose type of chemical entity trehalose Peter Agre 𝄛
1465 11 stem cell niche cellular microenvironment Wolfgang Busch 𝄛
1466 11 dendritic spine cellular component postsynapse
neuron spine
Fidel Santamaria 𝄛
1467 11 naltrexone type of chemical entity carbocyclic compound Li-Tzy Wu 𝄛
1468 11 floral trait plant trait Justin P. Wright 𝄛
1469 11 calcineurin a catalytic subunit protein protein Joseph Heitman 𝄛
1470 11 medieval history field of study
academic discipline
study of history Richard Kay 𝄛
1471 11 divorce marital status dissolution
end cause
key event
Kenneth Dodge 𝄛
1472 11 metadata data
secondary information
artificial object
Hilmar Lapp 𝄛
1473 11 Rwanda republic
sovereign state
landlocked country
Rwandan studies Elizabeth Krebs 𝄛
1474 11 cerebrovascular disease class of disease central nervous system disease
vascular disease
central nervous system and retinal vascular disease
Robert Califf 𝄛
1475 11 mutation biological process
sequence variant
genetic event
Erik L Bao 𝄛
1476 11 yellow baboon taxon Susan Alberts 𝄛
1477 11 thyroid cancer class of disease endocrine gland cancer
thyroid neoplasm
thyroid gland disease
Stefan K. Lhachimi 𝄛
1478 11 diastole part Robert Califf 𝄛
1479 11 invasive candidiasis Systemic candidiasis
invasive fungal infections
Amy H. Herring 𝄛
1480 11 tretinoin type of chemical entity carboxylic acid
retinoic acid
Greg N. Fuller 𝄛
1481 11 Heterandria formosa taxon Joseph Travis 𝄛
1482 11 West Nile virus taxon infectious diseases Mariano A Garcia-Blanco 𝄛
1483 11 glacier landform ice cover
perennial ice or snow‐covered land
glaciology Alexander Robel 𝄛
1484 11 infant feeding feeding behavior
Melissa C Kay 𝄛
1485 11 photoacoustic imaging medical imaging John M Thompson 𝄛
1486 11 data standard technical standard
data model
data science Eric D. Peterson 𝄛
1487 11 environmental factor physical quantity cause
contributing factor
Thomas A. Glass 𝄛
1488 11 stream ecology branch of ecology
academic discipline
field of study
freshwater ecology
Mengchi Ho 𝄛
1489 11 ecological hierarchy ecological concept hierarchy Emily V Moran 𝄛
1490 11 virtual reality simulation
extended reality
virtual place
Brad H Feldman 𝄛
1491 11 mast seeding term Peter Turchin 𝄛
1492 11 Campylobacter taxon Hazel M. Holden 𝄛
1493 11 nursing paramedical speciality
field of work
academic major
academic discipline
field of study
job activity
Michael Leiter 𝄛
1494 11 phytoremediation decontamination Katherine Banks 𝄛
1495 11 anthocyanins structural class of chemical entities flavone
Mario G Ferruzzi 𝄛
1496 11 alcohol abuse class of disease substance abuse
alcohol consumption
alcohol-related disorders
Jalie Tucker 𝄛
1497 11 nephrotic syndrome rare disease
class of disease
Lloyd J Edwards 𝄛
1498 11 sexual minority minority group Tonia Poteat 𝄛
1499 11 Gobiidae taxon Mark V. Erdmann 𝄛
1500 10 Parmeliaceae taxon William Louis Culberson 𝄛
1501 10 Mycoplasma pneumoniae taxon Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
1502 10 osteolysis bone resorption Herbert J. Cooper 𝄛
1503 10 deep neural network artificial neural network Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1504 10 neurological neglect syndrome disease perceptual disorders Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
1505 10 knowledge base academic discipline
field of study
conceptual model
tertiary source
Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
1506 10 sustainable development type of policy development urban studies Drew Shindell 𝄛
1507 10 information technology branch of science
academic discipline
information and communications technology
informatics Susan Athey 𝄛
1508 10 snow type of meteorological phenomenon precipitation snow science Drew Shindell 𝄛
1509 10 hydrocephalus rare disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
cerebral degeneration
intracranial hypertension
head symptom
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1510 10 incidental finding medical finding Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1511 10 tranexamic acid type of chemical entity chemical compound Jerrold Levy 𝄛
1512 10 human ageing biological process
failure mode
developmental process
ageing research
James Vaupel 𝄛
1513 10 spouse affinity significant other James Vaupel 𝄛
1514 10 RNA recognition motif domain protein domain protein domain Kevin A. Edwards 𝄛
1515 10 cholera infectious disease intestinal infectious disease
waterborne disease
primary bacterial infectious disease
anthroponotic disease
vibrio infectious disease
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1516 10 peptide structural class of chemical entities carboxamides
organic compound
proteins and peptides in medical biochemistry Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1517 10 Hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit protein protein Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1518 10 ecosystem structure structure Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1519 10 Leguminosae taxon Elsie Quarterman 𝄛
1520 10 photophysics branch of science physics engineering Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1521 10 soil biodiversity biodiversity Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1522 10 The Bahamas Commonwealth realm
sovereign state
archipelagic state
administrative territorial entity
Donovan Stewart Correll 𝄛
1523 10 ecological gradient gradient Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1524 10 MR-guided focused ultrasound focused ultrasound
magnetic resonance imaging
Kae Jack Tay 𝄛
1525 10 Solanaceae taxon Donovan Stewart Correll 𝄛
1526 10 intellectual disability class of disease specific developmental disorder
cognitive deficit
Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1527 10 disability affecting intellectual abilities disease disability
intellectual disability
Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1528 10 minocycline type of chemical entity tetracycline antibiotic
tetracycline polyketide
Letitia Jones 𝄛
1529 10 earthquake natural disaster
geologic activity
geographically localized event
Nicola Scafetta 𝄛
1530 10 telescope invention optical instrument
astronomical instrument
William D. Cochran 𝄛
1531 10 nicotine marketing advertising marketing Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
1532 10 ventilator medical equipment
medical device
