Wikidata:WikiProject Human rights

Welcome to the Wikidata Project for Human Rights!

Human rights include a variety of topics, many of them laid out by international treaty bodies and other laws. This project is to describe those rights, the activists and defenders involved in protecting them, and topics adjacent to that field of advocacy and support.

Content in Scope


To add content in scope to this project, add the on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008) WikiProject Human Rights (Q13382529).

As part of #WikiForHumanRights a shortlist of topics in scope of that campaign can be found at WikiForHumanRights.

To learn more about human rights content, check out the coverage of:

Opportunities to contribute


Many of the currently tagged items come from an import of articles in the scope of English Wikipedia's WikiProject.

Missing language WikiProject imports to on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008) from these WikiProject indicated on WikiProject Human Rights (Q13382529):

  • Español
  • فارسی
  • Français
  • Galego
  • Русский
  • 中文

Other opportunities include:

  • Improving quality of data in the content described in scope above, i.e. adding country and citizenship to items.
  • Add lists and enrichment opportunities to different types of content described in the P5008 in scope table

Proposed thesaurus for human rights problems


human rights problem (Q82344365) has subclasses human rights abuse (Q82346263) and human rights violation (Q11376059). The latter has many subclasses, such as torture, extra-judicial killing (Q2717573) and baseless criminal charges. Use the most specific item as instance of (P31).

Items to be used as "instance of"
Item Subclass of Remarks Used in
human rights problem (Q82344365)      problem (Q621184)      a "catch-all" term for situations that not reach the level of abuses or violations. Agua Zarca dam project (Q24025275)     
human rights abuse (Q82346263)      human rights problem (Q82344365)      includes violative conduct committed by non-State actors such as rebel groups, businesses or informal authorities. attack against Honduran Supreme Court of Justice Magistrate María Luisa Ramos (Q82955730)     
human rights violation (Q11376059)      human rights problem (Q82344365)      can be committed by people who work for the State, through action or omission. trial against Berta Cáceres accused of possession of an illegal fire-arm (Q80113457)     
extra-judicial killing (Q2717573)      human rights violation (Q11376059)      unlawful killing of someone by the state. killing of Tomás García (Q80004465)     
torture (Q132781)      human rights violation (Q11376059)     
baseless criminal charge (Q80111632)      human rights violation (Q11376059)     

The qualifier of (P642) can be used in several ways to add precision to any of the above instance of (P31).

There is rarely agreement amongst the involved parties if a human rights violation - a juridical concept - has been committed or not, even in cases in which the agree about what actually happened. It is good practice search for sources with another point of view, which can be expressed by using the qualifier statement disputed by (P1310).

Until a court has ruled that a situation actually constitutes a human rights violation, or a relevant state authority has aknowledged it a such, human rights violations can normally be considered to be allegedly (Q32188232)     . Use sourcing circumstances (P1480).

Qualifiers to be used with "human rights problem" or any of its subclasses
Qualifier Relates to Remarks Example value
of (P642) international human rights instrument (Q1414472)      Which international human rights instrument is possibly breached by this situation? International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Q392119)     
of (P642) human rights (Q8458)      Which specific human right(s) is affected? right to life (Q25822)     
of (P642) N/A Is it an act of action (commission) and/or omission? action (Q4026292)      and/or omission (Q573744)     
of (P642) human rights obligation (Q83036223)      Which of the three state human rights obligations is not complied with? obligation to respect (Q83037102)     , obligation to protect (Q83037848)      and/or obligation to fulfil (Q83038510)     
statement disputed by (P1310) State, state authority or other agent. Is someone disputing this, both regarding what actually happened or the juridical implications? Honduras (Q783)     
sourcing circumstances (P1480) N/A Normally human rights violations are just "alleged". If your source states a violation as a fact, it is fair to also use a complementing source with another point of view. allegedly (Q32188232)     

A fundamental question in human rights reporting is "who did what to whom?". The above tables focus on the "what". For expressing responsibilities and victims, use participant (Q56512863) with relevant qualifier. Individual perpetrators can be named as such, but for authorities, and other organisations use duty bearer (Q83046384). One reason for this is that perpetrator (Q18028810)      can only be used for people.

Qualifiers to be used with values of "participant" in combination with "instance of" human rights problem of any of its subclasses
Qualifier Relates to Remarks Example value
object has role (P3831) human (Q5)     "to whom?" Which individual(s) had rights affected negatively in this situation? victim (Q1851760)     
object has role (P3831) human (Q5)     "who?" individual(s) carrying out the act perpetrator (Q18028810)      or its subclasses indirect perpetrator (Q79798111)      and direct perpetrator (Q79798062)     
object has role (P3831) organ of state (Q15708736)      Which authority or state is responsible from a perspective of human rights law? duty bearer (Q83046384)     
object has role (P3831) "to whom?" Which person or group have rights in this situation that could be affected negatively? rights holder (Q83049621)     



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