Wikidata:Property proposal/Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID

Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID


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   Under discussion
DescriptionMapes de patrimoni cultural (Q9028374) is an ensemble of exhaustive catalogues of cultural heritage elements in one municipality, promoted by Provincial Deputation of Barcelona (Q1607008). It includes mostly material cultural heritage, also some elements of immaterial cultural heritage and natural heritage.
Data typeExternal identifier
Allowed unitsnone
Example 1Pont de Rupit (Q85240763) pont-penjat
Example 2Ca l'Adjuntori sundial (Q117383052) rellotge-de-sol-de-ca-ladjutori
Example 3Santa Eulàlia de Provençana (Q11947523) ermita-de-santa-eulalia-de-provencana
Source and
Number of IDs in sourceSome thousands to tens of thousands
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
Implied notabilityWikidata property for an identifier that suggests notability (Q62589316)
Formatter URL$1



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