personal protective equipment
Nicola Scafetta 𝄛
1533 10 logistic regression model type of statistical model regression model
generalized linear model
discriminative model
James Vaupel 𝄛
1534 10 Democratic Republic of the Congo sovereign state
Congolese studies (Democratic Republic of Congo) Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1535 10 propofol type of chemical entity chemical compound Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1536 10 urinary tract infection infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
infectious disease
urinary system disease
bacterial infectious disease
Ellen Buckner 𝄛
1537 10 prostate carcinoma class of disease prostate cancer
Kathleen A. Cooney 𝄛
1538 10 Norway sovereign state
Scandinavian studies Harold G. Koenig 𝄛
1539 10 phosphatidylcholine structural class of chemical entities glycerophospholipids
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1540 10 phenytoin type of chemical entity chemical compound Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1541 10 pulmonary tuberculosis infectious disease
class of disease
lung disease
Hervé Kovacic 𝄛
1542 10 genotoxicity toxicity
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1543 10 triglyceride structural class of chemical entities glyceride
Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
1544 10 Bromeliaceae taxon William H. Schlesinger 𝄛
1545 10 physical abuse abuse
Paul T. Costa, Jr. 𝄛
1546 10 force field superpower
fictional technology
fictional energy Weitao Yang 𝄛
1547 10 chronic rhinosinusitis sinusitis
chronic condition
Jake J Lee 𝄛
1548 10 precipitation gradient habitat gradient Dafeng Hui 𝄛
1549 10 child health concept academic discipline
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1550 10 habitat destruction process Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1551 10 viral quasispecies viral quasispecies Allen Gerard Rodrigo 𝄛
1552 10 habitat loss ecological concept Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1553 10 carvedilol group of stereoisomers chemical compound
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1554 10 ecological epidemiology academic discipline epidemiology Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1555 10 range shift ecological concept ecological shift ecology
invasion biology
Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1556 10 introduced species species invasion biology Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1557 10 sakuranetin type of chemical entity flavanone Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1558 10 lymphadenectomy surgical operation
lymphatic ectomy
surgical operation
Donald Trump 𝄛
1559 10 beta-sitosterol type of chemical entity 17-(5-ethyl-6-methylheptan-2-yl)-10,13-dimethyl-2,3,4,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16,17-dodecahydro-1H-cyclopenta[a]phenanthren-3-ol
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1560 10 cyclosporine type of chemical entity biogenic cyclopeptide Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1561 10 (1E,6E)-gamma-humulene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
humulane-type sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1562 10 Past photo dissection
medical diagnosis
Hrishikesh Chakraborty 𝄛
1563 10 Chile sovereign state
democratic republic
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1564 10 beetles taxon coleopterology W. John Kress 𝄛
1565 10 carbapenem antibiotic group or class of chemical substances β-lactam antibiotic David C. Richardson 𝄛
1566 10 shared decision-making doctor–patient relationship
decision making
Ellen Wright Clayton 𝄛
1567 10 glomerulonephritis class of disease
symptom or sign
Pierre-Louis Tharaux 𝄛
1568 10 cannabinoids group of chemical entities organic compound
Martin J. Lohse 𝄛
1569 10 infectious diseases medical specialty Paul Farmer 𝄛
1570 10 reproductive success Deborah M. Gordon 𝄛
1571 10 pediatric ependymoma class of disease ependymoma
childhood cancer
ependymal tumor
childhood neoplasm
Luciana Marti 𝄛
1572 10 pembrolizumab type of chemical entity chemical compound Eric Winer 𝄛
1573 10 computer simulation software feature simulation Jianfeng Zang 𝄛
1574 10 adaptive optics astronomical instrument
optical component
Charles Hard Townes 𝄛
1575 10 deep sea part Peter Etnoyer 𝄛
1576 10 pneumonia infectious disease
class of disease
cause of death
lung disease
lower respiratory tract infection
Cameron Dezfulian 𝄛
1577 10 Hormone Replacement Therapy medical procedure type hormone therapy
replacement therapy
Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1578 10 social learning Carel van Schaik 𝄛
1579 10 history of medicine aspect of history
academic discipline
history of science Mariano A Garcia-Blanco 𝄛
1580 10 numerical simulation computer simulation Tony Jun Huang 𝄛
1581 10 ventricular remodeling cardiomyopathy Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
1582 10 defaunation phenomenon
biodiversity loss
John Terborgh 𝄛
1583 10 information need uncertainty
Jennifer Martinez 𝄛
1584 10 invasion success ecological change
ecological success
invasion biology Keith Clay 𝄛
1585 10 Poeciliidae taxon Joseph Travis 𝄛
1586 10 oligodendrocyte cell type neuroglia
macroglial cell
set of macroglial cells
Greg N. Fuller 𝄛
1587 10 undernutrition marasmus
Greg N. Fuller 𝄛
1588 10 Sierra Leone republic
sovereign state
Sierra Leone studies Eugene T Richardson 𝄛
1589 10 hyperparathyroidism rare disease
class of disease
parathyroid gland disease
L. Darryl Quarles 𝄛
1590 10 natural gas commodity fossil fuel
fuel gas
Neal Fann 𝄛
1591 10 subthalamic nucleus chiral organism subdivision type
class of anatomical entity
neural nucleus
Nucleus of subthalamus
John M Pearson 𝄛
1592 10 tau neutrino type of quantum particle neutrino Maxwell B. Chertok 𝄛
1593 10 respiratory system neural system type
class of anatomical entity
organ system
particular anatomical entity
Aaron Barchowsky 𝄛
1594 10 systemic inflammation disease inflammation Sujoy Ghosh 𝄛
1595 10 surgery medical specialty
academic discipline
clinical sciences Christopher John Lindsell 𝄛
1596 10 cryptococcal meningitis class of disease cryptococcosis
fungal meningitis
Allan Friedman 𝄛
1597 10 Ethiopia sovereign state
landlocked country
Cynthia J. Ebinger 𝄛
1598 10 Caco-2 cell line
cancer cell line
Jeffrey Aubé 𝄛
