Wikidata:Property proposal/National Diet Library Persistent ID

National Diet Library Persistent ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Authority control

DescriptionPersistent identifier for a work in the National Diet Library (Q477675), typically a scholarly article.
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainscholarly article (Q13442814) scientific journal (Q5633421)
Allowed values[1-9]\d+
Example 1Deep-sea nematodes off Mindanao Island, the Philippines I. Draconematidae (Q107397646) 10855631
Example 2Tamiji Kawamura 1883-1964 (Q107396565) 10854755
Example 3Helminth fauna of bats in Japan III (Q107396672) 10854861
External linksUse in sister projects: [ar][de][en][es][fr][he][it][ja][ko][nl][pl][pt][ru][sv][vi][zh][commons][species][wd][en.wikt][fr.wikt].
Planned useInitially I would add this identifier to existing items, e.g. articles in the journal Annotationes zoologicae Japonenses (Q21385019).
Number of IDs in source10,000+
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
Formatter URL$1
See alsoCiNii (Q10726338)
Distinct-values constraintyes
Wikidata projectWikiCite



National Diet Library (Q477675) persistent identifiers are used for scholarly articles in the National Diet Library (Q477675), and are frequently linked to from CiNii (Q10726338). In the past CiNii (Q10726338) often had direct links to PDFs for article with a NII article ID (P2409) but now it seems this content is being dispersed among the National Diet Library (Q477675), J-STAGE (Q11225111), and elsewhere. Having this property will help identify Japanese scholarly literature, and potentially provide Wikidata users with links to full text. Note that this persistent identifier is different from the existing JPNO (P2687) NDL Bib ID (P1054) NDL Authority ID (P349) properties. My own focus is on the biological taxonomy literature, but other fields of study are also likely to benefit. -- Rdmpage (talk) 13:16, 2 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]



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