Wikidata:Property proposal/Naturvårdsverket Amenity ID

Swedish Environmental Protection Agency OBJECTID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

Descriptionidentifier from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency geodata table with amenities related to protection areas
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainshelter (Q7493941)
Allowed valuesregex: 8 numbers e.g. 7428475
Example 1Q96475355 → 30207987
Planned useimport of shelters. See Wikidata:WikiProject_Shelters/Sweden
Number of IDs in source14626
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)? The dataset is continually updated I presume as new protected areas are created.



This is needed to enable synchronization when updating shelters from a Swedish Nature Protection Agency geodata source. @ChristianKl:--So9q (talk) 07:11, 21 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

I checked that this ID in this dataset is unique among its contents. I would prefer the whole agency to have a unique id spanning all the datasets but that is perhaps to much to ask. There is another ID called Anordningar_ID but it did not use a consistent format so I choose this one instead.--So9q (talk) 19:45, 21 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]


@So9q, ChristianKl, Salgo60, 轻语者:   Done Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Amenity OBJECTID (P8409) has been created. Pamputt (talk) 10:30, 5 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]