1599 10 Florida U.S. state Kristen M. Hart 𝄛
1600 10 tomography roentgenology
imaging technology
Michael S. Marks 𝄛
1601 10 wastewater treatment economic concept water treatment
economic activity
sanitary engineering
waste management
Robert L. Runkel 𝄛
1602 10 Beijing city
direct-administered municipality
national central city
global city
former capital
big city
David M. Tobin 𝄛
1603 10 Porphyromonas gingivalis taxon Jan J. Enghild 𝄛
1604 10 injury prevention preventive medicine prevention preventive medicine Tamera Coyne-Beasley 𝄛
1605 10 bipolar spectrum mood disorder
bipolar and related disorders
Shirley Yen 𝄛
1606 10 greenhouse gas emissions emission
environmental emission
R. Scott Winton 𝄛
1607 10 dialectical behavior therapy treatment of mental disorders cognitive behavioral therapy Shirley Yen 𝄛
1608 10 esophageal cancer class of disease esophageal neoplasm
esophageal disease
gastrointestinal system cancer
Sarah E Cantrell 𝄛
1609 10 chitin polymer
Jennifer Lodge 𝄛
1610 10 Salmonella typhi taxon Hazel M. Holden 𝄛
1611 10 micromammal mammal James P Herrera 𝄛
1612 10 acute respiratory distress syndrome cause of death
class of disease
symptom or sign
respiratory failure
pulmonary injury
acute respiratory insufficiency
David W Dowdy 𝄛
1613 10 rabies infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
central nervous system viral disease
Lyssavirus infection
viral infectious disease
Rhabdoviridae infectious disease
Jeffrey Wilusz 𝄛
1614 10 agent-based model computational model Costas G. Strouthos 𝄛
1615 10 polyphenol structural class of chemical entities phenol
Mario G Ferruzzi 𝄛
1616 10 zooplankton plankton Jonathan H Cohen 𝄛
1617 10 health personnel economic concept
occupational group
health profession
health care resources
Jacquelyn Campbell 𝄛
1618 10 Rous sarcoma virus taxon Darell D. Bigner 𝄛
1619 10 centenarian cohort person
Yao Yao 𝄛
1620 10 Verrucariaceae taxon Cécile Gueidan 𝄛
1621 10 Ceratodon purpureus taxon Jonathan Shaw 𝄛
1622 10 radar astronomy branch of science Marina Brozović 𝄛
1623 9 Sweden sovereign state
Scandinavian studies William Louis Culberson 𝄛
1624 9 botanical garden facility
research institute
show garden
green space
William Louis Culberson 𝄛
1625 9 inflammatory breast cancer rare disease
breast cancer Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani 𝄛
1626 9 glycogen metabolic process biological process energy reserve metabolic process
cellular glucan metabolic process
Dwight D Koeberl 𝄛
1627 9 neuroethics ethics
Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1628 9 Semantic Web information system
academic discipline
field of study
World Wide Web
semantic network
Semantic integration
graph theory Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
1629 9 social norm human behavior
Dana S. Nau 𝄛
1630 9 stem cell differentiation biological process cell differentiation Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
1631 9 protein evolution evolution Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
1632 9 fruiting body fungal structure multicellular structure David Hibbett 𝄛
1633 9 principal component analysis statistical method multivariate statistics Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
1634 9 psychology academic discipline
health specialty
human science
health sciences
behavioral sciences
Dan Heath 𝄛
1635 9 chronic granulomatous disease rare disease
class of disease
phagocyte bactericidal dysfunction
lung disease
bone disease
skin disease
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1636 9 colitis class of disease inflammatory bowel diseases
colonic disease
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1637 9 fluorescence spectroscopy luminescence spectroscopy Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
1638 9 natural language processing academic discipline
field of study
artificial intelligence
computer science
computational linguistics
academic discipline
Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
1639 9 lithium battery battery chemistry type primary cell
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1640 9 hydroxychloroquine group of stereoisomers aminoquinoline Don Berry 𝄛
1641 9 biometrics science
Wikidata items that need to be split
measurement Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
1642 9 Papillomavirus infections disease Papillomaviridae infectious disease Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
1643 9 lymphopenia class of disease
symptom or sign
lymphatic system symptom
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1644 9 laser ablation make
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1645 9 iron overload disease iron metabolism disease
overload disease
metal metabolism disorder
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
1646 9 lidocaine type of chemical entity amides Jerrold Levy 𝄛
1647 9 enemy ecological concept adversary Claire Kremen 𝄛
1648 9 primate brain brain Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
1649 9 liver failure disease
clinical sign
hepatic insufficiency Teng Su 𝄛
1650 9 non-alcoholic fatty liver class of disease metabolic dysfunction–associated steatotic liver disease Manal F Abdelmalek 𝄛
1651 9 semi-arid climate category in the Köppen climate classification systems arid Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1652 9 metabolic adaptation change Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1653 9 marine mammal organisms known by a particular common name aquatic mammal marine mammalogy Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1654 9 San Francisco consolidated city-county
city in the United States
sanctuary city
big city
charter city
Judith J. Prochaska 𝄛
1655 9 seed dormancy Plant Dormancy Elsie Quarterman 𝄛
1656 9 anhedonia psychopathological symptom
symptom or sign
neurobehavioral manifestation Sarah H. Lisanby 𝄛
1657 9 soil fertility metric soil science Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1658 9 paleoclimate paleo-environment climate paleoclimatology Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1659 9 soil bacterial community soil community
microbial consortium
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1660 9 respiratory failure cause of death
clinical sign
class of disease
symptom or sign
lung disease
respiratory compromise
