Wikidata:Property proposal/agglomerative



Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Organization

   Not done
Descriptionpopulation within the city's natural borders
Represents10,354,675 for Q90 (in contrast to 2,206,488 as for the administrative population)
Data typeQuantity
Template parameterf.e. "urban" in w:Munich
Example 1Paris (Q90) → 10,354,675
Example 2Munich (Q1726) → 2,606,021
Example 3Toulouse (Q7880) → 948,433
Example 4Copenhagen (Q1748) → 1,627,705
Planned useI want to add the agglomerative populations of europes biggest cities.
See alsopart of (P361) -> denotes the metropolitan area, population (P1082) -> shows you the administrative population



In a highly populated area there are three different values for the population: The administrative which shows you the population within artificial borders, the agglomerative which shows you the cities population in its natural borders and the metropolitan which shows you the population of the whole densly populated area. Currently when a population (population (P1082)) is given its only the administrative population and through the property "Part of" (part of (P361)) the metropolitan area is presented (without a number). I want to present a more realistic value of a city with this new property. I imagine this property as a qualifier under the current property for population. 2003:C3:EF19:F26A:D4:FF1A:9E69:E0B9 11:32, 27 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

