Wikidata:Property proposal/British Museum thesauri

British Museum thesaurus ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Authority control

Descriptionidentifier in the British Museum thesaurus: object type, ceramics ware, subject...
RepresentsBritish Museum thesauri (Q28693490)
Data typeExternal identifier
Allowed valuesx\d+
Sourcesee below
Formatter URL$1

The British Museum has a number of thesauri that are important for cultural heritage, yet not coreferenced to anything in the world. I think BM would see it as a major win if the community helps them to coreference. I considered the thesauri in 3 major groups:

I won't lie, WD doesn't include some important entries for artistic periods/styles. Eg the two marked (*) above are problematic:

  • Alhambra style is different from the place where it originated,
  • Brocot watch escapement is different from the person who created it.

But by putting these thesauri out in Mix-n-Match, we'll create visibility and let the community tackle this question.

I'd say that among these 28, the most important ones are:

  • thes:ethname 3351
  • thes:matcult 1483
  • thes:material 2044
  • thes:nationality 250
  • thes:political-state 191
  • thes:school 482
  • thes:state 263
  • thes:subject 1442
  • thes:technique 598
  • thes:object 5845
  • thes:ware 666 (ceramics ware)
  • thes:escape 88 (clock escapement)


prefix thes: <>
select ?x ?label ?descr ?broader ?scheme ?schDescr {
  filter (?s in (thes:escape, thes:ware))
  ?x skos:inScheme ?s;
    skos:prefLabel ?label.
  ?s rdfs:label ?scheme
  optional {?x skos:broader [skos:prefLabel ?broader]}
  optional {?x skos:scopeNote ?descr}
  optional {?s rdfs:comment ?schDescr}

Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 15:57, 6 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