respiratory signs and symptoms
Jerrold Levy 𝄛
1661 9 sleep apnea class of disease
symptom or sign
sleep disorder
sleep-related breathing disorder
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1662 9 superresolution technique
digital imaging
Mingyuan Zhou 𝄛
1663 9 support vector machine classification algorithm
supervised learning
Ricardo Henao 𝄛
1664 9 halotolerance robustness Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
1665 9 spatial memory memory
Alexandra G. Rosati 𝄛
1666 9 basal ganglia brain region
class of anatomical entity
set of nuclei of neuraxis
particular anatomical entity
Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1667 9 pulmonary emphysema class of disease respiratory disease
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1668 9 Carnivora taxon Placentalia
Erin McKenney 𝄛
1669 9 ecological economics school of economic thought
branch of science
economics Norman Myers 𝄛
1670 9 sensory perception of pain biological process perception set
sensory perception
pain perception
Lixian Zhong 𝄛
1671 9 missing data data
Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
1672 9 metabolic network graph
metabolic pathway
graph theory Alan M Myers 𝄛
1673 9 δ13C stable isotope ratio carbon-13
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1674 9 vascular disease class of disease cardiovascular disease Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1675 9 model calibration calibration Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
1676 9 aquatic invasion biological invasion aquatic biology
invasion biology
Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
1677 9 acetylcholine type of chemical entity monocation
quaternary ammonium cation
choline derivative
acetate ester
biogenic amine
Brian Kobilka 𝄛
1678 9 nanomedicine medicine
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1679 9 modelling biological systems scientific modeling
mathematical model
mathematical biology Martin Rodbell 𝄛
1680 9 disease prevention prevention
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1681 9 electron-phonon coupling physical process Gang Chen 𝄛
1682 9 hepatotoxicity liver disease
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1683 9 microbial biomass biomass William H. Schlesinger 𝄛
1684 9 bite force force Adam Hartstone-Rose 𝄛
1685 9 East Asians human population Asian people
Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
1686 9 migraine class of disease encephalopathy
Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
1687 9 Sjögren's syndrome designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
autoimmune disease
autoimmune disease of exocrine system
Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
1688 9 enzyme replacement therapy replacement therapy enzyme therapy Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
1689 9 thermal tolerance physiological trait Michael Thompson Pettes 𝄛
1690 9 glucose monitoring monitoring Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
1691 9 chronic hepatitis C infectious disease hepatitis C Jacques Fellay 𝄛
1692 9 violence against women violence gender violence Neil Boothby 𝄛
1693 9 social interaction type of interaction social phenomenon
social behavior
interaction science
social science
Kyung Hee Lee 𝄛
1694 9 population-based cohort study cohort study Kathleen A. Cooney 𝄛
1695 9 human erythrocyte cell type red blood cell Martin Rodbell 𝄛
1696 9 fluorouracil type of chemical entity pyrimidine Guy Salvesen 𝄛
1697 9 foundation species species ecology Michael J. Osland 𝄛
1698 9 evolutionary change change Allen Gerard Rodrigo 𝄛
1699 9 wetland ecosystem ecosystem Michael J. Osland 𝄛
1700 9 immunofluorescence microscopy fluorescence microscopy
biological sample staining method
Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1701 9 norovirus taxon wastewater surveillance Jayna Raghwani 𝄛
1702 9 acoustics academic discipline physics Sheila Patek 𝄛
1703 9 appetite sensation desire Jason W. Locasale 𝄛
1704 9 exocytosis biological process secretion by cell
vesicle-mediated transport
Michael Sheetz 𝄛
1705 9 neurological disorder class of disease disease of anatomical entity
Anne D. Yoder 𝄛
1706 9 Crassostrea gigas taxon Peter Hochachka 𝄛
1707 9 euparin type of chemical entity biogenic benzofuran Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1708 9 germacren-4-ol type of chemical entity 1-Hydroxy-1,7-dimethyl-4-isopropyl-2,7-cyclodecadiene Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1709 9 seawater solution saline water aquatic science Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1710 9 muon neutrino type of quantum particle neutrino
Daniel Cronin-Hennessy 𝄛
1711 9 hepatitis D infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
viral infectious disease
viral hepatitis
post-viral disorder
rare hepatic disease
rare skin disease
hepatitis B
Deltavirus infectious disease
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1712 9 accelerometer measuring instrument Wendy Demark-Wahnefried 𝄛
1713 9 cell fate commitment biological process cellular developmental process David L. Wiest 𝄛
1714 9 biopolymer class of chemical entities with similar source or occurrence
second-order class
biological macromolecule
Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1715 9 history and philosophy of science academic discipline
academic major
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1716 9 Kaur-16-en-18-al type of chemical entity (1S,5R,9S,13R)-5,9-dimethyl-14-methylidenetetracyclo[,10.04,9]hexadecane-5-carbaldehyde
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1717 9 substance dependence class of disease addiction
substance use disorder
social issue
non-controlled substance abuse
addiction psychology
Mohamed Jaber 𝄛
1718 9 Medicare government program
publicly funded health care
Eric Winer 𝄛
1719 9 village classification of human settlements rural settlement
census subdivision
administrative territorial entity
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1720 9 haloperidol type of chemical entity alcohols
heterocyclic compound
Mohamed Jaber 𝄛
1721 9 dyskinesia movement disorders Philip V. Bayly 𝄛
1722 9 cobalt chemical element simple substance Eric Stach 𝄛
1723 9 host-parasite interaction host-pathogen interaction Joseph Heitman 𝄛
1724 9 literature review study type academic writing
