Wikidata:Property proposal/VD 18 ID

VD 18 ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Creative work

   Done: VD 18 ID (P6135) (Talk and documentation)
Descriptionpublication ID in the bibliography of 18th century printed material in the German speaking areas
RepresentsVD 18 (Q1739957)
Data typeExternal identifier
Allowed values[0-9]\d{7}
Example 1Journal der practischen Heilkunde (Q19214494)90294076
Example 2Critique of Pure Reason (Q220002)14482940 (first edition)
Example 3Oekonomische Encyklopädie (Q916201)11039493
SourceVD18 database
External linksUse in sister projects: [ar][de][en][es][fr][he][it][ja][ko][nl][pl][pt][ru][sv][vi][zh][commons][species][wd][en.wikt][fr.wikt].
Number of IDs in source600.000
Expected completenesseventually complete (Q21873974)
Formatter URL$1



All printed material published in the 18th century in Germany and other German speaking areas is cataloged in VD 18 (Q1739957), often with digitized editions. Corresponding Wikidata items should be linked to this bibliography by the VD18 number. For examples of works already in Wikimedia projects see Category 18th century in German Wikisource, or this (fairly incomplete) query:

SELECT ?p ?pLabel ?year WHERE {
  ?p wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q571 .
  ?p wdt:P577 ?date .  
  ?p wdt:P407 wd:Q188 .
  FILTER (year(?date) >= 1701) .
  FILTER (year(?date) <= 1800) .
  BIND (year(?date) AS ?year) .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de". }
Try it!

Disclaimer: my employer hosts the VD18 database and will extend a web portal for the bibliography that could benefit from linking with Wikidata. -- JakobVoss (talk) 20:11, 8 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]



@ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2, JakobVoss, Pigsonthewing:   Done: VD 18 ID (P6135). − Pintoch (talk) 22:38, 15 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]