Wikidata:Datos lexicográficos/Desendolcu

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Development and the translation is 52% complete.

El proyectu Datos Lexicográficos ye parte de Wikidata. Los componentes téunicos (Extension:WikibaseLexeme, APIs, interfaz…) tán desendolcaos pol departamentu de software de Wikimedia Alemaña. Dalgunos desendolcadores voluntarios pueden ayudar tamién col desendolcu. Esta páxina presenta brevemente a les persones y responsabilidaes, y cómo dar la to opinión no que cinca al desendolcu de les carauterístiques.


Comunicación coles comunidaes

Léa Lacroix

Lea Lacroix (WMDE) encárgase de la comunicación coles comunidaes en Wikidata. Ella fai d'interfaz ente los editores y los equipos de desendolcu, recueye les necesidaes y opiniones, y tamién anuncia los desendolcos futuros. Ye’l contactu principal pa los editores de Wikidata, pero tamién pa los editores d'otros proyeutos de Wikimedia, como Wikcionariu. Trabaya en conxuntu cola responsable del productu, el responsable d'inxeniería y los desendolcadores.

Comunícate con Léa si tienes entrugues sobro el proyectu, el desendolcu, o los llazos coles comunidaes. Puedes tamién compartir con ella suxerencies, idees, o necesidaes d'ameyoramientos.


Responsable del productu

Lydia Pintscher

Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) is the product manager for Wikidata. She’s responsible of the development of Wikidata and the different projects that it contains, including lexicographical data. She’s having a global overview about Wikidata from the technical side, its goals and the strategy to achieve them. She’s taking decisions and establishing priorities for the product, working closely with Lea to understand what the community needs.

Comunícate con Lydia si desees falar sobro el proyectu, los oxetivos o la definición.



The software department from Wikimedia Germany employs many developers working on different projects (not only lexicographical data and Wikidata, but also the Mediawiki core, the technical wishlist for German Wikipedia, the fundraising tool of Wikimedia Germany…) The development team is flexible and the developers can move from a project to another in time, when more resources or specific skills are needed for a project.

The developers are committed on the projects they work on, make sure that they are secure, stable and sustainable.

The developers need time and a quiet environment to work. Please don’t contact the developers directly if you have an issue, so they can concentrate on writing the code for you. Prefer contacting Léa (see above) or creating a Phabricator ticket.

Esperiencia d'usuariu

The software department from Wikimedia Germany includes a UX team who’s working on user research, user experience and prototyping user interfaces. They can ask for input from editors, organise research on editor’s workflow.


Editors and volunteers can also be involved in the development, for example by building scripts, tools on the top of the existing structure. They can also submit patches for the core project. They are not part of the Wikimedia Germany software department.

These people are developing tools for lexicographical data or reusing it:

Note: topics like definition of properties or discussions about how the content should be organized, is handled by the entire community, not only by developers. If you have any issue about this, feel free to write on Wikidata talk:Lexicographical data.

Plan de desendolcu

Most of the technical discussions and decisions take place on Phabricator. On the Lexicographical Data Board, you can have an overview of the development plan, the features that are planned for the next releases, and the tasks that the team is working on.

The first release took place in May 2018. Since then, the project is regularly maintained.

Feel free to create new tasks to report bugs or features wishes, or let comments to participate to discussions. If you don’t feel comfortable with Phabricator, you can also write on Wikidata talk:Lexicographical data or contact Lea Lacroix (WMDE) to discuss about technical issues.

The most important discussions and announcements will be made on Wikidata talk:Lexicographical data. Follow this page to get informed of the news. This is also where you can start any discussion.

Former development plans

Start date Primary author(s)
2013-02 JAn Dudík
This, that and the other
2013-06 Denny
(Denny Vrandečić (WMDE))
2013-07 Micru
Francis Tyers
2013-08 Denny
2013-09 Ivadon
2013-10 Bigbossfarin
2014-10 GPHemsley
2015-05 Denny