secondary source
review article
Ellen Wright Clayton 𝄛
1725 9 Amish ethnoreligious group Swiss
Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1726 9 drusen rare disease
class of disease
degeneration of macula and posterior pole Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1727 9 open science social movement science
open knowledge
Gregor Hagedorn 𝄛
1728 9 vacuole cellular component intracellular membrane-bounded organelle Joseph Heitman 𝄛
1729 9 community engagement social engagement Gregor Hagedorn 𝄛
1730 9 xenon chemical element
atmophile element
period 5 Ronald L. Walsworth 𝄛
1731 9 angiosperms clade plant Harald Schneider 𝄛
1732 9 Arctic warming climate change Justin P. Wright 𝄛
1733 9 cadmium chemical element
chalcophile element
period 5
transition metal
post-transition metal
Amy H. Herring 𝄛
1734 9 statin therapy medical treatment Robert Califf 𝄛
1735 9 birth control family planning
medical prevention
reproductive health
Michael Selgelid 𝄛
1736 9 styrene type of chemical entity aromatic hydrocarbon Tony Jun Huang 𝄛
1737 9 embryogenesis Embryonic development developmental biology Eric F. Wieschaus 𝄛
1738 9 auxin-activated signaling pathway biological process hormone-mediated signaling pathway Xinnian Dong 𝄛
1739 9 Dual diagnosis non-controlled substance abuse
mental disorder
Robert E. Drake 𝄛
1740 9 vesicular stomatitis infectious disease stomatitis
animal disease
Rhabdoviridae infectious disease
Jennifer Martinez 𝄛
1741 9 Ross Sea sea Sylvia A. Earle 𝄛
1742 9 myoblast cell type precursor cell
Greg N. Fuller 𝄛
1743 9 metastatic potential possibility oncology Eran R Andrechek 𝄛
1744 9 viral RNA RNA
viral genome
Mariano A Garcia-Blanco 𝄛
1745 9 ecotype biological terminology race
wild type
Keith Clay 𝄛
1746 9 sailfin molly taxon Joseph Travis 𝄛
1747 9 predation risk ecological concept risk Joseph Travis 𝄛
1748 9 chronic lymphocytic leukemia class of disease
symptom or sign
lymphoblastic leukemia
chronic leukemia
small lymphocytic lymphoma
Takashi Matsushita 𝄛
1749 9 Jurassic period
Mary Jane Simpson 𝄛
1750 9 substantia nigra class of anatomical entity nucleus of brain
particular anatomical entity
Andrew B. West 𝄛
1751 9 gene duplication mutation Michael Kelley 𝄛
1752 9 dysphagia symptom or sign esophageal disease
pharyngeal diseases
throat symptom
Takashi Matsushita 𝄛
1753 9 deglaciation natural process Edward J. Brook 𝄛
1754 9 secondary hyperparathyroidism class of disease hyperparathyroidism L. Darryl Quarles 𝄛
1755 9 antimicrobial resistance drug resistance Kenji M Cunnion 𝄛
1756 9 manufacturing economic activity
system lifecycle phase
economic activity
Sarah C Nelson 𝄛
1757 9 reforestation silviculture
Antonio Gallardo 𝄛
1758 9 Radical cystectomy medical concept Daniel M. Moreira 𝄛
1759 9 Polemoniaceae taxon Diane R Campbell 𝄛
1760 9 bronchiolitis class of disease
symptom or sign
lung disease
respiratory syncytial virus infectious disease
respiratory signs and symptoms
Laurie D Snyder 𝄛
1761 9 pilocarpine type of chemical entity imidazole alkaloid Sina Farsiu 𝄛
1762 9 volatile organic compound volatile compound
organic compound
Paul C. Stoy 𝄛
1763 9 mining of coal coal industry
mineral extraction
Fabian Nippgen 𝄛
1764 9 Brassica rapa taxon Thomas Mitchell-Olds 𝄛
1765 9 marine sediment sediment Anne E. Jennings 𝄛
1766 9 antimalarial antiprotozoal Audrey R. Odom 𝄛
1767 9 follicular lymphoma class of disease B-cell lymphoma Amy P. Abernethy 𝄛
1768 9 end-of-life care medical procedure type palliative care
medical procedure
Amy P. Abernethy 𝄛
1769 9 emtricitabine type of chemical entity nucleoside analogue Anthony M. Mills 𝄛
1770 9 latitudinal gradient gradient James Samuel Clark 𝄛
1771 9 extreme weather weather
meteorological phenomenon
natural risk
Trung Thanh Nguyen 𝄛
1772 9 aspergillosis class of disease opportunistic mycosis
Jarrod R Fortwendel 𝄛
1773 9 musculoskeletal disorder class of disease disease of anatomical entity Kristen Kucera 𝄛
1774 9 oviposition biological process reproductive behavior Mark D. Rausher 𝄛
1775 9 connectome scientific model
brain mapping
connectomics Guillermo Sapiro 𝄛
1776 9 musculoskeletal pain pain
musculoskeletal system symptom
Douglas P. Kiel 𝄛
1777 9 deep vein thrombosis disease venous thrombosis Eric Bass 𝄛
1778 8 Finland sovereign state
unitary state
country bordering the Baltic Sea
William Louis Culberson 𝄛
1779 8 least squares method scientific method regression analysis regression analysis
approximation theory
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
1780 8 life sciences branch of science
academic discipline
field of study
natural science Carlos Goller 𝄛
1781 8 evolution type of process
field of study
biological process
pattern in nature
theory of evolution
evolutionary biology
Elizabeth H. Harris 𝄛
1782 8 information system type of system system
Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
1783 8 Heliocidaris erythrogramma taxon Rudolf Raff 𝄛
1784 8 evolutionary developmental biology field of study biology Rudolf Raff 𝄛
1785 8 next pandemic pandemic future event outbreak management
public health
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1786 8 rapid evolution evolution evolutionary biology
comparative biology
Rudolf Raff 𝄛
1787 8 knowledge graph graph
knowledge base
ontology engineering
computer science
Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
1788 8 Gene Ontology ontology Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1789 8 secretome fluids and secretions
Secretomics David Hibbett 𝄛
1790 8 kidney transplantation surgical procedure type renal replacement therapy
organ transplantation
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1791 8 paleontology academic discipline field research Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
1792 8 Apis mellifera taxon Claire Kremen 𝄛
1793 8 climatology interdisciplinary science
academic discipline
physical geography
atmospheric physics
Drew Shindell 𝄛
1794 8 biomimetics biology
bionics Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1795 8 sustainability type of property
sustainability science
urban planning
environmental science
Claire Kremen 𝄛
1796 8 ontology development academic discipline
field of study
conceptualization Deborah L. McGuinness 𝄛
1797 8 El Niño Southern Oscillation meteorological phenomenon teleconnection Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
1798 8 cerebellum brain region
organ type
class of anatomical entity
organ component of neuraxis
particular anatomical entity
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1799 8 ELISEA periodic health examination
enzyme immunoassay
protein method
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles 𝄛
1800 8 visible spectrum light David R. Smith 𝄛
1801 8 metacommunity ecological community Claire Kremen 𝄛
1802 8 biodiversity loss concept
environmental issue
external risk
biological risk
Claire Kremen 𝄛
1803 8 physiological phenomenon biological phenomenon physiology Miguel Nicolelis 𝄛
1804 8 non-alcoholic steatohepatitis class of disease metabolic dysfunction–associated steatotic liver disease Manal F Abdelmalek 𝄛
1805 8 sexual abuse sex crime
offense against sexual self-determination
Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
1806 8 plant ecology academic discipline
academic major
branch of ecology
branch of botany
Elsie Quarterman 𝄛
1807 8 cedar glade ecological community Elsie Quarterman 𝄛
1808 8 environmental effects phenomenon
environmental issue
Fernando T. Maestre 𝄛
1809 8 Philippines sovereign state
archipelagic state
Filipinology Dean Karlan 𝄛
1810 8 public good goods Dean Karlan 𝄛
1811 8 National Inpatient Sample database Joshua W. Hustedt 𝄛
1812 8 vasculogenesis biological process cell differentiation
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1813 8 tumor invasion biological process tumor Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1814 8 sex factor epidemiologic factor Gregory D. Zimet 𝄛
1815 8 data collaboration collaboration Georgia Tourassi 𝄛
1816 8 emerging communicable disease infectious disease
risk factor
Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1817 8 stable isotope analysis isotope analysis Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
1818 8 quantitative trait phenotypic trait Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1819 8 transition metal metal
simple substance
Michael J Devinney 𝄛
1820 8 Lepidoptera taxon lepidopterology Anyi Mazo-Vargas 𝄛
1821 8 molecular evolution academic discipline biological process Erich Jarvis 𝄛
1822 8 drought tolerance hardiness William Dwight Billings 𝄛
1823 8 Biota taxon Elsie Quarterman 𝄛
1824 8 risk communication crisis management
Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1825 8 electroporation electrochemical technique
cytological procedure
molecular biology technique
cell permeabilization
Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1826 8 organ transplantation surgical procedure type transplantation transplantology Gregg L. Semenza 𝄛
1827 8 maize taxon
model organism
cereal grain
food crop
useful plant
annual plant
Hai-Lei Zheng 𝄛
1828 8 intellectual property asset type
academic discipline
field of study
legal concept
exclusive right
erga omnes
intangible asset
Dave A. Chokshi 𝄛
1829 8 congenital heart disease developmental defect during embryogenesis
rare disease
class of disease
heart disease
congenital disorder
cardiovascular abnormality
genetic cardiac disease
genetic disease
rare genetic developmental defect during embryogenesis
Arun Sharma 𝄛
1830 8 heart arrhythmia medical finding
symptom or sign
class of disease
heart disease
clinical sign
finding of cardiac rhythm
cardiovascular system symptom
rhythmology Arun Sharma 𝄛
1831 8 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy designated intractable/rare disease
rare disease
class of disease
intrinsic cardiomyopathy
Arun Sharma 𝄛
1832 8 mountain forest type of biotope forest
montane ecosystems
Jeffrey J. McDonnell 𝄛
1833 8 pandemic preparedness outbreak management
communicable disease control
emergency management
disaster preparedness
Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1834 8 cognition biological process
type of process
academic discipline
field of study
mental process
nervous system process
cognitive science Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1835 8 olaparib type of chemical entity chemical compound Lixian Zhong 𝄛
1836 8 Adrenergic receptor, beta 2 protein Brian Kobilka 𝄛
1837 8 liver transplantation surgical procedure organ transplantation
Manal F Abdelmalek 𝄛
1838 8 evasion of host immune response biological process response to host immune response Mark W Grinstaff 𝄛
1839 8 infrared spectroscopy spectroscopy Gang Chen 𝄛
1840 8 cell surface receptor group or class of proteins integral membrane protein
signaling receptor
Martin Rodbell 𝄛
1841 8 leptospirosis infectious disease
class of disease
primary bacterial infectious disease
spirochetal diseases
Hervé Kovacic 𝄛
1842 8 dexmedetomidine type of chemical entity chemical compound Brian Kobilka 𝄛
1843 8 ritonavir type of chemical entity heterocyclic compound Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1844 8 venom body fluid
venomics Guy Salvesen 𝄛
1845 8 efavirenz type of chemical entity unsaturated compound Stephen C Strom 𝄛
1846 8 retinitis pigmentosa designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
retinal degeneration
Yuan-Tsong Chen 𝄛
1847 8 research priority problem Geraldine Dawson 𝄛
1848 8 electrical properties material property Alexander Tselev 𝄛
1849 8 eradication of infectious diseases extinction Lawrence O. Gostin 𝄛
1850 8 politics of climate change type of policy environmental policy
environmental politics
Wenjing Shi 𝄛
1851 8 latent tuberculosis tuberculosis
asymptomatic infection
Jacques Fellay 𝄛
1852 8 laparoscopy medical test type endoscopy Sean C. Glasgow 𝄛
1853 8 SH3 domain protein domain protein domain Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1854 8 anthropogenic disturbance environmental disturbance Dafeng Hui 𝄛
1855 8 feline immunodeficiency virus taxon Allen Gerard Rodrigo 𝄛
1856 8 identical protein binding molecular function protein binding Brian Kobilka 𝄛
1857 8 computational mathematics area of mathematics computational science
Gang Chen 𝄛
1858 8 lithium chemical element
alkali metal
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1859 8 endocytosis cellular process vesicle-mediated transport Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1860 8 allergic asthma class of disease respiratory allergy
extrinsic asthma
Robert Lefkowitz 𝄛
1861 8 cryogenic electron microscopy transmission electron microscopy Brian Kobilka 𝄛
1862 8 lupenone type of chemical entity (5aR,5bR,7aR,11aR,11bR,13aR,13bR)-3a,5a,5b,8,8,11a-hexamethyl-1-prop-1-en-2-yl-2,3,4,5,6,7,7a,10,11,11b,12,13,13a,13b-tetradecahydro-1H-cyclopenta[a]chrysen-9-one
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1863 8 Rayleigh–Bénard convection natural convection Mark R. Paul 𝄛
1864 8 viral genome replication biological process viral process Jayna Raghwani 𝄛
1865 8 data curation specialty
field of study
content curation Karen Cranston 𝄛
1866 8 diabetic nephropathy disease kidney disease
complications of diabetes mellitus
Peter B. Berger 𝄛
1867 8 secondary forest forest Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1868 8 mechanotransduction transduction
signal transduction
Michael Sheetz 𝄛
1869 8 forest fragmentation habitat fragmentation Stuart L. Pimm 𝄛
1870 8 (E,E)-α-farnesene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
farnesane sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1871 8 dengue fever infectious disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
viral infectious disease
flavivirus infectious disease
neglected tropical disease
mosquito-borne disease
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1872 8 (+)-δ-cadinene type of chemical entity biogenic aliphatic hydrocarbon
cadinane sesquiterpenoid
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1873 8 (-)-Isocomene type of chemical entity 2,5,6,8-tetramethyltricyclo[¹,⁵]undec-6-ene Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1874 8 demethoxyencecalin type of chemical entity 3-chromene Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1875 8 Venezuela sovereign state
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1876 8 protein family second-order class group or class of proteins
Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1877 8 protein heterodimerization activity molecular function protein dimerization activity Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1878 8 papain-like proteinase [SARS-Cov] protein
protein fragment
Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1879 8 Mozambique spitting cobra taxon Kurt Wüthrich 𝄛
1880 8 Plasmodium vivax taxon Colleen M McClean 𝄛
1881 8 actin filament cellular component polymeric cytoskeletal fiber
cytoskeletal filament
Tobias Meyer 𝄛
1882 8 Zika virus infection infection infection
flavivirus infectious disease
Katherine A Willard 𝄛
1883 8 Sri Lanka republic
sovereign state
island country
Harold E. Robinson 𝄛
1884 8 dilated cardiomyopathy rare disease
class of disease
intrinsic cardiomyopathy
dilated cardiac chambers
Martin J. Lohse 𝄛
1885 8 consciousness type of property
psychology term
mental state
sociology of human consciousness
consciousness studies
Roy F. Baumeister 𝄛
1886 8 homicide manner of death killing
violent death
Roy F. Baumeister 𝄛
1887 8 gastroenteritis class of disease
symptom or sign
gastrointestinal system disease
digestive sign
Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1888 8 Zingiberaceae taxon Zingiberales W. John Kress 𝄛
1889 8 viral genes microbial genes Robert H. Purcell 𝄛
1890 8 postoperative pain health problem postoperative complications
Ashraf S Habib 𝄛
1891 8 meningoencephalitis class of disease
symptom or sign
central nervous system disease
neurological symptom
James L Wynn 𝄛
1892 8 behavioural change change Li-Tzy Wu 𝄛
1893 8 Red harvester ant cryptic species complex
Deborah M. Gordon 𝄛
1894 8 Toxoplasma gondii taxon Terrie Moffitt 𝄛
1895 8 sexual orientation second-order class sexuality
personal data
John T. Jost 𝄛
1896 8 forestry industry
academic discipline
field of study
agriculture and forestry
Frank H. Koch 𝄛
1897 8 convection-enhanced delivery drug delivery Daniel Barboriak 𝄛
1898 8 friendship interpersonal relationship Kenneth Dodge 𝄛
1899 8 kindergarten school
day care centre
Kenneth Dodge 𝄛
1900 8 biodiversity data data Hilmar Lapp 𝄛
1901 8 coastal landscape landscape Justin P. Wright 𝄛
1902 8 focal segmental glomerulosclerosis rare disease
class of disease
nephrotic syndrome
Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1903 8 parkinsonian syndrome designated intractable/rare disease
class of disease
extrapyramidal symptoms
movement disorders
Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1904 8 Markov model mathematical model stochastic process Eric Winer 𝄛
1905 8 artery disease class of disease vascular disease Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1906 8 Internet IP network
computer network
telecommunications network communication studies
media studies
interaction science
Gregor Hagedorn 𝄛
1907 8 pathway analysis bioinformatics Margaret A. Pericak-Vance 𝄛
1908 8 quantum computing academic discipline computation Christopher Monroe 𝄛
1909 8 phonology language subsystem
academic discipline
linguistics Carel van Schaik 𝄛
1910 8 inbreeding depression fitness biology Ruth Geyer Shaw 𝄛
1911 8 catheter ablation medical procedure type medical procedure Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
1912 8 poisoning cause of death
major trauma
chemically induced disorder
Michael Selgelid 𝄛
1913 8 contraindication medical concept sign pharmacology David B. Goldstein 𝄛
1914 8 allopatric speciation speciation Mohamed Noor 𝄛
1915 8 computed tomography angiography computed tomography
medical imaging
Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
1916 8 Piwi-interacting RNA non-coding RNA Craig Mello 𝄛
1917 8 Phragmites australis taxon herbaceous plant Keith Clay 𝄛
1918 8 transesophageal echocardiography echocardiography Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
1919 8 erectile dysfunction class of disease
symptom or sign
sexual dysfunction
reproductive system symptom
Pamela S. Douglas 𝄛
1920 8 macroinvertebrate invertebrate Martin W. Doyle 𝄛
1921 8 life-history trait phenotypic trait Joseph Travis 𝄛
1922 8 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis disease
animal disease model
animal disease model
Jennifer Martinez 𝄛
1923 8 microplastics particle
plastic pollution
marine plastic pollution
Xiaoyue Ni 𝄛
1924 8 rheumatism class of disease disease
autoimmune disease of musculoskeletal system
connective tissue disease
Lisa G. Rider 𝄛
1925 8 impact of the environment effect Timothy P Fitzgerald 𝄛
1926 8 DNA sequencing molecular biology technique sequencing
nucleic acid methods
Murim Choi 𝄛
1927 8 ventricular septal defect rare disease
class of disease
heart septal defect
Robert Califf 𝄛
1928 8 ketosis physiology acidosis James Bain 𝄛
1929 8 RNA virus infectious disease viral infectious disease Lisa S Dulli 𝄛
1930 8 Retroviridae infectious disease ssRNA-RT virus infectious disease Lisa S Dulli 𝄛
1931 8 murine leukemia virus taxon Maureen Hanson 𝄛
1932 8 Homo naledi fossil taxon Christopher S Walker 𝄛
1933 8 cost–benefit analysis analysis
decision analysis
risk analysis
Neal Fann 𝄛
1934 8 neuromuscular junction cellular component
class of anatomical entity
neuroeffector junction
particular anatomical entity
Kam W. Leong 𝄛
1935 8 Japanese rice fish taxon
model organism
Cole W Matson 𝄛
1936 8 stem-cell quiescence cell quiescence William L. Stanford 𝄛
1937 8 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis class of disease idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
pulmonary fibrosis
Laurie D Snyder 𝄛
1938 8 Francisella tularensis taxon Jonathan A Harton 𝄛
1939 8 diabetic macular edema class of disease macular retinal edema
diabetic retinopathy
Sina Farsiu 𝄛
1940 8 granivore herbivore Diane R Campbell 𝄛
1941 8 chikungunya infectious disease
notifiable disease
class of disease
symptom or sign
viral infectious disease
alphavirus infections
neglected tropical disease
Rafael K Campos 𝄛
1942 8 Asian tiger mosquito taxon Lauren M. Childs 𝄛
1943 8 metastatic squamous cell carcinoma squamous cell carcinoma
metastatic malignant neoplasm
Anne E. Jennings 𝄛
1944 8 seed predation eating behavior Thomas Mitchell-Olds 𝄛
1945 8 trait variation variation Thomas Mitchell-Olds 𝄛
1946 8 gram-positive bacteria bacteria Laura E Crotty Alexander 𝄛
1947 8 respiratory irritant irritant Laura E Crotty Alexander 𝄛
1948 8 traumatic stress stress Amy P. Abernethy 𝄛
1949 8 infantile hemangioma class of disease capillary hemangioma Joyce Bischoff 𝄛
1950 8 bycatch by-product Jeffrey C. Mangel 𝄛
1951 8 osteomyelitis class of disease bone inflammation disease
infectious disease
Erin Malone 𝄛
1952 8 Helicobacter pylori infectious disease disease Helicobacter infection Meira Epplein 𝄛
1953 8 histology science biology
Mason N Dean 𝄛
1954 8 vitamin D deficiency laboratory finding
vitamin deficiency
disorders of vitamin D metabolism
David W Dowdy 𝄛
1955 8 neurology medical specialty
academic discipline
medicine Todd Harshbarger 𝄛
1956 8 postpartum depression class of disease
symptom or sign
puerperal disorders
mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
endogenous depression
mood disorder
mental depression
Thomas R. Lynch 𝄛
1957 8 voriconazole type of chemical entity azole Robert G Micheletti 𝄛
1958 8 cis-regulatory element biopolymer regulatory sequence Jeffrey Wilusz 𝄛
1959 8 great white shark taxon Barbara Block 𝄛
1960 8 West Virginia U.S. state Heileen Hsu-Kim 𝄛
1961 8 job analysis process human resource management Kristen Kucera 𝄛
1962 8 work performance economic indicator effectiveness Kristen Kucera 𝄛
1963 8 back injury major trauma Kristen Kucera 𝄛
1964 8 administrative controls type of regulation and control Kristen Kucera 𝄛
1965 8 Cope's gray treefrog taxon Josh Van Buskirk 𝄛
1966 8 juvenile rheumatoid arthritis arthropathy
class of disease
rheumatoid arthritis
childhood arthritis
Raquel Rabionet 𝄛
1967 8 Extensible Markup Language markup language
file format
data serialization format
research tool
markup language Chris F Taylor 𝄛
1968 8 Western Ghats mountain range
protected area
Krithi Karanth 𝄛
1969 8 Perciformes taxon Efraín De Luna 𝄛
1970 8 Kaposi's sarcoma infectious disease
class of disease
connective tissue neoplasm
human herpesvirus 8 infectious disease
viral infectious disease
Evelyn Byrd Quinlivan 𝄛
1971 8 LGBT community
group of humans
minority group
LGBT slang
sexual minority
gender minority
transgender studies
sexuality studies
Francesca Kassing 𝄛
1972 8 Rhizoctonia solani taxon Dolores González 𝄛
1973 8 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma disease carcinoma Ricardo Pietrobon 𝄛
1974 8 spike glycoprotein [SARS-CoV-2] protein spike glycoprotein
protein precursor
viral protein
Priyamvada Acharya 𝄛
1975 8 Labridae taxon Mark W. Westneat 𝄛
1976 7 chemotype quality William Louis Culberson 𝄛
1977 7 rheology branch of physics
academic major
continuum mechanics
materials science
Daisuke Asai 𝄛
1978 7 enantiomer isomer Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
1979 7 Homo sapiens taxon Weston La Barre 𝄛
1980 7 sensor data data Andrea Bertozzi 𝄛
1981 7 horizontal gene transfer biological process genetic transfer
cellular process
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
1982 7 transfer RNA structural class of chemical entities non-coding RNA
Sung-Hou Kim 𝄛
1983 7 cholangiocarcinoma class of disease bile duct adenocarcinoma
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1984 7 social engagement social phenomenon
Charles H. Zeanah 𝄛
1985 7 web service software category service Dana S. Nau 𝄛
1986 7 feminism reformism
artistic theme
social movement
political movement
critical sociology
political ideology women's studies
gender studies
feminist theory
history of feminism
women's history
Charlotte Bunch 𝄛
1987 7 evolutionary novelty ecological change Rudolf Raff 𝄛
1988 7 skin cancer class of disease integumentary system cancer
skin neoplasm
skin disease
Gregory M Palmer 𝄛
1989 7 evolutionary biology specialty
branch of biology
biology David Hibbett 𝄛
1990 7 monsoon wind monsoon meteorology Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
1991 7 terahertz unit of frequency
SI unit
David R. Smith 𝄛
1992 7 ice core core sample Drew Shindell 𝄛
1993 7 climate sensitivity physical quantity Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
1994 7 biotic homogenization ecological concept ecology
evolutionary biology
Claire Kremen 𝄛
1995 7 urban invasion biological invasion invasion biology Claire Kremen 𝄛
1996 7 sea surface temperature temperature Gabriele C. Hegerl 𝄛
1997 7 Southern Hemisphere hemisphere of the Earth Drew Shindell 𝄛
1998 7 augmented reality technology extended reality Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
1999 7 thrombectomy surgical procedure
vascular surgery
Ricardo J. Komotar 𝄛
2000 7 drug overdose poisoning
substance-related disorder
Litjen Tan 𝄛

∑ 2000 items.

End of automatically generated list.